"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Plan for prevention and treatment of conflicts (materials for their implementation in a secondary school)
Conflicts, peer relationships, convivencia, values education, mediation
Transnational Project
All the school community
Educational community.
First of all this project aims, to equip our center with complete and structured material, necessary to achieve the objectives proposed in the plan for conflict prevention and treatment in the school. It could also serve as a reference, counseling or guide for other schools who intend to design a plan for coexistence, or conflict treatment or whatever you may call it, that is not just brought down to a declaration of intentions, a paper that is sent to the educational administration because we are required to, or merely an element of propaganda.
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Intervention protocol, Parent training/meetings, Disciplinary methods, Classroom management, Teacher training, Classroom rules, Whole-school anti-bullying policy, Information for parents, Cooperative group work, Videos, Peer support.
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The work is divided into six chapters:
1. Describes the training process of the conflict treatment group along the annual plan of conflict management designed for the center, its development and its justification in the integrated management model of coexistence.
2. We present the materials used in different areas of intervention of the center plan, which precedes the corresponding justification and instructions for its use.
3. It focuses on conflict management training aimed at all sectors of the center.
4. and 5. Curricular approach proposed by materials to be used in various areas and mentoring, aimed at the integral developing students´.
6. The work is closed with an annotated bibliography.
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University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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