Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Project Partners

From this section it is possible to access to each project partner description. There are eleven partners involved in nine different European countries.

Name of the organisation: Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Don Lorenzo Milani
Address: via Gramsci, 1, 21049 Tradate (VA)
Tel: +390331843345
Fax: +39033181001
Web site:
Name of the contact person: Adriana Battaglia Pradi
Function: Headmaster
Address: Via Gramsci, 1, 21049 Tradate (VA)
Tel: +390331843345
Fax: +39033181001
E-mail: [email protected]
Type of organisation:
  • University
Fields of action:
  • Youth
“Don Lorenzo Milani” is an important State High School offering several study courses:
  • School of Accountancy
  • School of Building surveying
  • Graphic design School
  • School for Operators in tourism enterprise
  • Arts High school – audiovisual and multimedia specialisation
  • School of Design and Communication
  • School of Building, Environmental and Land management
  • School of Economics, Business Administration, Finance and Marketing

The school was a branch school of the Technical School “Daverio” located in Varese and was specialized in study courses for building surveying and accountancy till 1982 when it gained its own autonomy.

In 1984 it was called “Don Lorenzo Milani” in honour of the Prior of “Sant’Andrea” of Barbiana, a very strict educationist, students’ guide and mentor.

In December 2003 the school received the Certificate of Quality according to the standard UNI ISO 9001:2000.

In 2006 the school was accredited by the Italian Minister of Public Education, Mrs Letizia Moratti, as one of the “schools of excellence” in the province of Varese thanks to the activities and projects carried out.

In 2007 the Graphic Design School moved to Venegono Inferiore, where it found its stable location.

The school left the old methods of transmitting knowledge and contents from the books and from the teachers to the students aside and it focuses on the right of everyone to build an autonomous personal identity that should reinforce the sense of belonging to a common culture and promote international values to feel “citizens of the world”.

Education and Training play a dominant role because the school aims not only to preserve democracy but also to defend the right of everyone to contribute to a profitable formation of the personal identity.

“Don Milani” mission is to join culture and efficient management to improve the quality of the offer because the school is based on cooperation and shared responsibilities. In these years the school has tried to provide learning opportunities that could join people, both teachers and students, and reinforce their relationship to work profitably towards specific objectives.

Providing a flexible and open environment the school is gaining a remarkable success in the area because it tries to qualify students and prepare them for their working career according to the job opportunities offered in our region. The strategy consists in the effort to improve the quality and the efficiency of education and training, to promote good citizenship and fairness values and to encourage innovation, creativity as well as entrepreneurship.

The school aims at maintaining the standards of the quality system and reducing the phenomenon of drop-outs trying to guide students and to motivate them during the school years. This institution works to guarantee health education, solidarity, equal opportunities, to integrate disabled and foreign students, to promote key competences to prepare young people for their future job career according to the social context and technological innovations, to guarantee a transparent exchange of information, to enhance the staff’s training and to prevent or face social problems such as bullism.
EXPERIENCE IN PREVIOUS PROJECTS The School took part in various Comenius projects and was awarded four times by the Council of Ministers in Rome, three times by the European Parliament in Strasbourg and also by the organization “Save the Children”.
CONTACT PERSON’S EXPERIENCE Adriana Battaglia graduated in Lettere e Filosofia and in Law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She got a qualification in Auxology and a master’s degree in Public Management at the Università Bocconi in Milan. She is enrolled in the National Register of Journalism.

She is headmaster of the High School “Don Milani” in Tradate and she took part in several ministerial and regional commissions. She cooperates with the Faculty of Experimental Pedagogy of the State University in Turin and she created and established a network of national research about bullism with Prof. Trinchero. Thanks to this cooperation the book titled “Io non ho paura: Storie di vittime e di bulli” Ed. Franco Angeli - “I am not scared. Stories of victims and bullies” - was published.

She collaborated with the Juvenile Court in Milan.
She is supervisor of the standards of quality system (ISO regualations) and she is also reporter and trainer of updating courses for teachers.

She is President of the European Institute for Social Sciences “Art work Progress” and trainer in business communication.
She is also adviser of the “House of Europe” associated with the “Federation International des Maisons d’Europe”.

She collaborated for international projects with MAFPEN in Paris and with the University in Lyon. In 1995 she was involved in the intercultural Italian-American project and developed a partnership with East-Meadow Union Free School District about the drop-outs.

In 1996 she worked for the project “Pedagogia della Scoperta” with Dr. John W. Healy – Art Department Wookdland Middle School New York and in 1997 she was appointed by Ms Margherita Boniver and collaborated with the Italian school “G. Marconi” in New York in the work group for drop-outs within the Italian-American community of students.

She was a member of the Board of Administration – Education Superintendence in the Province of Varese in 1998.

She worked for the Liceo “Leonardo da Vinci” in Lugano (CH) as psycho-pedagogic advisor.

She was adviser for KESPIS - International Institute for Political, Economic and Social Studies - she collaborated with “Save The Children” for a campaign against pedophilia and since 1990 she has been cooperating with Pedagogic and Arts magazines.

She worked for the Commission of Regional Management in Lombardy for Intercultura with the British Council (Spain, Great Britain and Italy) and she collaborated with Mr Pellegrino in the work group for the EXPO – Fiera 2006 in Milan in the field Education, Innovation and Technology.

She was a member of the ISI Quality Group – Social Accountability 8000 and a regional manager of the Commission “Regional Thermal Tourism”.

She evaluated headmasters’ operations in Lombardy (2004-2006) and she was member of the Technical Scientific Committee (Indire – Florence).

She published “Cristalli di Luce I” (Edizione Serpotta 1992), “Cristalli di Luce II” (edizioni Dorica 1994), “Sacralità dell’Eros” (edizione Dorica 1995); she collaborated with Sicilcassa for “L’anno di Guglielmo” (edizione Dorica 1996) and for “Diffusione della cultura e Istituti di Credito in Italia” (Sicilcassa 1995) (Ed. Dorica 1996). “Catavita” (1992) and “Contemporanei” (1993) cited some of her works. Finally she published “Il gioco del doppio” (2004) and “Io non ho paura: storie di vittime e di bulli” (ed. Franco Angeli 2009).

She won the following national and international literary awards: Gran Premio internazionale “Il David d’oro” (1996), Gran Premio internazionale Cavalieri di Malta (1986), Oscar delle Arti e Lettere “Beatrice Portinari” (1988), Premio Nazionale Leonardo da Vinci (1990), Oscar delle Arti “David d’Oro di Michelangelo” (1990), Oscar delle Arti e della Cultura “The Statue of Liberty” (1990), Grand Prix Union Europeen “Le Lion d’or” (1991), Oscar delle Arti “Il Pegaso d’oro” (1991), IX Trofeo del Po (1991), Premio “Miglior critico d’arte” (1995, Accademia Alessandro Magno), Premio Mercurio d’Oro 2010 – Regione Lombardia.

I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
