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School bullying: a proposal of intervention in a secondary school.
R. García Ros, J. M. García Valls and I. Talaya González.
Transatlántica de educación, 4, 107-118, 2008.
Bullying, school violence, evaluation, intervention.
Teachers, Researchers, School Directors, School psychologist.
1 - 20 pages
In this report a proposal of intervention of the school violence in a Center of Secondary Education appears. First of all, an initial evaluation was realized to know the incidence real of peer support bullying and the specific characteristics that it adopted in that educative center in particular. The data collected in this evaluation indicated that a specific intervention was necessary that contributes to prevent the school violence and to improve the climate and the coexistence between the pupils. This project of intervention has been realized taking as frame several programs that have been developed in diverse countries and that have shown their effectiveness: Project of Prevention of the Bullying de Olweus, Project Sheffield and Project Save. The intervention consists of three types of measurement: measures of organizational character, measures within the classroom and individual measures. The second group of measures includes three measured types specific: elaboration of norms against the aggressions, meetings of classroom or circles of quality and periodic meetings with the parents. The organizational measures and of classroom are of preventive character, whereas the individual measures try to eradicate a situation of bullying already established. All this, is carried out through a global approach and ecological that tries to imply to all the educative community in the elaboration, implantation and evaluation of the measures to fight the peer support bullying. This makes the coordination necessary of all the members of this community and a systematic approach that allows to the establishment of clear objectives and the evaluation of the same.
This article has been selected because it shows a proposal of action of the school violence that comprises of the national tradition of the models of educative innovation and incorporate the positive purposes of the education in values. Although a unique and effective solution does not exist for the diversity of situations of school harassment, we can consider this action model as an orientative guide of our future interventions against the school violence. This proposal includes measures to prevent the future appearance with cases of violence, as well as the correction of existing situations. It is based on a systematic approach, reason why it acts from different intervention levels, implying to all the members of the educative community. He is very recommendable, to develop strategies that involve so much to the adults as to the adolescents to create a climate of coexistence in the school in which the bullying does not take place. In addition, when being a systemic approach, it is but probable that the results are stable at least during a period of time longer than with the isolated interventions, concrete and precise. Specifically, many factors or important dimensions exist and they must consider at the time of working against the school violence. If not outside by the systematic models, we could not get good and lasting results.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
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