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Violența în școală. Măsuri de combatere
Zota Maria Magdalena
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In order to combat violence at the school level, a unified point of view from the teachers’ part is absolutely required. Besides that there is also a stringent need for the teachers to work closely with the school psychologist, to request his support when necessary, a special pedagogical tact from all teachers. Also, teachers must take into consideration the fact that they need to always take the appropriate measures and apply them equally and consistently in all cases.
The above considerations are only a part of the measures proposed by the author to combat school violence. In the contents of the article there can be found many perspectives and approaches to the problem.
The author admits modestly that the measures presented are not the only ones and she comes with an incentive at the end of the article to extend this list.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
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