"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Study of incidence of intimidation and bullying in secondary education compulsory by the questionnaire CIMEI (Avilés, 1999)-Survey on Bullying and Intimidation ".
J. M. Avilés Martínez & I. Monjas Casares.
Anales de psicología, 21 (1), 27-41, 2005.
Bullying, gender, age, causal attribution, questionnaire.
1 - 20 pages
This study attempts to present the incidence of the phenomenon of abuse and its most persistent forms of secondary schools of Valladolid, and to evaluate it against other trials were close culturally. We also intend to study if the incidence of different gender and age between bullying and victimization in the forms they take, knowing key situational occurrence of bullying and compare the differences in causal attribution made victims, offenders and witnesses.
These authors include in income the common feature of almost all investigations, the existence of more cases of offenders boys than girls. Victims and perpetrators act in the presence of witnesses who usually stay on the sidelines, while recognizing usually live with abuse. The students in this study reported that bullying mostly happens inside schools and out of sight of adults, which involved saying little, and when is the teacher who does it, are recognized more teachers the teachers.
This research tries to explain the incidence of abuse and bullying among peers, using a sample of 496 students between 12 and 16 years (1 º ESO 4 º of ESO) of five Secondary Schools Valladolid. The questionnaire used was the CIMEI-Questionnaire on Bullying and Intimidation-(Avilés, 1999). One of the main conclusive data in this study is that one of the constants in bullying behavior is the difficulty experienced by the victim to find areas of communication to help solve your problem effectively, which often just confirmed his own conviction inability to overcome their situation.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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