"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Good Practices Database
Target Groups
Document Title |
Author |
Country where it took place |
Typology |
Превенция на противообществените прояви на малолетните и непълнолет | Общинската комисия за борба срещу противообществените прояви на малол | България | National Project |
“Prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior in the municipality of Varna - 2007” | Municipal committee on prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior – Varna | Bulgaria | National Project |
Olweus Anti-Bullying Intervention Program | Nationwide campaign against bullying in Norway | Norway, Europe, USA, Worldwide | Transnational Project |
Il progetto Tutor | Consulta provinciale studentesca – Rappresentanti di classe/istituto - Insegnanti - Dirigenti scolastici | Italia | National Project |
Bullying Prevention for Schools | Allan L. Beane, PH.D. | USA | Other |
The tutor project | Provincial Student board – Class/Institute representatives – Teachers - School Directors | Italy | National Project |
Peer education: a project to prevent and combat bullying | Provincial Student board - Local Health Agency operators - students of grade 11 | Italy | National Project |
“Convivencia escolar: que es y cómo abordarla” (programa educativo entre compañeros y compañeras) | Andalucía | España | National Project |
'School coexistence: what is it and how to approach it (educational program between boys and girls) | Andalusia | Spain | National Project |
Училищна програма за превенция на агресивното поведение І – ІV клас | Доц. д-р Иванка Бончева – психолог-психотерапевт К. Николова – гл. експер� | България | National Project |
School program for prevention of aggressive behavior – 1st – 4th grade | Doc. D-r Ivanka Boncheva – psychologist – psychotherapist K. Nikolova – chief expert, department “Prevention” | Bulgaria | National Project |
L’educazione tra pari: Progetto di prevenzione e contrasto al bullismo | Consulta provinciale studentesca - Operatori ASL - Studenti del terzo anno | Italia | National Project |
„Не” на агресията (в училище) | Проектът е орагнизиран и осъществен от учителите по психология и психол | България | Informative Campaign |
„No” to aggression (in school) | The project has been organized and implemented by teachers in psychology as well as the school psychologist, with the support of the school administrators and with the participation of all teachers from Vocational high school of forestry and woodworking | Bulgaria | Informative Campaign |
Plan for prevention and treatment of conflicts (materials for their implementation in a secondary school) | Navarra | Spain | Transnational Project |
Olweus-Präventions-Programm | Beispielsweise: Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien (LISUM) Brandenburg | Vielzahl europäischer Länder | National Project |
Olweus-Prevention-Programme | For example Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien (LISUM) Brandenburg | Large number of European countries | Transnational Project |
Tutor project in Lombardy | Teachers, students, headmasters, provincial student board, parents | Italy | National Project |
Progetto Tutor della Lombardia | Insegnanti, studenti, dirigenti scolastici, genitori e studenti della Consulta provinciale | Italia | National Project |
“Plan de prevención y tratamiento de conflictos” (materiales para su puesta en marcha en un centro de secundaria) | Navarra | España | National Project |
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for secondary schools | Department for Education | United Kingdom | National Project |
„Училище без насилие” | УНИЦЕФ България и Държавна агенция за защита на децата | България | National Project |
“School without violence” | UNICEF Bulgaria and State Agency for Child Protection | Bulgaria | National Project |
“Романски надежди”; Ученическият съвет- форма на самоуправление | Директор и екип учители от СОУ "Васил Левски", гр. Роман | България | Other |
“Roman hopes”. The school council – a self-government form | The school director and a group of teachers at secondary school "Vasil Levski", Roman | Bulgaria | Other |
“Guía de actuación en los centros educativos ante el maltrato entre iguales” | Euskadi | España | Other |
Action guide on schools agaisnt peer violence | Euskadi | Spain | Other |
“Plan PREVI” (Plan de Prevención de la Violencia y Promoción de la Convivencia en los centros escolares de la comunidad Valenciana) | Comunidad Valenciana | España | National Project |
"PREVI Plan"(Plan for the Prevention of Violence and Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence in schools in the Valencia Region | Comunidad Valenciana | Spain | National Project |
Prävention im Team (PiT) | Zum Beispiel: - Deeskalationsteam POLTRAIN – Institut für schulische Fortbildung und schulpsychologische Beratung Rheinland-Pfalz - PiT – Hessen Prävention im Team | Deutschland | National Project |
Prevention in a team (PiT) | For example: - Deeskalationsteam POLTRAIN – Institut für schulische Fortbildung und schulpsychologische Beratung Rheinland-Pfalz - PiT – Hessen Prävention im Team | Germany | National Project |
Programme for primarily prevention (ProPP) – Strenghten pupils, Resolve conflicts | Institut für schulische Fortbildung und schulpsychologische Beratung Rheinland-Pfalz | Germany | National Project |
Be-Prox – Berner Programm gegen Gewalt im Kindergarten und in der Schule | Alsaker Gruppe für Prävention, Universität Bern | Schweiz | National Project |
Be-Prox – Berne Programme against violence in kindergarten and schools | Alsaker Group for Prevention, University of Berne | Switzerland | National Project |
Konflikttraining nach Gordon | Beispielsweise: Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien (LISUM) Brandenburg | Deutschland | National Project |
Conflict training by Gordon | For example Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien (LISUM) Brandenburg | Germany | National Project |
Anti-Bullying Alliance | Anti-Bullying Alliance | United Kingdom | Informative Campaign |
Pubbliciziamoci | Esperti in media education – insegnanti – studenti | Torino, Italy | National Project |
Let’s advertise us! | Media education experts – teachers - students | Torino, Italy | National Project |
“Maltrato entre iguais” programa de sensibilización sobre o maltrato entre iguais | Galicia | España | Informative Campaign |
'School bullying' awareness program about school bullying | Galicia | Spain | Informative Campaign |
“La actuación ante el maltrato entre iguales en el centro educativo” | Madrid | España | Training Course for Teachers |
Io me ne frego! Uno spettacolo sul bullismo | Servizio familgia, infanzia e età evoluiva dell’asl di Milano, gruppo teatrale Quelli del Grock, consulenza scientifica Nicola Iannacone, studenti e docenti di scuole secondarie di Milano | Italia | National Project |
Programm zur Primärprävention (ProPP) – Schülerinnen und Schüler stärken, Konflikte klären | Institut für schulische Fortbildung und schulpsychologische Beratung Rheinland-Pfalz | Deutschland | National Project |
The No Blame Approach | George Robinson & Barbara Maines | United Kingdom | Training Course for Teachers |
Thinkuknow - Child Exploitation and On Line Protection Centre (CEOP) | Child Exploitation and On Line Protection Centre (CEOP) | United Kingdom | National Project |
« VISTOP » project 2006 – 2008 “Violence In Schools Training Online Project” VISTOP logo : a blue hand meaning “stop!” with a thumb in the form of a bird head which remind us our dove of... | European Comenius Project 5 partners | 5 EU countries, but the training is aimed at countries worldwide. | Transnational Project |
Projet « VISTOP » 2006 - 2008 « Violence in Schools Training Online Project » : Projet de formation en ligne contre la violence à l’école Logo de VISTOP : une main bleue signifiant « stop !... | Projet européren Coménius. 5 Partenaires | 5 pays de l’UE, mais les formations s’adressent au monde entier | Transnational Project |
I don’t care! a performance about bullying | Servizio familgia, infanzia e età evoluiva dell’asl di Milano, gruppo teatrale Quelli del Grock, consulenza scientifica Nicola Iannacone, studenti e docenti di scuole secondarie di Milano | Milan, Italy | National Project |
L’école citoyenne | « Mouvement des Institutions et Ecoles Citoyennes » (M.I.E.C.) | Belgique | Other |
Civic school | Movement of Civic Institutions and Schools (M.I.E.C.). | Belgium | Other |
„Възпитавай ме така и предай нататък” | Еквилибриум България и Комплекс за социални услуги за деца и семейства, � | България | Informative Campaign |
“Educate me like this and pass it on” | Equilibrium Bulgaria and Complex for social services for children and families, the town of Rousse | Bulgaria | Informative Campaign |
“Proyecto de convivencia y éxito educativo” | Cataluña | España | National Project |
Coexistence Project and educational success | Cataluña | Spain | National Project |
'Actions against bullying in school' | Madrid | Spain | Training Course for Teachers |
Freiburg Anti-Violence-Training (FAGT) | Prof. Dr. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff | Germany | National Project |
Prävention von Aggression und Gewalt an Schulen (PAGS) | Fachhochschule Potsdam, Fachbereich Sozialwesen | Deutschland | National Project |
Prevention of aggression and violence in schools (PAGS) | Fachhochschule Potsdam, Fachbereich Sozialwesen | Germany | National Project |
CircoSTANZA – il circo in una stanza per cambiare le circostanze della vita. | VIP, Associazione “Viviamo in Positivo” onlus Italia e Plesso Scolastico Martiri della Resistenza di Nichelino (TO) hanno attivato i laboratori di Circo sociale al cui progetto collaborano 1 educatore, 1 consulente artistico e 1 formatore di cre | Nichelino - Torino, Italy | National Project |
Circumstances - A circus in a room to change the circumstances of life. | VIP Association "Let’s live positively" Onlus Italy and non-profit school building Martiri della Restistenza in Nichelino (TO) have organized workshops to carry out a social circus, a project where an educator, an art consultant and a trainer for | Nichelino - Torino, Italy | National Project |
„Заедно срещу дрогата и насилието” | ПУ „П.Р. Славейков”, Плевен Сдружение „Нашите деца могат”, Свиленград Н | България | National Project |
„Together against drugs and violence” | School for children with special educational needs “P. R. Slaveykov”, Pleven Association “Our children can”, Svilengrad National commission on Национална комисия за бо� | Bulgaria | National Project |
Проект „Училищна Дъга”, който се реализира с: финансовата подкрепа на О | СНЦ “АГЕНЦИЯ ЗА РЕГИОНАЛНО ИКОНОМИЧЕСКО РАЗВИТИЕ” – гр. СЛИВЕН Основн | България | National Project |
Project „School rainbow”, which has been implemented with the financial support by the operational program “Human resources development”, co-financed by the European Union through the European... | Non profit association “Agency for regional economic development” – city of Sliven Primary school „St. P. Hilendarski”, the village of Sotirya Primary school "Hristo Botev", the village of Samuilovo Primary school „Na | Bulgaria | National Project |
“Maltrato Cero” | Asturias | España | Informative Campaign |
Zero abuse | Asturias | Spain | Informative Campaign |
Psycoeducational counselling | Rehabilitation center dealing with childhood, adolescence, family | Italy | National Project |
Sportello psicopedagogico | Centro di riabilitazione infanzia adolescenza famiglia | Italy | National Project |
Faustlos | Heidelberger Präventionszentrum (HPZ), Baden-Württemberg | Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Luxemburg, Italien | Transnational Project |
Freiburger Anti-Gewalt-Training (FAGT) | Prof. Dr. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff | Deutschland | National Project |
Anti-Gewalt-Veranstaltungen der Berliner Polizei | Landespolizeischule Berlin | Deutschland | National Project |
Encadrement des élèves | Institut Marie-Thérèse (IMT), Liège, Belgique. Ecole catholique d’enseignement secondaire. | Belgique | Other |
Supervision of the pupils | Institut Marie-Thérèse (IMT), Liège, Belgium. Catholic Secondary school | Belgium | Other |
A National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland's Children and Young People | The Scottish Government & the Scottish Anti-Bullying Steering Group | Scotland | National Project |
Les élèves harceleurs privés de profil Facebook | « Assises nationales françaises sur le harcèlement à l’école », 2 et 3 Mai 2011. Colloque organisé et présidé par le sociologue français, Eric Debarbieux. | France - Paris | National Project |
Bullies deprived of Facebook profile | « French national assizes on school bullying », 2nd and 3rd May 2011. Seminar organised and chaired by the French sociologist Eric Debarbieux. | France – Paris | National Project |
Monitoraggio – focus group | cinque Direzioni didattiche: Avignana (TO), Cisterna d’Asti (Asti), Fiano (TO), Galliate (NO), Romagnano Sesia (NO), per un totale di 70 insegnanti. | Italia | Training Course for Teachers |
Monitoring focus group | five educational institutions: Avignana, Cisterna d'Asti (Asti), Fiano (TO), Galliate (NO), commissioned, for a total of 70 teachers. | Italy | Training Course for Teachers |
“Виртуално и реално насилие – превенция чрез интерактивно обучение в у | Асоциация “Родители” и Фондация “Приложни изследвания и комуникации� | България | National Project |
“Virtual and real violence – prevention through interactive school education” | Association “Parents” and Foundation “Applied research and communications” | Bulgaria | National Project |
“Guía maltrato entre iguales” | Extremadura | España | Informative Campaign |
'Guide about school bullying' | Extremadura | Spain | Informative Campaign |
“Anti-Bullying” (línea de ayuda contra el acoso escolar) | La Rioja y Madrid | España | National Project |
"Anti-Bullying" (help line against bullying) | La Rioja and Madrid | Spain | National Project |
Ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο για τον σχολικό εκφοβισμό | Μέντορας (Μη κερδοσκοπικό σωματείο, υπό αναγνώριση) | Ελλάδα | Informative Campaign |
Informative brochure about school bullying | Mentoras (Non-profit association) | Greece | Informative Campaign |
Without Fists | Heidelberger Präventionszentrum (HPZ), Baden-Württemberg | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemberg, Italy | Transnational Project |
Anti-Violence-Events of the Berlin police | Landespolizeischule Berlin | Germany | National Project |
Konstanzer Trainingsmodell (KTM) | Beispielsweise: - Institut für Friedenspädagogik Tübingen e.V. - Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Abt. 7 Schule und Bildung | Deutschland | National Project |
Constance Training Model (KTM) | For example: -Institut für Friedenspädagogik Tübingen e.V. - Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Abt. 7 Schule und Bildung | Germany | National Project |
Tinerii împotriva violenței | Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetarii, Tineretului si Sportului in colaborare cu Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei, Agentia OSC si organizatia "Salvati copiii" | Romania | National Project |
Youth against violence | Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports in collaboration with The Institute of Education Sciences, OSC and the organization "Save the children" | Romania | National Project |
Observatoire International de la Violence à l’Ecole | L’OBSERVATOIRE INTERNATIONAL DE LA VIOLENCE EN MILIEU SCOLAIRE est une ONG. C’est une structure totalement indépendante des gouvernements et des institutions politiques internationales. | Monde | Informative Campaign |
International observatory of school at school | THE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF VIOLENCE AT SCHOOL is a NGO. It’s a structure totally independent of governments and international political authorities. |
World | Informative Campaign |
University of Peace, non-profit association | University of Peace. Non-profit association founded in 1960 by Dominique Pire, laureate of the Nobel Prize of Peace. | Belgium - Namur | Other |
Exploitation de la pièce de théâtre « Niets » et du film « Ben X » | C’est un fait divers local, « à Gand (ville belge de Flandre) un jeune autiste harcelé à l’école se suicide en se jetant dans le vide », qui donne l’idée au réalisateur flamand, Nic Balthazar, de s’intéresser | Belgique | Other |
Université de Paix asbl | Université de Paix, Namur. Une asbl fondée en 1960 par Dominique Pire, lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix | Belgique - Namur | Other |
Exploitation of the theatre play « Niets » and the film « Ben X » | It is a local news item, “in Ghent (Belgian city of Flanders) an autistic young boy bullied at school commits suicide throwing himself out of the window”, that gives the Flemish producer, Nic Balthazar, the idea to take an interest in the theme | Belgium | Other |
Peer education nelle scuole lombarde | Referenti di educazione alla salute degli istituti superiori Bertacchi e Maria Ausiliatrice della provincia di Lecco e dell'Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale, operatori dell'ASL di Lecco | Italia | National Project |
Peer education in high schools in Lombardy | Representatives of health education Dept of high school Bertacchi and Maria Ausiliatrice in the province of Lecco and the Provincial Education Office, local operators of the National Health Service of Lecco | Italy | National Project |
Σχολική βία: Φαινόμενο της εποχής | Άρθρο του Ευστράτιου Παπάνη, Επίκουρου Καθηγητή Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου | Ελλάδα | National Project |
School violence: A phenomenon of the era | Article by Efstratios Papanis, Assistant Professor of Aegean University | Greece | National Project |
Πρόγραμμα Αξιολόγησης Αναγκών και Ευαισθητοποίησης στο Θέμα του Εκφοβ | Εταιρεία Ψυχοκοινωνικής Υγείας του Παιδιού και του Εφήβου (Ε.Ψ.Υ.Π.Ε.) και Π | Ελλάδα | Transnational Project |
Program for the evaluation of needs and awareness on the issue of bullying among pupils in schools | Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents – Department of Pedagogics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as a part of the transnational program “Daphne II” (2006-2008) | Greece | Transnational Project |
Ηλεκτρονικός σχολικός εκφοβισμός: μία νέα απειλή | Γκολέμη Παναγιώτα - Ευγενία, Ψυχολόγος | Ελλάδα | Other |
Cyber bullying in schools: A new threat | Gkolemi Panagiota – Evgenia, Psychologist | Greece | Other |
Violența în școală | Institutul de științe ale educație, UNICEF România | Romania | Researches |
Violence in school | The Institute of Educational Sciences, UNICEF Romania | Romania | Researches |
Proceduri de intervenție și gestionare a situațiilor de violență în mediul școlar | Inspectoratul Judetean Cluj, Centrul Judetean de Resurse si de Asistenta Educationala Cluj | Romania | Researches |
Procedures for intervention and management of violence in schools | County Inspectorate of Cluj, County Resource Center and Educational Assistance Cluj | Romania | Researches |
Reducerea violenței în școală – Un ghid al schimbării | Consiliul Europei | Romania | Other |
The reduction of violence in schools - A guide to change | The Council of Europe | Romania | Other |
Projet-pilote « Ateliers du bien-être ». Année scolaire 2010- 2011 | Enseignants du Lycée Dachsbeck Bruxelles, Echevinat de l’Instruction publique et de la Jeunesse de Bruxelles, Professeur Isidore Pelc de la faculté de médecine de l’ULB. | Belgique - Brussels | Other |
Pilot project « Well being workshops » - School year 2010-2011 | Teachers of the Lycée Dachsbeck of Brussels, Deputy Burgomaster of State Education and Youth of Brussels, Professor Isidore PELC - Faculty of Medicine of the ULB. | Belgium - Brussels | Other |
Restorative Approaches and Practices | The National Centre for Restorative Approaches in Youth Settings | United Kingdom, Ireland, | Informative Campaign |
Let’s play citizenship | The « Right of young people » Service, Liège. With the support of the French Community of Belgium. | Belgium | Informative Campaign |
Jouons la citoyenneté | Service « Droit des Jeunes » Liège. Avec le soutien de la Communauté française de Belgique | Belgique | Informative Campaign |
Second Step Programme | Children Support Center | Lithuania | Other |
Savaitė BE PATYČIŲ | Iniciatyvos "Savaitė BE PATYČIŲ" organizatoriai ir partneriai: VšĮ "Vaikų linija", VšĮ "Paramos vaikams centras", VšĮ "Vaiko labui", LR Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija, Lietuvos vaikų ir jaunimo centras, Vaiko te | Lietuva | Other |
Кампания «Да спрем насилието в училище» | Ученически парламент на 2 Английска езикова гимназия „Томас Джеферсън� | България | Other |
Campaign “Let’s stop violence in school” | Students’ parliament at 2 English language school “Thomas Jefferson”, Sofia | Bulgaria | Other |
Проект “Аз избрах – без насилие!” | Проектът се реализира от НСНЦ „Инициатива Родопа планина – ХХІ век” в п | България | National Project |
Project “I chose – without violence!” | The project is implemented by National non-profit association “Initiative Rodopes – XXI century” in partnership with regional department of the Ministry of internal affairs – Smolyan and is financed by Open Society Institute under prog | Bulgaria | National Project |
"Vaikų linijos" ir bendrovės "Čilija" vykdoma kampanija "Nustok tyčiotis" | Viešoji įstaiga "Vaikų linija" | Lietuva | Informative Campaign |
Informative campaign "Stop Bullying" by "Vaikų linija" and company "Čilija" | Public institution "Vaikų linija" | Lithuania | Informative Campaign |
Newsletter for the adjustment of children at school. How parents can help their children feel safe, satisfaction and how they can improve their ability to learn | National Family & Parenting Institute | Greece | Informative Campaign |
Ενημερωτικό δελτίο για την προσαρμογή των παιδιών στο σχολείο. Πως οι γο | National Family & Parenting Institute | Ελλάδα | Informative Campaign |
Σχολικός εκφοβισμός | Ομπρέλα: Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης και Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποί� | Ελλάδα | Informative Campaign |
School bullying | Umbrella : Hellenic Society for Research and Prevention of Sexual Abuse - “No Secret” campaign | Greece | Informative Campaign |
Το φαινόμενο Bullying και πώς να το αντιμετωπίσετε | Επιτροπή Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής (Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκη | Ελλάδα | Researches |
The Bullying phenomenon and how to deal with | Committee of Social Policy (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) | Greece | Researches |
Σχολικός Εκφοβισμός - Το φαινόμενο "bullying" | Περιφ. Δ/νση Π.&Δ. Εκπ/σης Στερ. Ελλάδας, Διεύθυνση Β/θμιας Εκπαίδευσης Ν. Φθι� | Ελλάδα | National Project |
The bullying phenomenon in schools | Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Greece, Directorate of Secondary Education of Fthiotida Prefecture - Bureau of Health Education | Greece | National Project |
Study regarding the phenomenon of violence in schools | CMBRAE/CMBAP | Romania | Researches |
CPMS ( Psycho-Medico-Social Centres), School Mediation and Mobile Teams | Ministry of the French Community of Belgium | Belgium | National Project |
CPMS (Centres Psycho-Médico-Sociaux), Médiation scolaire et Equipes mobiles | Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique | Belgique | National Project |
Studiu privind agresivitatea în școală | CMBRAE/CMBAP | Romania | Researches |
Strategia Ministerului Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului cu privire la reducerea fenomenului de violență în unitățile de învățământ preuniversitar | Direcția Generală Management Învățământ Preuniversitar a Ministerul Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului | Romania | Other |
The strategy of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports on reducing the phenomenon of violence in schools | The General Management Direction of Secondary Education | Romania | Other |
Campagne de sensibilisation « Qui a dit que ? », Janvier - Mai 2010 | PREVIF, Service de prévention des violences de la ville de Seraing. La structure de concertation "Délinquance juvénile" | Belgique – Seraing | Informative Campaign |
Awareness campaign « Who said that ? » - January to May 2010 | PREVIF, Service de prévention des violences de la ville de Seraing. The dialog structure « Juvenile deliquency » | Belgium - Seraing | Informative Campaign |
Charte «ruban vert pour le respect ». Année 2007 | Quatre écoles d’enseignement secondaire de la ville de Dinant | Belgique - Dinant | Other |
Charter « Green ribbon for respect ». Year 2007 | Four secondary schools of the city of Dinant | Belgium - Dinant | Other |
Programa „Antras žingsnis“ (Second Step Programme) | Paramos vaikams centras | Lietuva | Other |
Assistance program for victims of child abuse and their families | Partnering with organizations, support and training for professionals working with children and families: Children's Rights Protection Controller's Office of Lithuania; Child Protective Services of Vilnius, Judicial Ministry of Lithuania; Nationa | Lithuania | Other |
Kompleksinė pagalba nuo smurto nukentėjusiems vaikams ir jų šeimos nariams | Vaikų teisių apsuagos kontrolieriaus tarnyba, vaiko teisių apsaugos tarnybos Vilniuje, Teisingumo ministerija. | Lietuva | Other |
A Gonfie vele! | Responsabili Azione Cattolica Studenti | Italia | National Project |
Booming! | Acs Responsibles, Students from Azione Cattolica | Italy | National Project |
Emocinės paramos tarnyba "Vaikų linija" | Viešosios įstaigos darbuotojai | Lietuva | Other |
Emotional Support Services 'Child Line' | The staff of public institution "Vaikų linija" | Lithuania | Other |
Internetinis puslapis wwww.vaikystebesmurto.lt | "Paramos vaikams centras" darbuotojai | Lietuva | Informative Campaign |
A website www.vaikystebesmurto.lt | The staff of "Children Support centre" | Lithuania | Informative Campaign |
Jaunimo psichologinės paramos centro veikla | Jaunimo psichologinės paramos centras | Lietuva | National Project |
Youth Psychological Aid Centre activities | Youth Psychological Aid Centre (YPAC) | Lithuania | National Project |
Το "Σπίτι των Παιδιών", Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό προγράμματος αντιμετώπισης τ | Κέντρο Πρόληψης Όραμα - Ομάδα ΠΥΞΙΔΑΣ | Ελλάδα | Training Course for Teachers |
“Home of children”: Educational material of a program (focused on primary education) for the confrontation of the child aggression | Prevention Institute "Orama" – "Pixida" Team | Greece | Training Course for Teachers |
Λειτουργία των Συμβουλευτικών Τηλεφωνικών Γραμμών της Εταιρείας Ψυχοκ | Εταιρεία Ψυχοκοινωνικής Υγείας του Παιδιού και του Εφήβου (Ε.Ψ.Υ.Π.Ε.) | Ελλάδα | Other |
Telephone counseling line of The Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents | Association for the Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents | Greece | Other |
Schools FOR teenagers – A humanistic project against violence | The educational staff of 2 secondary schools:
Belgium | Other |
Des écoles POUR les adolescents – Un projet humaniste contre la violence | Le personnel éducatif de 2 établissements d’enseignement secondaire:
Belgique | Other |
Studiu privind manifestările agresive în mediul școlar din județul Galați | Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Galați | Romania | Researches |
Study regarding aggressive manifestation in the school environment in the county of Galați | Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Galați | Romania | Researches |
Forum « Au-delà des préjugés … » 1er avril 2011 | Partenariat entre 5 écoles secondaires de la ville de Bruxelles. | Belgique - Bruxelles | Other |
Forum « Beyond the prejudices…. » 1st April 2011 | Partnership between 5 secondary schools of Brussels City | Belgium - Brussels | Other |
Nous disons NON à la violence à l’école | Institut Notre-Dame Séminaire Bastogne (INDSé), élèves du 1er degré, année 2007. | Belgique - Bastogne | Other |
We say NO to school violence | Institut Notre-Dame Séminaire of Bastogne (INDSé), pupils of the 1st and 2nd secondary classes, year 2007. | Belgium - Bastogne | Other |
Prevention and response to identity-based bullying among local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales | Published by the Equality & Human Rights Commission Authors Neil Tippett, Catherine Houlston, Peter K. Smith Unit for School and Family Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London | United Kingdom | Researches |
Dossier : School violence | TV news, RTBF, 30 May 2011 Interviews collected in several schools of Brussels. | Belgium | Informative Campaign |
Dossier : violence scolaire | Journal télévisé RTBF, 30 mai 2011. Reportage de quelques minutes, tourné dans des écoles de la ville de Bruxelles | Belgique | Informative Campaign |
Prekybos žmonėmis prevencija | VšĮ „Vaiko Namas“ VšĮ „Pilietinių iniciatyvų centras“ LR Švietimo ministerija | Lietuva | Transnational Project |
Prevention of human trafficking | Public institution "Child House" (VšĮ „Vaiko Namas“); Public institution "Civic Initiatives centre" (VšĮ „Pilietinių iniciatyvų centras“); Lithuania Republic Ministry of education and science (LR Švietimo ir | Lithuania | Transnational Project |
Programa "Saugesnis Internetas" | Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba | Lietuva | Transnational Project |
A program "Safer internet" | Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) | Lithuania | Transnational Project |
Méthode d’intervention lors d’un cas de bouc émissaire : « Shared Concern » ou la méthode des préoccupations partagées. | Méthode d’intervention pour résoudre les problèmes de type « agresseur-victime » en milieu scolaire : cette technique d’approche a été élaborée par le psychologue Anatol PIKAS et nous est rapportée par une des mé | Belgique | National Project |
Method of intervention for scapegoat cases : “Shared Concern” method | Method of intervention to solve the type of problems “bully-bullied” in school environment : this approach technique has been worked out by the psychologist Anatol PIKAS and has been reported to us by one of the mediator of the Hainaut, Candide | Belgium | National Project |
Muzeul violentei scolare | Fundatia Ratiu Romania | Romania | Informative Campaign |
The museum of school violence | Ratiu Foundation Romania | Romania | Informative Campaign |
Abateri grave de la moralitate în învăţământul românesc: violenţă, vulgaritate, corupţie, droguri. Mijloace de eradicare sau de diminuare a acestor fenomene negative | Alianța Civică, Fundația Konrad Adenauer | Romania | Other |
Serious deviations from morality in the Romanian education: violence, vulgarity, corruption, drugs. Means for the eradication or reduction of these negative phenomena | The Civic Alliance, Konrad Adenauer Foundation | Romania | Other |
Să exmatriculăm violența | Inspectoratul Județean de Poliție Iași | Romania | Informative Campaign |
Let's expel violence | The County Police Inspectorate of Iasi | Romania | Informative Campaign |
Programme „Big Brothers Big Sisters" | Lithuania | Other | |
„Big Brothers Big Sisters“ programa | Mokyklinės „Big Brothers Big Sisters" programos savanoriai gali atlikti ypatingą vaidmenį prevenciniame ir intervenciniame darbe savo mokykloje. 9-12 klasių moksleiviai aktyviai dalyvauja bendruomeniniame mokyklos gyvenime, dirba mokyklo | Lietuva | Other |
Action event "Week without bullying" (orig. Savaitė BE PATYČIŲ) | Public institution ChildLine, in 2011 March 21 to 27 days organized the "Week WITHOUT BULLYING". Partners in this campaign are: NGO Children Support Centre NGO "Child"initiative, the Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuanian Youth Center, Childr | Lithuania | Other |
Effectiveness of Programmes to Reduce School Bullying | Publisher: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention Authors: Maria M. Ttofi, David P. Farrington and Anna C. Baldry | United Kingdom / Sweden | Researches |
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I Am Not Scared Project
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