"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Violența în mediul școlar
Colegiul Național „Titu Maiorescu” Aiud
Violence in schools
21 - 100 pages
There are significant differences in perception between different stakeholders, both in how they relate to the idea of violence and in terms of sensitivity and tolerance towards violence in schools.
Pupils feel more acute and signal more frankly than teachers, directors, parents and even advisers the situations of school violence.
In order to stop this phenomenon, the authors bring into question: interventions at the individual level, at the school level, at the curriculum level and even policy interventions.
This presentation is of high importance from many points of view. One of these relates to the experience of schools in preventing and combating violence. Apart from this one, there are many other issues addressed in this presentation.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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