"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Press Releases
Inforef : un partenaire privilégié de l’AEDE-EL |
Article about the project activities in the quarterly magazine of the AEDE-EL (European Association of Teachers - Catholic Education), n°1, March 2012. This magazine is available on paper and under electronic format. |
Autres Initiatives : Projet européen « I Am Not Scared » pour lutter contre le harcèlement entre élèves. |
Article about the project in the electronic magazine entitled "Bulletin de liaison e-Twinning" n°57 - 10 May 2012. |
Projet européen « I Am Not Scared » pour lutter contre le harcèlement entre élèves |
Article about the project in the bimonthly magazine of the Catholic education (secondary and higher education) of the diocese of Liège: BI n°5 - June 2012. This magazine is available on paper and under electronic format. |
Appels à collaboration d’INFOREF : Projet européen « I Am Not Scared » pour lutter contre le harcèlement à l’école |
Publication of an article about the project in the educational magazine "Nouvelles d'Europe" (News from Europe) edited by the European Unit of the SeGEC (General Secretariat of Catholic Education). |
Retrouvailles, Du tonus pour vos loisirs ! Une grande conférence Inforef |
Article in the newspaper "Vlan Spectacle" of the 29th of August 2012 in order to announce the conference on school violence and bullying organized during the annual fair "Retrouvailles" in Liège. |
Conférence-débat « Violence et Médiation, à l’école et dans la société » |
Article in the special edition of the newspaper "Vlan Spectacle" (1st and 2nd of September 2012) about the conference organized during the annual fair "Retrouvailles" on the theme of violence at school (and outside school). |
Projet « I Am Not Scared » |
Article about the project in the Newsletter of the « Université de Paix » - October 2012. |
“The bullying phenomenon and the “I am not scared” project in Bulgaria or how and why we need to influence the national school-education system” |
The article describes the national situation with regard to school bullying and the project results already achieved and how they could be implemented in the educational practice of BG schools. |
“Project against violence” |
The description of the project is part of a material describing practices against bullying and violence, made in the compendium of research papers, dealing with practice and future of civil education – edition of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. |
“The bullying phenomenon and the “I am not scared” project in Bulgaria” |
The article describes the main findings of the national reports developed under the project “I am not scared”, comments the common EU perspective with regard to prevention and intervention of bullying, gives details of the developed national strategy to combat school bullying and gives description of the project portal and the possibilities it gives. The article is published in the magazine “Public Education”, issue of the Central Commission for Combating Anti-Social Acts of Minors”. The magazine is sent to all schools in the country as well as all experts in the regional pedagogical rooms and regional inspectorates responsible for the educational policies. |
The “I am not scared project” |
This press release was made in an online educational magazine/ portal and was describing the project in brief. |
The european project “I am not scared” regarding school bullying |
This press release was made in an online newspaper and had an informative form, as it was addressing to the general public. |
The “I am not scared project” |
This press release was published in the web page of the laboratory of educational technology course of ASPETE, as it is accessible from many teachers and potential teachers. |
The “I am not scared project” |
This press release was made in an online portal and was describing the conference of 16/10 |
The european project “I am not scared” regarding school bullying |
This press release was made in an online portal and was describing the conference of 16/10 |
The “I am not scared project” |
This press release was made in a online portal and was describing the conference of 16/10 |
La giornalista Adriana Battaglia nella cittadina naxiota per parlare di “bullismo a scuola”. |
Adriana Battaglia went to Sicily and presented the book “a battle against school bullying” in some schools and at the cultural association “Mea Lux”. (March 16, 2012) |
La lotta al bullismo parte anche da Tradate. |
In Italy at the Parliament in Rome Adriana Battaglia presented the book “a battle against school bullying” to parliamentarians and with the presence of Mrs Valentina Aprea, President of the VII commission of Culture, Science and Education. (January 23,2012) |
Vittime del cyber bullismo. Blog, face book e twitter: è internet la stanza delle torture dei teenager. |
Adriana Battaglia presents the phenomenon of school bullying in Italy and shows the guidelines of the project “I’m not scared” she coordinates. (September 5, 2011) |
Perché un giovane diventa bullo? |
Adriana comments a bullying event happened in Italy and talks about the situation of school bullying in Europe. (September 13, 2012) |
Bullying in school: analysis, facts and intervention in Lithuania. Project “I Am Not Scared” |
An article about bullying phenomenon in Lithuania, facts, trends, good practices and “I am not scared” project. The article was presented during the conference “The future of education” |
Intergenerational Learning and Education - Always a Challenge |
The article has been published in the proceedings of the National Symposium organized by University of Medicine Iasi, Department Interdisciplinary Studies, held in Iasi on 27.05.2011 (ISBN 978-606-540-058-0, Alfa,2011). |
Strategies To Prevent And Combat The Bullying Phenomenon – Case Study I Am Not Scared Project |
The article has been published in the proceedings of the 11th International Conference of QUEST Romania "Languages for Business and Career Development - The Quality Dimension", held in Bucharest between 21-22.10.2011. |
BULLYING - A lesson just shouldn’t be learned |
Article to be developed and sent to be published in the proceedings of the 5th International Conference - Interdisciplinary, intercultural and inter-generational Bridges, held in Iasi, between 11-12.05.2012. The article will present the project aims, objectives, activities and results, mainly referring to the development of the Case studies aiming at analysing bullying episodes and the Transnational discussions among the stakeholders involved, in Romania. |
Strategies to optimize the educational process: Tackling early school leaving and bullying |
The article has been published in the proceedings of the 58th International Scientific Symposium - Science, Quality, Diversity and Harmony, held in Iasi, between 24-26.05.2012. |
Wellbeing@school - the result of projects I am not scared and Stay@School |
Article to be developed and sent to be published in the proceedings of the Annual conference Plurilingualism, Multilingualism and Intercultural Awareness (MATE, QUEST, LRE international event), held in Iasi, between 21-22.09.2012. The article present the situation of the school early leaving and bullying in Romania, including the importance of involving the teachers and main stakeholders in the field of education in joining for preventing and combating the two phenomenon. The article also present the activities and results reached so far. |
Members of the US worked in Milan to deal with school bullying |
Participation of the US team in the last meeting held in Milan, and presentation of common guidelines. It has been published in US internal Journal of Communication (and distributed in social networks) |
Meeting on the European project 'I Am Not Scared' in Science Education Faculty |
Announcement of the third meeting in Seville and presentation of the project. It has been published in US internal Journal of Communication (and distributed in social networks) |
‘Joining Forces to tackle the problems of cyber-bullying’ |
Newspaper article in the ‘Nottingham Post’ on 3/10/12 |
‘More action needed to tackle cyber bullies’ |
Newspaper editorial in the Nottingham Post on 3/10/12 |
‘Cyber-bullying expert to talk at national event in Notts |
Newspaper article in ‘Nottingham Post’ on 19/9/12 |
‘Expert logs in for cyberbullying talk’ |
Newspaper article in ‘Derby Telegraph’ October 2012 |
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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