Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

I Am Not Scared

project information

Project's Description
The bullying phenomenon is a main challenge, that all European educational systems have to deal with.

In this context the European Commission has financed the “I Am Not Scared” project in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1 Policy Cooperation and Innovation).
The project intends to identify the best European strategies to prevent and combat the bullying phenomenon. The purpose of the project is to involve vocational education teachers, directors, pupils, parents, counsellors and key policy makers in the field of education in a common reflection on the issue related to school violence.

The project is based on a bottom-up approach for a transnational sharing of the dynamics that can cause the emerging and consolidating of the bullying phenomenon and of the most effective strategies to tackle it.
Target Group
The project is addressed to:
  • School Directors
  • Teachers of Secondary and Vocational education schools
  • Parents of students who played a role in bullying episodes
  • Students of Secondary and Vocational education schools
  • Supporting Experts
  • Key Policy Makers

The project activities are organized into 4 main Work Packages.

A) Collection of Information

The aim of the Work Package is to is to achieve a better understanding of the bullying phenomenon carrying out an empiric based research at transnational level, aiming at identifying the state of art in the comprehension and strategic tackling of bullying and violence and intolerance at school


  • Review of publications addressing the bullying phenomenon available in the 9 countries involved
  • Review of initiatives addressing the theme of Bullying phenomenon prevention

B) Case Studies

The aim of the Workpackage is to promote a Bottom Up approach to the understanding of the bullying phenomenon through the carrying out of Case studies taking the form of small research projects aiming at analysing bullying episodes from all the possible point of view of the different actors involved.


  • Case studies aiming at analysing bullying episodes from all the possible point of view of the different actors (Students, Teachers, schools' directors, parents of the students, and key policy makers

C) Transnational Discussion

The aim of the Workpackage is to involve the teachers participating into the project (meaning those interviewed for the completion of the Case studies) in a transnational discussion, aimed at enhancing a peer to peer based knowledge exchange experience, on the them of bullying prevention and tackling.


  • Participation of the teachers involved (those objects of the case studies) in a peer to peer based knowledge sharing experience, with which they will comment the case studies of the other countries

D) European Strategy to Combat Bullying

The aim of the Workpackage is to use the information and opinions collected during the project to create the European Strategy for Combating Bullying that will be published as the main comprehensive and tangible output of the project.


  • National Reports presenting the results of the activities described above and defining each country state of art and of a Transnational Report presenting in a comparative logic, similarities and main differences.
  • Development a European strategy to be implemented in order to combat the bullying phenomenon based on the best practices in the field emerging in the different countries

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