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Agresivitatea elevilor este indusă de modul în care e organizată școala
Melania Mandas Vergu
Aggression among pupils
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In this article we find presented an interview with Mr. Mircea Micle. In this interview, the professor is trying to provide answers to questions concerning the causes of this unfortunate phenomenon, violence in schools, and the actions that family or school could take.
Professor of Psychology at Babeș Bolyai University, Mircea Micle taught at famous universities and institutes like: Birmingham University, Vienna University, New School for Social Research. He is the director of the Center for Applied Cognitive Psychology, editor and founder of the journal „Brain, cognition and behavior”. In 2004 and 2005 he was the Minister of Education.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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