Lifelong Learning Programme

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Changing school enviroment

  • Direct bullying
  • Non-especific

One month after the start of the academic year, student X attending the 2nd year of the school, changed school due to work commitments of his father who led the whole family moved to Patras. The student's mother informed the school about problems of integration of the student at school (he was receptive to invitations from classmates to participate in joint activities such as games, friends, party, complained to his parents for changing schools and had frequent communication with his old classmates via mobile phone). Following the intervention of the school to the five-member committee of student to help their classmate to join smoothly at school, the student began to socialize with some classmates and teachers felt that this objective had begun to be achieved. At the second visit of his mother at school she informed the director that X is refusing to go to school, expressing a tendency to be isolated, not to speak to his parents and crying alone in his room. A few days after the second visit of the mother's X, the teacher on duty followed the students and found that the incident was part of an intimidation game. According to the rules of the game, the students revealed that it was called "paloukoma" whoever lost had to be punished by the other embracing with open legs of the beam that supported the volleyball net, so his genitals to touch the crossbar and then the other five students of the group banged hard from behind until he hurts a lot and can not withstand another. The loser completely "randomly" was always X The teacher informed the school principal who, having invited the students involved, the Youth Advisory Station, parents of X and the five-members committee of students informed them about the incident and punishment (five days expulsion from the school environment and the note that a similar future incident will be eliminated forever from the school) decided by the teachers of the school.


The X’s mother informed the school actors, for his integration problems to be adapted in the school environment as well as for the continuing and growing problem of‘s behavior, culminating in his refusal to go to school. The teacher on call followed discreetly students and having identified the problem, informed the Director of the school, who followed the necessary process and informed the Youth Advisory Station to address this issue. At the same time, he tried to investigate the incident by calling the five students to discuss and admit the problem. Then he called the Teachers of the school to inform them and to decide how to deal with the fact. They decided to punish the students with five-day expulsion from the school environment and in case of recurrence of similar acts of intimidation, to outright expulsion from school. Finally, the Director invited the parents of X and five students to inform them and the incident and to punish them.
The strategies employed to combat school bullying were:
a) the five-members committee of students were invited by the Director, who asked them to approach X
b) the next step was teacher on duty to watch students to find out what was going on
c) as the fact of the bullying of X was found out, the Youth Advisory Station was informed by the Director to give the necessary directions of the incident manipulation
d) Director informed the teachers for the event and all together decided the punishment of pupils
e) X’s parents were informed as well as the five-member committee of students.


The Director called the five-member committee of students and asked them to contribute to the problem of the difficulty of integration of the new student in school.
He called the five offenders and informed them for their punishment as a result of their acts of intimidation and bullying of their classmate. They warned of a harder punishment if they do not comply. This process is an instructive example that there should be an escalation in penalties. It is also a democratic process, as the director had from the beginning tried to engage students through their legal representatives to a problem that the school community had to face, the difficulty of integrating and adapting a new member of the school community.
In order to investigate the fact of bullying of the student, the Director worked with the teacher on duty and then allowed students to talk about for their actions when they were in his office. Informing parents is also an indication of democratic school environment.
The motivation of pupils involved can be assumed based on the facts and the students’ words. The new student was aloof and isolated from peers, from courses and from extra curricular activities so that others held him "arrogant", "mamouchalo." hole behavior to saw it as an attitude of arrogance, power indicator and attempted cheating classmate to consolidate their position within the school and their own primacy given situation. Worked on the safe since not only numerically vastly the newly arrived classmate but also because of the fact that these students have adapted to this environment had developed friendly relations with their peers, teachers knew the school felt already in power.
This phenomenon of bullying of the student affected the whole school community in several ways. First of all, the X student who was experiencing the physical and mental bullying in a dramatic way because he felt trapped in a situation which could not cope. This is illustrated by the words of his mother at school, which argued that it was sad, was enclosed in his room and wept, refusing to go to school refusal, which shows the desperation he felt because of the bullying they were forced to suffer from both fear of threats to the group of aggressors, but perhaps from the fear of rejection if it does not follow the rules of the game "supposed" that he embodied the "team" and thus the school.
Students had the effect of aggressors punishment imposed on them by of teachers and the possibility of tougher punishment in case of recurrence of their instrument. The fact that the incident of bullying classmate discovered and punished in some way that is not reflected clearly influenced students bullying after a similar incident is not repeated until the end of the school year. For two of those whose parents consented to the punishment of the school were likely to further impact the family environment.
The other students may be sensitized since the X after the incident began to socialize with other children and go on fun at school.
It seems there was a specific strategy for integrating new students into the school environment but the director and the teachers didn’t know that. But then when they saw the student gets together with some classmates treated superficially the whole thing without having to explore the path of integration of a new member in their school environment. He might have avoided this or other incidents of bullying if students in schools was systematic and explicit integration strategy for each new student who has to face many difficult situations alone more often.
Security situation was non-existent since for over a week the student bullying by his classmates at school and no one had realized. Perhaps the number of locations of the school teachers not enough supervision or functioned only superficially since this game was violent enough to pass unnoticed. It is difficult in large schools to place effective call and this is stressful for teachers because of their responsibility during the incident and this confirms that there is a good way to always be a safe and peaceful school environment for all students.


The victim is in the process of integration into a new and foreign to this environment and trying to integrate encounters difficulties of shared only with old classmates and friends in everyday conversation is with them. It shares its integration problems facing or with his family but also with a classmate or teacher of the new school. It's closed nature, are not particularly involved in the lessons and in school and other activities, and this does not help to integrate quickly and smoothly into the new school a reality.
Following the intervention of the Director and his request to five approaching classmate while seeming to solve the original problem, inclusion and integration into the new school environment is created because of his classmates a new and bigger problem for X, this bullying from his classmates . His cheating by his classmates, who call the game the repeated bullying of the X can not respond effectively, it can react passively and accept the bullying there. The result feels like a stranger in a new environment, close to himself, afraid to externalize the problem and even his parents.
The refusal to go to school is a form of reaction but this is a trend to move away rather than face the fact. Feel marginalized, affected his performance and there is also physical injury. All these can have permanent effects on emotional and mental balance.
Does not trust anyone be afraid of future developments and their impact can be the revelation of the event and so reluctant to talk about the fact of ill-treatment even when the teacher revealed the fact and asked the Director.


There is no evidence to show us how his classmates reacted X, responsible for the bullying, the emergence of new students in their school environment. Once involved, the Director of the school in five of the class and take action under the guise of a game ball trick classmate and their teachers pretended to accept the X group and in school. Thereby moving undisturbed, because their teachers could not even imagine what's really happening in the X, viewing to participate in a team game, let alone to protect him. Also, the X-threatening to withhold the fact because in this case will beaten out of school. With the intimidation of their classmate could continue to play this game showdown against the classmate.
For them the fact that X was involved neither in class nor in extra curricular school activities (sports, programs, celebrations), the break do not interact with any of them helped me to consider him weak and be imposed. Themselves when they discovered the fact that he claimed was chosen because "new, unknown, snobbish, mamouchalo."
When the fact was revealed only one of five students revealed the director of the school's motives act of bullying of X and their threats to ensure his silence. The other stated remorse only after he had disclosed the transaction in school, their parents and teachers and understood that they will be punished.
Former students felt that it was in a position of strength to the latest thing the student has not seen a good eye and wanted to be imposed. He did virtually 'Hazing' fear of losing the momentum position. They showdown.
Bullyingrs are initially satisfied with their achievement. But when their behavior is revealed, apart from the clear impact of the penalty imposed on them (abortion - absences), falling in the eyes of their peers and lose their power originally.


For other students who may have known what was happening but did not disclose the fact of bullying of their classmate or involved somehow supposed to "play" bullying of X there is no evidence to show us clearly the role they had. We assume the attitude that some of his classmates probably were afraid to reveal the fact whether the same thing happened with C. Covering the perpetrators, even tacitly participating in the game bullying of X, ensure that their behavior is pleasing to bullyingrs and feel integrated into the group of "strong" school.
Probably most students were annoyed by the attitude of X is isolated in the classroom, the playground, but not to participate in sporting activities, participating in the programs themselves and at festivals. Students usually do not think that the freshman may feel alone, scared and nervous with new situations they face and face the distant attitude of snobbery as a result do not try to help not only to join nor to stop physical bullying from the other five colleagues.


The teachers at this school and seemed initially sensitized by informing the mother of X and appreciate that they have to do to join the student in the school community; the first positive signs of solving the problem was the interaction of the learner in joint activities with some classmates. However, we were able to identify what really happened and how serious the situation was only when his mother informed the second time in school for the psychological state of X and its refusal to go to school. Then they realized the seriousness of the situation and raising teacher on duty and discreet surveillance brought the problem to surface. Collaborated with the director who thereafter addressed the issue. The presence of other teachers is not visible except through the decision tiered punishment of five students. Originally a five-day expulsion of students and repeat violent act by changing schools.
There seems no role responsible teacher's class who, because of its role it could play a more significant role early in the process of integration of new students in the class. Then to investigate whether the five-member Board responded to the request of the Director of approaching their classmate. Finally, try to reach a distinctive way of X to have a complete picture of the path of integration in the school environment.


The Director of the school after informing the mother of X on the problems of integration of students sensitized and informing teachers about the problem of integration of the student at his new school requested by five members of the class to help a classmate in this process . Following the second update of the student's mother realized that the problem remained and cooperating with the teacher on call revealed the problem asked students to address the specific incident. Then, having discovered the true scale of bullying of X followed all necessary procedures to inform responsible and initially specialized in such matters extracurricular organization (Youth Advisory Station), the parents of the victim and the aggressors and through democratic processes ( Teachers Association) penalty is imposed on perpetrators.
School bullying is a phenomenon that is an extension of the social. So the first steps must be taken to limit this by the state. For school bullying is essential to family-school collaboration - students. Bullying should not be playing at home, not to adopt children this behavioral model. They are parents to communicate and to elicit their children's concerns and problems. At school level a significant role to play is called the controller class teacher whose role is to be closer to the students of the class which has undertaken to detect early problems and to inform the school if necessary or try to give solution when the problem is simple.


The parents of X seems to be the only ones who had noticed that their child had a problem connected with the school environment and their own contribution and updating the school environment were able to help to reveal the child bullying by their peers it. The parents of five children involved in bullying of X was not informed about the activities of their children. When informed of the event held a different attitude towards assessing the state of X bullying of their children.
The two of them considered unacceptable attitude of the child and consented to the punishment while the parents of three other children tried to play down the fact of bullying of a child from the child.
Transferred responsibility for the bullying to the victim, which should not allow them to do so, they argued that this event was fun and not something serious and that is a common event in this age children. Thereby facing an irresponsible manner delinquent behavior of their children but do not cooperate with the school to help prevent similar incidents since argued that the punishment of school is over.
They give mixed messages to their children about what behavior is right and acceptable and what not, and thus lead to the repetition of similar acts because they themselves operate with irresponsibility.


The consultant (from the Advisory Youth Station) was informed by the school principal about the incident of bullying by student peers within the school environment. It seems the intervention of the Director bullying the student has finally admitted that he had suffered bullying. Likely to be given, though not visible, the appropriate instructions to the school to inform parents of pupils and teachers' association on the subject to take place, each in his hand for the event.
The role of the consultant is important initially to help the school to investigate the real dimensions of the incident of bullying. Then, with the consent of the parents of the student and the school to help the student victim to face the fact of ill-treatment in the best possible way to minimize any impact of the event in psychology and the subsequent development of the student. Also, in collaboration with parents of other students Advisor can help to prevent similar acts of bullying by students involved - perpetrators always with the consent of parents and since they apply to the consultant.
To improve the Council's cooperation with the school should inform the school to identify only a matter even if it seems at first level that is not so serious as to need special attention. This way you may prevent a potential incident of school bullying prevention is better than the ex post approach.


The Deputy Mayor for Social Policy, was informed about the incident long after it was happened and expressed his opinions saying that unfortunately the school violence is a phenomenon that reflects the violence of our society.
Nowadays, economic crisis and unemployment usually cause such phenomenon.
He also stressed that unfortunately the security in our schools is inadequate and while there are school security guards are few and are not trained to identify early effects of bulling and violence among students.
He strongly believes in the collaboration between the Schools and the Youth Advisory Station in the prefecture. He also strongly believes in the cooperation between the schools and other city agencies such as social services of the municipality that employing specialists, social workers, and psychologists can really help to such situations.


The case of school bullying shows us first of all that the school is a miniature society in which, unfortunately, as if democratic conditions prevailing bullying is a pattern of behavior chosen by some of the members to resolve issues that concern them and affect their relationships. School bullying is a phenomenon that is an extension of the social. So the first steps must be taken to limit this by the state. For school bullying is essential to family-school collaboration - students. Bullying should not be playing at home, not to adopt children this behavioral model. They are parents to communicate and to elicit their children's concerns and problems.
Unfortunately, the security situation in schools is inadequate and as the economic crisis is affecting the coverage of schools with adequate teaching staff will make such events more often their appearance, as there is no luxury to be on call several teachers during the break.
Furthermore, education and training of teachers in handling incidents of school bullying is lacking so it is not easy to identify and distinguish a simple game played in the courtyard and the distinction of an incident of bullying that has all the appearance features of the game but actually work against one or more students.
Finally, the role of parents and their cooperation with the school on a regular basis is very important to avoid such phenomena of school bullying that it seems that in the case of X have not experienced all parents in the same way. The fact that three out of five parents tried to play down the seriousness of the incident may indicate some of the causes that have allowed this incident to occur. The messages may be received from their family, even after the punishment imposed on them by the specific school pupils, are contradictory and this does not help them to recognize the boundaries between right and wrong, good and bad . When the family environment differentiates itself from the school and an act of bullying, calling it "fun" and "habit of a certain age" that the pupils bullyingrs can be aware that the boundary between the plate and the bullying is clear. When parents think they are punishing the school over how to help their children understand the concept of responsibility and learn to take responsibility for their actions when their own parents carry the problem of bad behavior of their child in failure of another, of X, which "was stupid and allowed them to do," according to their word. Parents and schools must be in constant cooperation to be consistent as possible to the principles and values that are trying to teach children.
In this school operated by the Directorate of school following formal democratic procedures and crisis management as implicated - informed all interested parties (students, faculty, Advisory Youth Station, parents) and experienced belatedly in an efficient way fact of bullying of a student by his classmates. Worked collaboration parents - school. The Director activated when informed by his mother worked the X. Even Director with five pupils and parents of two aggressors but not with the parents of the other three.
We also see that it works and the cooperation of school and extracurricular organization, dedicated to such issues (Youth Advisory Station).
What did not work was the security conditions that were inadequate because they found the problem in time to prevent. In addition, the school environment was not structured in such a way that there are adequate conditions for the smooth integration and acceptance of new member.
Teachers sensitized hand after the advice of his mother, but that seemed too fast the first positive signs of solving the problem, while the situation was more serious, eventually raising them appeared to be superficial.
Having understood the seriousness of the problem, on call and activated its sole brought up the problem to surface. The on call teacher worked with the Director, who thereafter addressed the issue. The presence of other teachers is not visible.
Apparently it did not work the controller class teacher who could work proactively to the whole situation and play an important role of mediator between the new student and other students in order to join the X smoothly in the new school environment.
In school, teachers should be alerted so they can listen the problems of students and prevent bullying before Mark. Should be sensitive receivers and to use dialogue as persuasion to not get to the point harsher measures.
The state in turn must educate teachers to acquire the appropriate knowledge to enable teachers to identify, manage and resolve any problems of bullying.

Comments about this Case Study

Date: 16.03.2012

Posted by: IONELA ZAIT
Type of school: VASILE ALECSANDRI High School
Country: ROMANIA

I would ask the counsellor to help and investigate the case and highlight real dimensions of the incident. Parents should also be engaged to collaborate with the school to find solutions.

I found interesting the suggestion based on the cooperation between schools and other city agencies such as social services of the municipality that employ specialists, social workers, and psychologists who can really help in such situations.

Such aggressive incidents often happen when a pupil, especially a boy, moves to a new school. He is and feels isolated as he doesn’t know anybody. As a result he stands out in the crowd: an easy target for bullies. He needs help to integrate himself into the new school. His form teacher could engage him in activities so that his classmates will get to know him better, give him responsibilities; highlight his qualities. If the school has the buddy system based on pairing up children, the newcomer will soon feel part of the school.

Date: 07.03.2012

Posted by: Andrés Pecino Peña
Type of school: Concerted
Country: Spain

A month after the start of the academic year, students attending the X second year of college changed due to the professional responsibilities of his father who took his entire family to move to Petra. The student's mother informed the school of the student's integration problems at school (he was open to invitations from peers to participate in joint activities such as parties, games, complain to their parents by the change of school and had frequent conversations with his former colleagues via mobile phone). Following the intervention of the student committee of five of them, to integrate the student gradually, students began to interact with peers and some teachers felt that the objective was achieved. On the second visit of the mother school, the principal reported that the student refused to attend school, which tended to be always alone, not wanting to talk to their parents and mourn alone in his room. A few days after the second visit of the mother, the head teacher followed the students and found that the incident was part of a game of intimidation. According to the rules of the game, the students revealed that it was called "Paloukoma" and whoever lost had to be punished by the other embracing with legs open bar holding the volleyball net, playing with their genitals the bar and the other five members of the group struck him hard to do much damage and unable to resist any other. The loser was always randomly X.El student teacher informed the school principal who, having invited the students involved, the Youth Advisory Association, the student's parents x and five members of the student council were informed of the incident and punishment (five days of expulsion from school and if they repeat again definitely expelled from school) decided by the school teachers.
The first case I have chosen a situation that can occur in contexts in which to integrate a student in a group will do "tasks too fat" how are you referring. It's like the price to the hazing or take advantage of the weak who comes out and looks a bit helpless. In our school we know of cases like this because we try to accommodate all those who are new and give them our full support and is often observed in the early days to see how it evolves its integration into the Centre. He also observed consistently in the breaks and the cliques that form in any group or activity which requires the participation of several students.
It's kind of sad that students who are set to make the Center a new member who joins from outside and from another culture or other ways to take them with him. It is customary to this type of situation because most closed groups are seeking to welcome new members and make them go through "ordeals" as described.
If he had given as the case cited here would put all my strength in the direct observation of situations and would dialogue with the student and later with the rest of this group privately and individually in my office because I occupy the post of counselor of the College, and try to resolve the issue without having to declare anything publicly. It would make sense to students who abuse the partner exercises which passes through the head of the student victim of that relief and disgust he feels that to be accepted by a group has to go through this dire situation. I would do individually and possibly with images of similar situations.
Failure to repent ROF would come to the Centre to sanction a more forceful reiteration or non-compliance with the rules of good conduct.
But these rules would be the last thing you use, explain the situation after all members of the group and explaining the reasons why the student does not want to attend college.
I think it's a case that has possible solution and if not students seek collaborators who lend a hand to better integrate the new student.

Date: 07.03.2012

Posted by: Carmen Selma
Type of school: Concerted
Country: Spain

This case is very common in newly recruited students we are experiencing in our center because, in high school, is having a large number of new students.
The fact of trying to interact with other students and try to integrate into the school.
Any difference is that perhaps the problem involved in student council and is extended to all school staff.
The main support I've found is on the staff of the school.
Could learn which can occur in any facility of any type whatsoever and in any country, since it is a common example.
I recommend trying detected early cases of intimidation, giving examples and working them in mentoring students and about cyberbullying, also in our center from the tutorial we have dedicated several sessions to the subject and have also informed the parents about how children must use their network. Thing we appreciated that.
We as teachers are responsible, through workshops, of forming personally. But we must be realistic and there is often no better training than to try cases related to that topic we directamente.También sometimes with the help of guidance and support Conviencia the Hall of the school.
The training I would receive are talks by specialists on this issue, so we provide some strategies or guidelines to be followed in cases like these.

Date: 12.02.2012

Posted by: Petia Marcheva
Type of school: Specialized school
Country: Bulgaria

The case is similar to the one analyzed by our school – direct verbal and physical violence – targeting a boy. Here it is interesting that those who have been appointed as protectors of the victim and were supposed to support him actually took the role of his tormentors. Undertaking following of the children and approaching X’s complaints seriously led to the successful resolution of the situation. Physical violence is very broadly disseminated among the boys. The similarities between our case and this one however, end here. In the Greek case the physical violence came from the side of the so called trusted ones, those who should have been role models and from whom no one would have expected such behavior.
In a similar situation imposing a punishment is probably the only logical outcome and approach for resolution, because the perpetrators have actually gone through a training on how to be supportive to their school mates and to prevent bullying actions and conflict situations, but they have consciously undertaken actions in the opposite direction and have turned into bullies. No further training is necessary. Sanctions are needed.
The teachers, psychologists and pedagogic advisors from the Bulgarian schools would benefit a lot from reviewing this and other similar cases. Their training and regular skills update should include a course for careful selection and allocation of responsibilities, rights, obligations and power among the children and youths who enter such school bodies.

I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
