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Cum poate fi stopata violenta in scoli?
Vasilica Dumitrasi
Ziarul de Iasi
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In the present article Vasilica Dumitrasi gathers in one place the opinions of six different people regarding the violence in schools phenomenon. The six protagonists of this article come from different social and professional backgrounds, this way creating a more lifelike picture of the situation. Each one of them is asked to answer the question: How can violence in schools be stopped?.
The first answer comes from a 47 year old teacher. He thinks that pupils miss, or it has been poorly done, primary education and the education provided by their families.
Then we see the opinion of a dental technician that thinks that in schools, as early as possible, should be introduced self defense courses and psychological formation.
Then, a guard agent comes with the idea of implementing a school regulation and a code of conduct. These should have clear statements that leave no room for interpretation.
Next we see the opinion of a driver who also speaks from the posture of parent. He would want to see implemented in Romanian schools the measures that were successfully implemented in the western countries.
We are also presented the opinion of a public servant that believes that parents are the one to be blamed because they don’t get involved in their childrens education.
Finally we see the opinion of a retired person who thinks that this phenomenon is the effect of a profound crisis of identity and authority, present a every level of the Romanian society.
This article presents in an inedited manner the phenomenon of school violence present in Romania. The author of the articles makes a compilation of opinions that come from six different persons. This particular fact gives a more real note to the problem and brings forth new measures of dealing with this problem. The diversity of the persons who answer the question, which can be found even in the title of the article, highlights a reality that is more close to the reader and thus has a greater impact on him. Policy makers related to this field can use these points of view in order to try to integrate them in a legislative package that can counter the negative effects of violence in schools.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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