"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Training in convivencia and mediation: A proposal from the emotional education.
C. Caurín Alonso, N. Marco Chalet, and Mª J. Martínez Penella
Compartim. Revista de formació del professorat, 4, 1-9, 2009.
Bullying, school violence, convivencia, mediation, formation
Teachers, School Directors, School psychologist.
1 - 20 pages
In the present article the experience of a Center of Secondary Education of Valencia is developed in order to create a coexistence and mediation culture. For it, they have created a series of strategies and activities that allow to work from several levels with all the members of the educative community. They concentrate in the formation of mediators in different scopes of the school community to come up the violence through the mediation and of the resolution of conflicts. With this program they offer a formation based on the emotional education and the technical formation by means of three different parts. First part: to learn to think like mediators and education of emotions and feelings; second part: education for the equality and explanation of the mediation process; third part: social competition and moral development. In the end, they realize the beginning of each one of the learned techniques. The results that they have obtained with this program of formation of mediators have been positive. In summary, they propose a methodology based on strategies of instruction, exhibition, documentation, of discussion, production of materials and work in equipment of the different members from the educative community to carry out the mediation programs.
Like the peer support programs, the mediation programs constitute one of the main strategies to approach the problem of the school violence. Both have been like very useful tools the service of the improvement of the communication channels in the school. The mediation programs are open processes that we can be modifying what we consider more advisable for the center at issue. This causes that a great diversity of this type of programs exists, concentrating all of them in the formation of the pupils able to listen to and to accompany in its needs to other partners or members by the community. The program that is detailed in this article is a good example of it. This article has been selected to better understand these programs through a real experience in a Center of Secondary Education. These programs are adapted to introduce a philosophy of management of the coexistence based on the development of the negotiation capacities and mutual respect, besides fomenting the empathy and the improvement of the interpersonal relations. When constructing procedures for the management of the coexistence with the resource of the own partners like key element of intervention, the school climate tends to attitudes of protection and preoccupation by the well-being of the set.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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