"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Helping teams, bullying and convivencia.
J.Mª. Avilés Martínez, N. Torres Vicente, MªV. Vian Barón.
Revista electrónica de investigación psicoeducativa 16, 6(3), 863-886, 2008.
Convivencia, bullying, support programmes, support teams, teaching community.
1 - 20 pages
We are exploring the effects of a Peer Support Programme (Cowie, 1998), as a means to, amongst others, (friendship, mentoring, meditation or advise), to improve school relationship and prevent the bullying. It analyzes its possbile effects on buyllying and the satisfaction of different sections of the teaching community when putting in practice.
This article is of outstanding interest because it lets us know the results of the implementation of Peer Support program in a center of secondary school, obtained through the questionnaire Insebull (Aviles and Elcies, 2007) on intimidation and bullying. This questionnaire includes the perception that the school have the impact and consequences that bullying has on school life and gives the following results: implementation of the Peer Support Program causes the victim to communicate what happens, the perpetrators as more aware of their actions and social abuse is displayed. The student member of the Support Teams considered to participate in the program has changed its way of acting and thinking, their families believe it is a positive experience for them and support the continuation of the measure at the Center and the teachers and students receptor, saying that such contributions improve the coexistence of the Center.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
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