"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Peer victimization in Spanish Secondary Schools: The state of the art.
C. Del Barrio, E. Martín, I. Montero, H. Gutiérrez, I. Fernández.
Infancia y Aprendizaje, 26 (1), 25-47, 2003.
Prevalence, bullying, gender, age
1 - 20 pages
We present new data-collected as part of an empirical study for the Ombudsman's Report on School Violence on the incidence of different kinds of bulling behavior among secondary school students, the circumstances surrounding the bulling, and the teachers' view. A questionnaire to estimate the incidence of bullying was administared to a national representative sample of 3000 male and female secondary school students. Cuestions requiere the subject to take the role of possible victim, aggresor or witness. The data shows that social exclusion and verbal aggression are the most common form of aggression. Variations in the type of aggression and in whether subjects adopt the role of victim or aggression. Variations in the type of aggression and in whether subjects adopt the role of victim or aggression are related to gender and academic year. In general, boys are more involved in aggressive behaviors, except for indirect forms of bullying. However, the incidence is higher in the first stage of secondary education, with the exception of backbiting and ignoring. Victims tend to describe the aggresor as someone in the same form. Age increases the likelihood that the aggresion will take place in the classroom. In addition, victims receive little external help, this is limited to friends' support. For their part, form teachers and students, the priority given by teachers and students, the priority given by teachers to bullying behaviors, and the measures adopted both at an individual level and within the school to solve this problem.
This article has been chosen because it gives results on the application of a questionnaire administered to a national sample of 3000 students of ESO (half of each sex) results in total interest data. One of them is that most of the attacks are manifested as social exclusion and verbal aggression. On the other hand, there is a need for intervention, through the fact that reflects the limited support received by victims and is limited to friends. Another highlight of this research is the reference to information conveyed by the heads of studies on aggression among teachers and students, the importance given to situations of abuse, and individual measures applied in schools to address the problem.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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