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Violence in school
Violence in schools
Policy makers, researchers, parents, teachers
The Institute of Educational Sciences, UNICEF Romania
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
The present study has aimed to provide an insight into the scale of the phenomenon of violence in Romanian schools, identifying in the same time the causes and factors that determine it. The study also suggests to civil society bodies responsible for this a set of recommendations on improving and preventing violence in schools.
The investigative process of the phenomenon of violence in schools was based upon a complex research strategy that combined both quantitative research methods, as well as qualitative methods.
In order to properly identify the phenomena of violence and its forms of manifestation, causes and possible solutions of prevention and intervention the researchers tried to capture representatives of different actors of the educational community – school managers, teachers, school inspectors, other factors responsible – representatives of the police, parents and students. The research has used multiple samples and many lots for investigation.
Based on the investigation performed, the following conclusions were drawn: more than 75% of the schools are facing this phenomenon; the share of pupils with serious manifestations of violence is estimated - according to the statements of the directors pf schools investigated - at about 2.5%; the percentage of children and young victims of violence (robbery, sexual assault, physical assault, harassment etc.) estimated on the basis of the survey is about 3%.
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Intervention protocol, Whole-school anti-bullying policy, Information for parents.
This study responds to a need of knowing the size, forms, manifestation and causes of the phenomenon of school violence. All of these are requirements for the development of national strategy regarding the violence in schools phenomenon. Research is thus a necessary step, a good argument to raise awareness of a wide audience and a condition for mobilizing resources.
The research objectives were:
- Assessing the scale of the phenomenon of violence in schools;
- Identifying the situations in which violence in schools occurs and developing a typology of the phenomenon;
- Indentifying the causes;
- Developing a set of recommendations for teachers and parents in order to improve the current situation.
Bogdan Irimia
EuroEd Foundation
Project Assistant
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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