"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Anti-Violence-Events of the Berlin police
Anti-violence events, violence in schools
National Project
Pupils of all grades
Landespolizeischule Berlin
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
The anti-violence events of the Berlin police treat to deal with daily violence and should also bring the students closer to the working methods of the police. In cooperation with the police is a positive relationship should build up and the fear of looking for the help of the police should be taken.
Themes of the meetings between students and police officers are violent incidents from the own experience of the students or from experience of peers. It covers topics from the areas of domestic violence, violence in school and on the way to the school. Real experiences with violence are discussed in the group and evaluated. Identifying of better ways of behavior is the focus. The students should learn about "emergency exemplaries" so that they can use it if they got in danger themselves or others.
On a "violence beam" as a panel it is shown by the police that violence begins where another person is to be hurt physically or emotionally. These results are modeled through role playing and discussion with the students. Students can also ask questions about the official work of the police and therefore get more accurate knowledge about the concrete steps of the police when a complain to the police has been done. Working with victims and witnesses is thereby more precisely analyzed and discussed.
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Help-line/counseling, Classroom management, Classroom rules, Peer support.
The implementation of an evaluation in cooperation with the Free University of Berlin is planned. pages
This summary was created by the Technical University of Dresden in collaboration with the BGAG - Institute for Work and Health of the German accident insurance, Dresden.
I Am Not Scared Project
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