"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Unjustified aggression, bullying and school violence.
R. Ortega.
Madrid: Alianza Editorial
School violence, cyberbullying, psychoeducational intervention
Over 100 pages
This book deals with the bullying phenomenon and aims to be an expression of psycho-educational research line that links the knowledge achieved through scientific work and pedagogical intervention rigorously carried out and evaluated. Participating researchers of recognized prestige who have wide experience in the particular topic addressed here and young researchers who have specific and significant studies on the phenomenon of school bullying and their potential of being involved in a prevention and palliative form.
This book displays interest in addressing the problems caused by coexistence in schools and is affected by social problems ranging from conflicts are not resolved properly through dialogue, to real harassment and bullying behaviors that acquire interpersonal worst nuance. Such is the case with issues such as social exclusion, harassment, bullying and general abuse of power by some schools to others. Although these problems have always existed, fortunately today we have tools to detect and knowledge to prevent and mitigate such risks. Similarly, a distinction is made with those aggressive behaviors that are not in themselves bullying phenomenom, and not all behaviors can be described under this designation are of equal gravity and importance in terms of the harm they cause.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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