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A case of hydrocephaly
• When and how did the bullying start? – when the victim is in 8th grade.
• Main participants – boy A (victim) and a group of his classmates (bullies)
• What specific acts of violence were undertaken
Boy A was born with the condition hydrocephaly (retention of liquids inside the brain). Because of that A’s head is a bit bigger in size than what is considered normal. Until 7th grade no one is paying any particular attention to this, but with the beginning with 8th grade some of his classmates start calling A “Frankenstein”, “idiot”, “Martian”, “deformed head” and other expressions of the same nature.
The boy decides to explain why his head is bigger (knowledge means power, right?). A studies in a class with other children with slower learning skills – one level above the special education classes, but one level below the regular ones. So A explains what hydrocephaly means, but contrary to achieving the desired effect, A brings even greater bullying on himself. In addition to the mocking and insults comes the nickname “water brain”. Among the bullies is one fat boy. A’s parents know about the attitude towards their son and one day his father, with his inherent humor advised A, next time when the fat boy insults him, to ask him the question „Who saws your pants? Tseno the tent-maker?” Unfortunately the reaction of the fat boy is “No, why? Does he make your hats?”
In addition to the verbal bullying A is also pushed, jostled, hit and isolated.
A shares with his parents that the atmosphere in the class is unbearable for him and asks them to help him stop this harassment.
• Time period – within one school year.
On the next day after they find out about the case of violence, the form tutor and the headmaster of the school organize and conduct meetings with the boys’ parents /both the bully and bullied/. The analysis of this case as well as previous manifestations of aggressive behavior demonstrate to the school management that school policies for managing aggression and violence at school should be formed very quickly. According to the headmaster, these policies should be focused on the establishment of an active model for aggression prevention and integration in the school environment, which includes the following elements:
1. Diagnostics of the psycho-climate in the classes through a research of the individual specifics of the students.
2. Specifying the students from the target group, who find it difficult to adapt to the school environment as well as the students, prone to aggression.
3. Setting up a “Tolerance” club – involving students, who are likely to become bullies and are prone to aggression, looking for a place in the group with the use of improper means – physical attacks, verbal insults, aggravation; setting up a “Trust” club – involving students with adaptation and communication problems or victims of psychological and physical violence.
4. Targeted work and efforts on behalf of the school psychologist, with the help of form tutors and external specialists with the students from the two clubs.
After the conversation with the school psychologist, the form tutor and the teachers reach the conclusion that for the bullies violence is the success model, which gives them pleasure, and therefore should be substituted with something else. As a result of the group session with the school psychologist, a uniform “System for prevention of conflict development” was developed. This system includes the following:
• Developing clear and positively formulated rules.
• Clear and consecutive awards and consequences; systematic, clear, successful, appropriate and inclusive training in self control and habits for peaceful problem resolution.
• Respect is characteristic for the climate in the class.
• The surrounding environment is attractive, interesting and preserving.
• The signs of conflicts to be registered at the beginning. Conflicts to be resolved at a low level when they are not serious.
Impact of the bullying case on:
- educational process – for most of the students, willing or unwilling witnesses of the acts of bullying, the educational process did not go through any particular changes. The learning of the victim has been obstructed. The bully does not rely much on his skills and knowledge in his leadership aspirations anyway. After he discovered that learning is not among his strongest sides, he stopped paying much attention to it. After the spreading of the news about the case among the members of the school team, they all face the need of change and upgrading of the educational approaches used. In the long term this will lead to improved learning and teaching conditions and therefore improved results for the children;
- motivation and achievements of the students – the motivation for participation in the educational process on behalf of the bully and the witnesses is not changed in the short term. Probably after serious work with the school psychologist, the aggressor will improve his results and direct his energy towards more productive activities. The motivation and results of the victim A are very low during the period of aggression. However with the help of the work with the psychologist and with the support of teachers, classmates and the parents at home, they will be back to normal;
- the cases of bullying always influence the intra-school integration – they separate the children, place them in roles, which are not or should not be inherent for them; they require from the children to take a position and to divide into different groups; the teachers and the headmaster, together with the psychologist and the form tutors should take a stand and support in a certain way both the victims and the bullies – all of this acts in a separating and anti-integrative way. Undertaking prevention and resolution actions in cases of bullying however will improve the intra-school integration in the long term and will place everybody – children and adults – on the same side of the barricade – no to violence! Other methods for self-expression and self-assertion exist. The chances for successful integration improve not only for the specific victim in this case, but also for all potential victims threatened by some exclusion;
- the implementation of the measures for prevention and intervention in cases of bullying, proposed and agreed upon by headmaster, psychologist and teachers, will guarantee the restoration of balance between rights and obligations at the school and will support the development of the sense of active citizenship of the children;
- the qualities of the school environment, which have gone through certain shocks during the period of violence and aggression, will be restored. The feeling of safety and being a part of the group, which has been destroyed by the bullying acts, will be restored and not only in the case of the victim – the bully also feels constantly insecure about his status, the witnesses take no reaction because they are not unbiased – they can easily recognize themselves as the potential victim (and should therefore stay quiet) or the bully (and their consciousness is torturing them, making them feel ashamed – again they need to stay quiet and satisfy their hidden aggressive impulses by witnessing the torturing of A).
A supposes that the reasons for the appearance of the aggressive behavior on behalf of his classmates are connected with the aspiration for leadership in the class of two particular boys. A considers that the main reason for the aggression towards him is the rivalry between those two boys and their desire to constantly distinguish themselves from the others by opposition and aggressive behavior. According to A both of them want to attract the attention towards themselves and are trying in all possible ways to humiliate him and thus demonstrate their domination.
A shares with his parents about the atmosphere in the class and about the attitude of his classmates towards him. He even considers that the advice given by his father actually made his situation even worse and blames him that instead of helping him out this advice actually hurt him more.
After his conversation with his parents A shared also with the school psychologist about his problem.
A understands that he needs help and protection from his parents or from some other important and authoritative adult.
The motivation of the bully to be the leader in the class and everybody to conform to him, to watch out for his actions and to think only of him. Since it is quite obvious that he does not have the necessary qualities to be the leader of the class and he sees in the face of the other student the same aspirations, he reacts in a mocking way towards A and thus forces the victim and the other students in the class to be afraid. This aggressive behavior influences the other students as well and they feel kind of involved, part of the activities of the bully.
The bully selected this victim, because A is insecure, very sensitive and placid. His desire to hurt and humiliate A becomes even stronger from the fact that A explained “scientifically” what his condition actually is related to. The bully takes his behavior as provocative and this raises annoyance and disapproval.
The bully feels no remorse about what he has been doing to A and about his behavior. His image of himself includes adjectives such as energetic, deliberate, strong, honest and realistic. In order to avoid the undertaking of responsibility for his personal behavior, the bully is at times inclined to blame the others. He points out a number of reasons, with which he is attempting to rationalize and diminish the gravity of his deeds.
The other students from the class, after discussions with the psychologist from the school, become aware of what has been happening. Some of them consider that the reasons for the violence and aggression towards A are rooted in the aspirations for leadership and domination of one of the leaders in the class. Picking on the “weaker”, the more insecure, the careful, the sensitive, the quiet and placid A as his victim, the bully tries to dominate above him and thus stands out in the eyes of the others. Quite often he is the initiator and executor of the offences and sometimes he invites the others to join him. He is the kind of leader who tries to figure out new ways for torturing. He is not very secure about himself, he likes to be in command; he thinks he knows everything and easily loses his temper.
Some of the students consider that the aggression towards A becomes worse also because of the so called co-leader – he helps in order to get the approval of the leader – he joins the harassment after it has started. Some recognized in themselves silent supporters of the bully – they are always present even if they are not actively involved; they laugh at A, they encourage the bully, they invite the others to be entertained. On the other side, the witnesses often see the bully as a rude and prone to conflicts, insulting, dogmatic, with a low frustration tolerance, easy to provoke, uncaring and rude.
Some of the students believe that the bully is craving for power and domination, he likes to command and to keep the others in subordination.
The teachers find out about the behavior of the bully from A’s form tutor. Often they do not admit that a certain student is being aggressive because they are not aware of the facts. They consider that there is no aggression at school, because their idea of aggression is killing, fights and war – things, which their students are not doing. The form tutor describes the activities of most students in the class as verbal aggression, connected with attempts for humiliation, insulting, mocking, shouting at A and other verbal expressions.
The teachers perfectly understand A’s problem and take into account that lately, some of the students (bullies) in this class fail to abide by the accepted behavior norms and are trying to satisfy their personal feeling of dignity through physical and verbal violence.
After the discussion with the school psychologist, the form tutor and the students reach the conclusion that for the bully-students violence is a success model and it gives them satisfaction. Therefore violence needs to be replaced with something else.
As a result of the group session with the school psychologist, a common system for prevention of conflict development is elaborated. This system comprises of the following:
• Developing clear and positively formulated rules.
• Clear and consecutive awards and consequences; systematic, clear, successful, appropriate and inclusive training in self control and habits for peaceful problem resolution.
• Respect is characteristic for the climate in the class.
• The surrounding environment is attractive, interesting and preserving.
• The signs of conflicts to be registered at the beginning. Conflicts to be resolved at a low level when they are not serious.
The headmaster finds out about the case of violence from the form tutor. During the conducted discussion (follow a request of the headmaster) the school psychologist is also present. The reasons for the demonstrated aggression and the possible solutions for prevention of any further cases of violence are discussed. On the following day the headmaster conducts a meeting with the parents of the boys (victim and bully). The analysis of this case as well as previous manifestations of aggressive behavior demonstrate to the school management that school policies for managing aggression and violence at school should be formed very quickly. According to the headmaster, these policies should be focused on the establishment of an active model for aggression prevention and integration in the school environment, which includes the following elements:
1. Diagnostics of the psycho-climate in the classes through a research of the individual specifics of the students.
2. Specifying the students from the target group, who find it difficult to adapt to the school environment as well as the students, prone to aggression.
3. Setting up a “Tolerance” club – involving students, who are likely to become bullies and are prone to aggression, looking for a place in the group with the use of improper means – physical attacks, verbal insults, aggravation; setting up a “Trust” club – involving students with adaptation and communication problems or victims of psychological and physical violence.
4. Targeted work and efforts on behalf of the school psychologist, with the help of form tutors and external specialists with the students from the two clubs.
A’s parents did notice what was happening to him. During the last couple of weeks he grew more concerned and lowered his self-esteem. After a conversation with A they understand that he is experiencing direct verbal aggression. His classmate, sometimes even several kids, threaten him, insult him, shout at him, humiliate him, mock at him. With great concern about their son, they decide to meet his form tutor and speak with him in order to learn more about the problems and the in particular about the bully boy.
A’s father considers that his suggestion to his son on how to cope with the situation has been quite inadequate. He supposes that if there was any chance for him to join a couple of open-classes with his son, during a day of “open doors” and to become more closely acquainted with the atmosphere in the class would have been really helpful to him. He considers that getting to know the school life and the manner of interaction between the students would have helped him to give a better advice to his son.
A’s mother considers that they could have changed the situation if, together with the form tutor, they had initiated an informal meeting with students, parents, school council and school management, immediately after they became aware of the change in their son. According to her it is necessary not only to put the problem on the agenda, but to search for methods for effective prevention of the bullying and harassment at school. This way, after the discussions, the role plays and the individual work in groups, common values and rules would be elaborated.
The school psychologist finds out about A’s problem from the boy himself. After that he speaks to the form tutor of the student. The teacher shares that on several occasions she has noticed the bully student to behave dominantly and to demonstrate his inner credo that he is right and he is above all the rest.
The psychologist decides to conduct a group work with the entire class and a meeting with the parents of the bully.
The idea of the group work with the class is for the students to be motivated to share their problems and their feelings, to curb their anger, to think before they react and to seek alternative solutions to their problems – without conflicts and aggression. Together they reach the conclusion that this channel for communication can improve their communication. Clear rules with regard to bullying other students were fixed, such as:
а/ we will not harass our class mates or other students from our school; b/ we will try to help the students who have become victims of bullying; c/ it will be a matter of honor to become friends with the students we are avoiding at present. These rules could act as a starting point for class discussions for specific cases of brutality and the sanctions, which should by applied to the students who violate the rules. A lesson for general discussion of the behavior according to the rules should be implemented on a regular basis. It is important that the teacher actively applies the sanctions (without hostility and use of strength) every time when the rules are broken. He should also praise those who obey the rules.
The aim of the meeting with the parents of the bully is for the symptoms and reasons for each manifestation of aggression to be analyzed and ethical behavior in the family, the school and in public places to be established, for example via correct upbringing and personal example on behalf of the adults. During the meeting a decision is taken for the parents to become a more active part of school life and as such they should be better aware of the processes that take place at school. Their joining the school life will greatly support the efficiency of preventive actions, which are implemented at a school level.
The school headmaster is unhappy about the organizational and educational work of the form tutor in charge, who must have explained to all students in the class A’s condition and to prepare them for the possible future negative attitudes towards the potential victim. Following the slightest signal he should have reacted by getting in touch and speaking with the people in charge of the boys in their presence. The bully should have managed to become aware of his negative attitude and stop insulting the student A. The school management and the pedagogic advisor should have neutralized such a negative turn of events from the beginning. The lack of preventive measures proved to be crucial in this case.
The reasons and factors, which lie at the roots of the behavioral patterns and aggression manifestations of the children are very complex and usually originate from the depths of social tension, unstable family environment, different expectations towards girls and boys, polarized financial situation and the influence of the media. We seek for the reasons in order to try to change the trends, which are at present gaining speed in the school environment.
We were pleasantly surprised that the participants joined the situational analysis really actively – they were sincere and shared with relief things, which were bothering them in their real relationships. The students demonstrated a strong sense for justice. The group work on the situational analysis gave back to the oppressed and bullied children their self-esteem and their dignity. It is really pleasing that all students gradually started to hear each other out during the discussions, they began to value each opinion and became aware that there are no innocent ones in the cases of bullying. They shared that in cases of violence more guilty than the bully are the passive observers.
The situational analysis worked out really well and all activites were successful and effective.
The feeling of low self-esteem on behalf of the bully and his desire to become the leader in the class, influenced his choice of victim – he is not good at studying as well as in maintaining relationships in class, so he picks on the “one with the best grades” - А. He does not consider himself attractive, he sees threat for his leadership in the face of another student and decides to be insult and humiliate A, whom he considers as a possible desirable friend of the others. Bullying the victim increases the self-esteem of the bully.
Comments about this Case Study
Date: 21.03.2012
Posted by: Antonia Tzokova
Type of school: Specialized school
Country: Bulgaria
Greetings! We read very carefully the comments regarding the case study we developed.
There are indeed differences between the educational systems of the countries, which participate in this project. However, we consider that these particular differences lie at the foundations of the appearing new ideas and opinions regarding the resolution of certain specific cases.
We are very grateful for the engagement and responsiveness of the colleagues who commented our case study. We will use their proposals for solving other similar conflicts in our school.
Date: 13.03.2012
Posted by: Maricica Buzescu
Type of school: Psihopedagog
Country: ROMANIA
As a psychologist involved in education I encountered different cases of children with disabilities ( children in wheelchairs, balbism, ADDetc). Labeling , nicknaming , mocking worked as in the case presented here: misunderstanding the situation of the children in the victim’s case but the aggressors.
The cases I have mentioned are as such:
- verbal aggression(“motorized „vegetable””slouch legs”, „stutter””crazy person” etc.
- physical aggression (pushing, hitting,)
- psychic aggression ( stress caused by colleagues, bringing them down, isolating them, expressing mistrust in the power of the disabled children , etc. )
First of all , there’s the difference between the educational system. The cases we are referring to are from mass education environments . That is why we can rely on the normal or above average level of the victim and aggressor. We must mention that in the last few years, the education system in Romania relies heavily on integrating disabled children in the group. This process is followed by educational projects such as a modified curriculum, programs and projects dedicated to the prevention of conflicts and aggression between children that are considered normal or disabled, counseling in groups or individually for the students, parents and teachers offered by the school psychiatrist or psychotherapy for the children offered by the College of Psychiatrists in Romania. The clients that are involved in acts of aggression can call the regional Center for Assistance in Teaching where there are specialists in such areas. The psychologist that manages the case is the one who will form the intervention team ( parents, students, teachers, another school psychologist). Another important role is that of interventions with the help of partners from other schools or ONGs which deal with this type of situations. The use of external psychologist is rare for financial reasons. .
In Romania, a special situation is that of the rroma children. In order to respect the cultural differences there has been a training for psychologists of rroma descent who are there to help explain the particularities in some of the inter-ethnic conflicts.
-preventing prejudice against rroma children (which would manifest through a aggressive behavior ) prejudice such as “they are less civilized and educated “ which function both in students and teachers, but also in some ONGs -Ammare Romentza, Ammare-Illo etc.
Please specify to whom you would address and to whom would you offer help in case you would be presented with such a situation: first of all to the psychiatrist and then to the parents and authorities. Respecting the fundamental principal of confidentiality allows that the principal and teachers are informed carefully. The school psychiatrist is the one who will put together the team and he will provide guidance for the teachers and parents regarding the way in which they can help and contribute to the situation.In this case they become partners in solving the case.
What could you learn from this case study?
-violence between students can stem from the differences between them : prejudice, disabilities
-diversity is hard to accept
- children , like any individual, need to be leaders, heroes, need to stand out to be valued. A lot of times education in the family or in society is not construction on authentic values ( mutual respect morality, spirituality, help and communication, understanding the need and the the different situations of your colleague)
- we must help them take on authentic values and positive interests
- it is necessary to help children know their strong points and weak points, their qualities and flaws, to understand that no one is perfect
-help them form a correct self imagine,
-find alternative activities through which they can better define themselves in relation to their interests, aptitudes and values
- use the opportunities provided by the relationship and communication with the family, friends and colleagues.
- recognize our limits as educators (teachers, school psychiatrists, parents) in dealing with such cases and use external help ( ONGs, psychologists, psychiatrists)
How would you intervene if you were facing such a situation of violence ?
I would use specific instruments for the school psychiatrist, such as the counseling plan and the case study , but also the intervention plan.
Counseling plan (model)
Name and family name:
Classification of the problem :…………..
1. Supposed problem
2. Real problem
Defining the problem ……………….
Factors that started and fuel the conflict ...........
Opening and enlarging the perspectives…………….
Plan of action………………..
Evaluation of the results(In stages)…………
Made by prof.psihopedagog
Case study –(Model)
1.Story of the client
2. Defining and classifying the problem
a) Supposed problem
b) Real problem -
3. Causes that lead to the problem
a) supposed causes:
b) Real causes:
4.Manifestation in the case
a) Supposed conditions :.
b) real conditions:.
5. Analyzing the psychological resources of the client
6. Action plan /solutions
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4. etc
7.Evaluation of results
Intervention plan
Step 1. Define, clarify the problem
Step 2. Amplify the perspective
Step 3. Form some intermediary goals
Step 4. Elaborate the action plan
STEP 5. Apply the plan (action)
STEP 6. Evaluate results
STEP 7. Monitor (group, student)
2 strategies in order to fight violence in schools, implemented in school by you.
-form student groups which will resolve conflicts
-campaigns for the prevention of violence in schools with ONGs, the police, local authorities .
-studies in regards to the origin of violence in school and identifying the forms of that violence.
The strategies presented are useful and we can use elements of these strategies in various situations.
The importance of training teachers to deal with violence in schools
Have you participated in such trainings? What would such a program consist of ? Yes
- during the project organized by ISJ , the Association “Social alternatives” and “Save the children” – Youth against violence
- The “Security of the internet- security of the generations” project which resulted in the publishing of a guide for parent counseling written by the trainers from the House of the Teachers in Iasi( M.Buzescu,Isavinescu,A.N.Luca)
What should a training program for teacher contain ?
1.relationship with the child .in the family and in school
-overprotective parent.
-passive parent
-selective attachment to the child
-relationships in the family with one parent
-neglected child
-Help wanted
-parental model
- intervention of the school and family psychiatrist – areas of expertise
-optimizing the relationship between the teacher and the student
2.Communicating with the child
-destroying communication barriers :
-assertive communication
-positive feedback;
-active listening/ good listener ;
3.Giving trust
Developing the decision making capability
Barriers in making decisions
Not knowing themselves, own insecurities
Not accepting the negative consequences of their decisions .
4.Steps in making a decision:
Clear hypothesis ;
Expressing the existing possibilities ;
Listing advantages and disadvantages
Talking about the past
Projecting into the future [if possible]
Choosing a convenient option
Accepting the option with all the implied consequences
5.Aclear self imagine – the role of the parents
Physical, psychological and social image :
The social self;
Self observation of their own person ;
Looking at themselves in relationship with others (parents, friends, colleagues)
Knowledge/self-knowledge through psychological testing (personality, temperament, professional interests, individual values, cognitive capacities- intelligence, memory, imagination )
Collaboration with counselor ; psycho-pedagogic assistance ;
Role of counselor/family psychiatrist ;
6.Knowing the personality traits of the preadolescent and the adolescent
Need for independence, denying mentalities, prejudice of the adults
Need for affection
Need for acceptance in a group of peers
Revolt against adults
Intuitive differences between the sexes;
Developing an imagine/self esteem
Forming an individual style of learning
Planning the time for individual studies
The big temptations , smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc .
7.Solving the conflicts with the child –education through nonviolent methods
-main cause for conflicts ;
-conditions that prompt the appearance of conflicts between parents and children ;
-ways of talking about the conflict;
-how to solve conflicts?
-role of the school and family psychiatrist; complementing each
-children’s rights –respecting them in the family ;
Date: 12.03.2012
Posted by: Marta Cortés Pozas
Type of school: Concerted
Country: Spain
The common elements that would affect the three roles in bullying often: the hunted, the aggressor and the spectators.
The profile of the victim is physically weak and insecure, which makes it an easy target for the bully. Other feature of this case study would be the hunted suffers from hydrocephalus and while aware of its difficulty and decides to explain it to their peers, their introversion and low self-esteem do not help to remove comments and ridicule from their peers.
The profile of a stalker who manifest antisocial behavior that intimidates and harasses others directly, sometimes reflecting their lack of self esteem and confidence. Because of their bullying behavior gets its role and status within the group, so you can attract others, such as the viewers that are very effective in addressing the abuse because it may continue only if viewers tolerate it. It is often the fear of being assaulted or harassed causing the other fellow does not engage in favor of the victim.
The common element would not tackle the problem before, ie not only communicate on the agenda the problem, but above prevent the result of bullying, that did not exist those consequences.
The main support would have found in dialogue and consensus among the school staff (tutor, specialist, classroom teachers cohabitation) and the collaboration of parents of students involved in the problem.
The greatest difficulty I find that if they involved families are not in the center and not accept the problem or disagreed with the measures taken and the action plan for coexistence.
I learned about the working group was formed to analyze the situation and the demonstration of justice of the students, who shared in more violence cases the perpetrator is guilty bystanders.
To prevent and stop bullying and harassment could minimize the risk factors of being an aggressor or victim, of being a spectator and maximize the protective factors that enable personal competence, social and moral values.
Another strategy would be to develop a plan for coexistence: the result of a consensus among all levels of the school community: teachers, students and families.
Training in conflict resolution and implementation of guidelines to guide the family.
Date: 29.02.2012
Country: Greece
This case study has some elements in common with the case study I studied “the lively and the calm”. These elements are that both the victim and the bully have almost the same characteristics. In both cases, the victim is a quit, calm and sensitive boy, whereas the bully is a vivid child who wishes to be the leader, command the others and have everything under control.
In the particular case study, the reaction of the teachers and the school director to the problem was prompt as, in collaboration with the school psychologist, made a plan with concrete steps and methodology on how to deal the issue and avoid any potential phenomena in the future. Whereas, in the case study I examined, the reaction wasn’t such clear and methodical. The difference related to the educational system is that in this case, the school has a psychologist whereas in Greece, psychologists are not provided in general education schools but only in special education schools.
Teachers and parents are closer to students and thus more often involved in bullying phenomena incidents and can support victims, suggest solutions, help all parties involved to overcome the problem. Training is very important also and any actions of teachers training or education should be welcomed.
From this case study we can learn that teachers should be ready to take actions when needed in order to solve problems, as well as to have a prevention plan in order not to meet again aggressive behaviours.
My recommendations to such events, would be to come close to all parties (bully, victim and the observers) and organize sensitization actions as well. All parties need support either to understand the impact of their actions (for the bully and the observers), or to empower the victim. Both these two recommendations have been implemented to the school I work, and their impact was significant, although there wasn’t a 100% success and change to their behaviour. The strategies that were implemented in this school were very concrete, accurate and into the point and were focusing not only in dealing the specific case, but in preventing such actions in future, thus I would like to see them implementing in the school I work as well
Teachers training regarding school bullying handling is not mentioned in this case study. Regarding the training that I wish to receive, I would like to have the opportunity to attend seminars dealing with aspects as students’ psychology, fights confrontation, children counselling and school bullying handling
I Am Not Scared Project
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