"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Emotional Support Services 'Child Line'
hepl, children, call
Lithuanian children and adolescents
The staff of public institution "Vaikų linija"
Parents, Young People.
ChildLine - a voluntary emotional support service for children and adolescents. Children and adolescents may turn to ChildLine on the various challenges facing them - disagreements with friends, parents or teachers, conflicts, difficulties in social sciences, when they feel lonely or unloved, but also for various other problems, and when it is difficult to talk. Specially prepared for this kind of job counselors and volunteers provide Support for children by telephone and Internet.
Child Line is constantly searching for people who want to test themselves in volunteering, who are liable to help children and adolescents when talking to them over the phone or writing back letters. Every year in Vilnius and Kaunas an average of 30 people becomes Childline volunteer counselors.
ChildLine since 2004 has been actively involved in bullying prevention and carries out the campaign "Be patyčių" ("Without bullying").
There is growing number of children who seek counseling in Childline.
ChildLine has contributed that bullying has become more visible and recognized in its decision to engage various groups in society - schools, community (children, teachers, parents), non governmental organizations, scientists, politicians and others. One of the campaign‘s "BE PATYČIŲ“ goals is an effective bullying prevention methods dissemination, which proceeds during classes organized by Childline. Childline specialists provide lectures and workshops on bullying prevention for professionals who are working with children, students and their parents.
Through „BE PATYČIŲ“ campaign ChildLine enabled school staff and parents of students talk to Childline professionals to discuss the situations that relate to bullying. Adults can write a letter to [email protected] and answers are posted publicly in www.vaikulinija.lt website. This initiative is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the people contributions in www.aukok.lt portal.
Help-line/counseling, Information for parents.
This initiative provides assistance not only for children who have nobody to talk to, but also provide experience for young volunteers. Various courses, seminars, training sessions are increasing awareness of the scale of the problem of bullying. pages
Rūta Kukučionytė
Kaunas university of technology
Project administrator
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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