"Construction of a problem: concept, forms and characteristics”, chapter of the book "Violence in school: researches and policies in Europe |
Artinopoulou Vaso |
Greek |
English |
"Schulen fördern - Erziehung stärken - Gewaltprävention ausbauen". Erklärung der Kultusministerkonferenz zur Gewalt an Schulen vom 23./24. Mai 2002 |
Kultusministerium |
German |
German |
"Schulen fördern - Erziehung stärken - Gewaltprävention ausbauen". Erklärung der Kultusministerkonferenz zur Gewalt an Schulen vom 23./24. Mai 2002 |
Kultusministerium |
German |
English |
"Self esteem: The key to success in work and love" |
Frieda Porat |
Lithuanian |
English |
"The bullying phenomenon: how to recognize and prevent it".
Municipal Administration in Reggio Calabria |
Italian |
English |
"What every child should know about violence and how to stay safe" |
Aušra Kurienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
10 commandments against violence at school |
Eric Debarbieux |
French |
English |
100,000 pupils are afraid to go to school |
Soraya Ghali |
French |
English |
100.000 élèves ont peur d'aller à l'école |
Soraya Ghali |
French |
French |
2010 m. Paauglių patyčių paplitimo tyrimas |
Evelina Narkevičiūtė-Petravičienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
500.000 Mobbingfälle an Deutschlands Schulen pro Woche - Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk und Seitenstark starten bundesweite Anti-Mobbing-Aktion |
Seitenstark – Arbeitsgemeinschaft vernetzter Kinderseiten |
German |
German |
500.000 Mobbingfälle an Deutschlands Schulen pro Woche - Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk und Seitenstark starten bundesweite Anti-Mobbing-Aktion |
Seitenstark – Arbeitsgemeinschaft vernetzter Kinderseiten |
German |
English |
À l’école de la relation
Programmes de prévention de la violence
François BOWEN, Stéphanie FACCHIN, Tatiana CONSIGLIO, Didier JOURDAN, Marie-Ange MOREL, Jacques FORTIN |
French |
French |
A National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland's Children and Young People |
The Scottish Government |
English |
English |
A performance about bullying created in association with local sanitary association and the family service in Milan |
Cavalli V.,Intropido C. |
Italian |
English |
A portal to report school violence |
Belga |
French |
English |
A race to fight school drop-out and bullying |
Ministry of internal affairs
February 10, 2010
Italian |
English |
A Whole School Approach (WSA): Dealing With Indiscipline and Disruption
Rosario Ortega, Rosario del Rey, Javier Ortega-Rivera and Claire Monks |
Bulgarian |
English |
A Whole School Approach (WSA): Working with Teachers
Astrid Mona O’Moore and Stephen James Minton |
Bulgarian |
English |
«Μελέτη βίαιων συμπεριφορών στο σχολικό χώρο από μαθητές της δευτεροβά |
Θεοδωροπούλου Β., Ντούμα Κ., Χρυσίνα Κ. |
Greek |
Greek |
Į patyčias įsitraukusių Kauno mokyklų mokinių savijauta, rizikinga elgsena ir vaidmenys tyčiojantis |
Giedrė Širvinskienė, Nida Žemaitienė, Alina Didžiokienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Abordare psihologică a fenomenului violenței școlare |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Abordare psihologică a fenomenului violenței școlare |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
English |
Şcoala nonviolenţei. Îndrumar de activităţi şcolare şi extraşcolare în domeniul dezvoltării abilităţilor de viaţă ale elevilor |
Elena Matetovici |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Şcoala nonviolenţei. Îndrumar de activităţi şcolare şi extraşcolare în domeniul dezvoltării abilităţilor de viaţă ale elevilor |
Elena Matetovici |
Romanian |
English |
Acoso y violencia escolar en la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco. |
M. Garaigordobil Landazabal y J. A. Oñederra Ramírez. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Acting against school bullying and violence - The role of media, local authorities and the internet |
Roasario Ortega, Joaquin A. Mora-Merchan and Thomas Jager |
English |
English |
Actors and victims of violence amongst pupils : relational and emotional characteristics |
Galand, B., Dernoncourt, O. & Mirzabekiantz, G. (2009). Swiss magazine of education sciences, thematic issue on violence at school, 31, 33-56 |
French |
English |
Adolescența și provocările ei: „Prevenirea și combaterea consumului de tutun, alcool, droguri și a violenței în mediul școlar” |
Alina Melian, Andreea Hangan |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Adolescența și provocările ei: „Prevenirea și combaterea consumului de tutun, alcool, droguri și a violenței în mediul școlar” |
Alina Melian, Andreea Hangan |
Romanian |
English |
„Опасностите, които крие насилието в училище и начини за превенцията му |
Изготвил: Марина Маринова Проверил: доц. Тодорова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Against violence at school |
Théo Mertens |
French |
English |
Aggression as phenomenon and problem |
Valya Bocheva |
Bulgarian |
English |
Aggression is a frequently observed model of behavior among the school students and even outside school. Unfortunately anyone can become a victim of aggressive behavior. How can we recognize aggressio... |
Referati.org |
Bulgarian |
English |
Agreement for the Bullying inter-institutional group for the implementation of joint actions aimed at preventing risky behaviour and combating bullying |
Local sanitary centre "VC" S.C. Psychology
Lower secondary schools in Arborio, Vercelli and Asigliano
Police station in Vercelli
Diocesan Youth Pastoral
Police station in Vercelli – Minor Office
Christian private schools in Vercelli
The soci |
Italian |
English |
Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Agresivitatea în școală |
Ilie Nina |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Agresivitatea în școală |
Ilie Nina |
Romanian |
English |
Agresivitatea elevilor este indusă de modul în care e organizată școala |
Melania Mandas Vergu |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Agresivitatea elevilor este indusă de modul în care e organizată școala |
Melania Mandas Vergu |
Romanian |
English |
Agresivitatea in scoala |
Havirneanu Cornel, Șoitu Laurențiu |
Romanian |
English |
Agresivitatea in scoala |
Havirneanu Cornel, Șoitu Laurențiu |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Ajuste psicosocial en agresores, víctimas puras y agresivas en la escuela. |
E. Estévez, S. Murgui y G. Musitu. |
English |
Spanish |
„Kodėl vaikai tyčiojasi“ |
Svajūnė Marcinkevičienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Analysis of problem of bullying and its prevention at comprehensive school |
Giedrius Girdvainis, Rasa Pocevičienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Anti-bullying Alliance |
Anti-bullying Alliance |
English |
English |
Fedeli D. |
Italian |
English |
„Patyčios Lietuvos mokyklose: problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai“ |
Mindaugas Damijonaitis |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
„Patyčios: atpažink, išvenk, sustabdyk“ |
Evaldas Karmaza |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Aprendizaje cooperativo y prevención de la violencia. |
Mª J. Díaz-Aguado. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Ar mokytojai pajėgūs apsiginti nuo patyčių? |
Internetinio portalo www.balsas.lt žurnalistas
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Are teachers able to defend themselves against bullying? |
Website www.balsas.lt journalist
English |
English |
Article in online newspaper “School without violence” |
Computer design and editing – Yordanka Dimitrova
Reporter – Jasmina Hadjijska
Bulgarian |
English |
„Savigarba: kelias į sėkmę ir meilę“ |
Frieda Porat |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
“Study of violent behaviours in the school area from students of secondary education in the municipality of Heraklion and their relation with inter-parental violence” |
Theodoropoulou B., Douma K., Chrysina K. |
Greek |
English |
At risk teenagers. Possible intervention strategies in impossible realities |
Valerio P., Bacchini D. |
Italian |
English |
At the school of relationship
Prevention programme against violence
François BOWEN, Stéphanie FACCHIN, Tatiana CONSIGLIO, Didier JOURDAN, Marie-Ange MOREL, Jacques FORTIN |
French |
English |
„The dangers of violence in school and methods for its prevention” |
Developed by: Marina Marinova, Reviewer: doc. Todorova
Bulgarian |
English |
Attenti al lupo. Aggressività e bullismo tra i giovani |
Lazzarin M.G. |
Italian |
Italian |
“Wie Du mir, so ich Dir”: Prävalenz und Stabilität von Aggression und Bullying in Grundschulklassen |
Mechthild Schäfer, Astrid Albrecht |
German |
German |
“Wie Du mir, so ich Dir”: Prävalenz und Stabilität von Aggression und Bullying in Grundschulklassen |
Mechthild Schäfer, Astrid Albrecht |
German |
English |
Bang Bang You're Dead |
Guy Ferland |
English |
English |
Be Someone to Tell |
Parentlineplus |
English |
English |
Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools |
Kathryn S. Whitted and David R Dupper |
English |
English |
BGAG-Report 1/2009: Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Gewalt an Schulen: Bestandsaufnahme von Programmen im deutschsprachigen Raum |
Matthias Kliegel, Melanie Zeintl, Dirk Windemuth
German |
German |
BGAG-Report 1/2009: Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Gewalt an Schulen: Bestandsaufnahme von Programmen im deutschsprachigen Raum |
Matthias Kliegel, Melanie Zeintl, Dirk Windemuth
German |
English |
Bipolinio sutrikimo ypatybės paauglystėje |
Devika Gudienė, Darius Leskauskas, Aurelija Markevičiūtė,
Dalius Klimavičius, Virginija Adomaitienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Building a school without bullying |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita-Smiltė Jasiulionė, Aųšra Kurienė, Dainius Pūras, Žydrė Arlauskaitė, Erna Petkutė, Jūratė Čižauskaitė, Vytis Valantinas |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bulgaria and the European program for child protection on the Internet |
Center for studying democracy |
Bulgarian |
English |
Bulli e prepotenti nella scuola. Prevenzioni e tecniche educative. |
Sharp S. |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullies and arrogant people at school. Prevention and upbringing techniques. |
Sharp S. |
Italian |
English |
Bullies and victims: research data for victimization in school and ways of prevention |
Kyriakidis Stavros |
Greek |
English |
Bullies are not able to quarrel! A discussion about conflicts and the community development |
Novara D., Regogliosi L. |
Italian |
English |
Bullies Out |
Bullies Out |
English |
English |
Bullismo a Milano. Rilevazione del fenomeno del bullismo nelle scuole elementari e medie che hanno aderito al progetto “Stop al bullismo” – marzo 2004 |
Iannacone N., Colombo F., Di Domizio S., Veronesi I. |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo e prepotenze : che fare? Un vademecum per le scuole |
Tavolo sul bullismo per la provincia di Milano ( a cura di ) |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo- Comuni e Ministero per contrastare fenomeno |
ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Comuni d'Italia) |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo, la scuola come un set “Noi, violenti per diventare famosi” |
Smargiassi M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo: che fare? |
Questura di Pordenone |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo: conseguenze e approcci di prevenzione nelle scuole. |
Mencacci C. |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo: indicatori e fattori predittivi di un fenomeno in crescita |
Blitz Quotidiano.it |
Italian |
Italian |
Bullismo. Tutela giuridica alla luce della Direttiva Ministeriale n. 16/2007 |
Ascione M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Το «πρώτο βήμα» στην παραβατικότητα
Φώτης Σπυρόπουλος |
Greek |
Greek |
The “first step” towards breaching
Fotis Spyropoulos |
Greek |
English |
Bullying |
Directgov |
English |
English |
Bullying - Don't Suffer in Silence - an anti-bullying pack for schools |
Professor Peter Smith (Goldmith's College, University of London) |
English |
English |
Bullying - violence à l’école |
Collège Maisonneuve à Montréal - Canada |
French |
French |
Bullying - violence at school |
Secondary School Maisonneuve in Montréal - Canada |
French |
English |
Bullying : The trouble n° 1 of the teachers |
website : enseignons.be |
French |
English |
Bullying – municipalities and ministry to combat the phenomenon |
ANCI (National association of Italian municipalities) |
Italian |
English |
Bullying als Gruppenphänomen: Eine Adaption des „Participant Role“-Ansatzes |
Mechthild Schäfer, Stefan Korn |
German |
German |
Bullying als Gruppenphänomen: Eine Adaption des „Participant Role“-Ansatzes |
Mechthild Schäfer, Stefan Korn |
German |
English |
Bullying among primary school children in Athens, Greece |
Lena Pateraki, Anastasia Houndoumadi |
English |
English |
Bullying and arrogance: how to cope with them? A handbook for schools |
Tavolo sul bullismo per la Provincia di Milano (a cura di) |
Italian |
English |
Bullying and disability |
National Childrens Bureau |
English |
English |
Bullying and diversity in Greece. The necessity of intercultural education. |
Panagiotis Maniatis |
Greek |
English |
Bullying and other forms of adolescent violence. |
A. Gómez, F.J.Gala, M. Lupiani, A. Bernalte, M.T. Miret, s. Lupiani y M.C. Barreto |
Spanish |
English |
Bullying and school violence in the Basque Autonomous Community. |
M. Garaigordobil Landazabal and J. A. Oñederra Ramírez. |
Spanish |
English |
Bullying and vexation amongst students |
A.P.H.E.E. (Association for the prevention of bullying phenomena amongst students) |
French |
English |
Bullying and vexation amongst the pupils – The dark side of school violence |
Jean-Pierre Bellon and Bertrand Gardette |
French |
English |
Bullying and violence in schools: a new reality?
Zavraka M.
Greek |
English |
Bullying at school |
Nicole Catheline, psychiatrist for children |
French |
English |
Bullying at School |
Dan Olweus |
English |
English |
Bullying at school -
What we know and what we can do
Dan Olweus
Book translated in 1999 by Marie-Hélène Hamen under the title : « Violences entre élèves, harcèlement et brutalités, les faits, les solutions »
Publisher ESF
English |
English |
Bullying at school - The adults’ blindness |
Nicole Catheline, child psychiatrist |
French |
English |
Bullying at school : understanding and reaction |
Couples and families (Lifelong learning organization recognized by the French Community of Belgium) |
French |
English |
Bullying at School and online |
education.com |
English |
English |
Bullying at school is like acting on a movie set “We are violent to become famous” |
Smargiassi M. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying at school. Analysis of the phenomenon and practical intervention strategies. |
Olla I. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying en los países pobres: prevalencia y coexistencia con otras formas de violencia. |
R.Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Bullying στα σχολεία |
"Έφηβος" |
Greek |
Greek |
Bullying in Greek Primary and Secondary Schools |
Sapouna Maria |
English |
English |
Bullying in Lithuanian schools in 1994–2002 |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Lina Cirtautienė, Nida Žemaitienė. |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bullying in Milan. Survey about school bullying in primary and lower secondary schools that joined the project “stop bullying” – March 2004 |
Iannacone N., Colombo F., Di Domizio S., Veronesi I. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying in poor countries: Prevalence and coexistence with other forms of violence.
R. Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
Bullying in primary schools: Prevention through the implementation of Social Work programmes |
Irene Katsama |
English |
English |
Bullying in Schools - How successful can interventions be? |
Edited by Peter K Smith, Debra Pepler and Ken Rigby |
English |
English |
Bullying in the primary school. Theoretical and practical handbook for teachers and operators. |
Buccoliero E., Maggi M. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying into schools |
Efhbos (Teenager) |
Greek |
English |
Bullying Involving Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
Department for Children Schools and Families |
English |
English |
Bullying may stop |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bullying prevalence in schools |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita Valiukevičiūtė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bullying Prevention for Schools - A Step-by-Step Guide to implementing a Successful Anti-bullying program |
Allan L. Beane PHD |
English |
English |
Bullying Prevention: Nature and Extent of Bullying in Canada |
National Crime Prevention Centre |
English |
English |
Bullying status in schools of Lithuania |
The work group of the project “Safe School” |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bullying unter Schülern: Erscheinungsformen, Risikobedingungen und Interventionskonzepte |
Herbert Scheithauer, Tobias Hayer, Franz Petermann |
German |
German |
Bullying unter Schülern: Erscheinungsformen, Risikobedingungen und Interventionskonzepte |
Herbert Scheithauer, Tobias Hayer, Franz Petermann |
German |
English |
Bullying: análisis de la situación en las aulas españolas |
F. Cerezo |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Bullying: analysis in Spanish Schools. |
F. Cerezo. |
Spanish |
English |
Bullying: its consequences and prevention approaches at school. |
Mencacci C. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying: εκφοβισμός και βία – Το ελληνικό σχολείο |
Δίκτυο Ελληνικών Σχολείων |
Greek |
Greek |
Bullying: predictive factors for a growing phenomenon |
Blitz Quotidiano.it |
Italian |
English |
Bullying: recognise, avoid, prevent |
Evaldas Karmaza |
Lithuanian |
English |
Bullying: Teachers and Parents |
Maria Chioni |
Greek |
English |
Bullying: threatening and violence – The Greek school |
Greek Schools Net |
Greek |
English |
Bullying: threatening and violence – The Greek school |
Greek Schools Net |
Greek |
English |
Bullying: what do we have to do? |
Questura di Pordenone |
Italian |
English |
Bullying. Deviance or Young Styling and fashion? |
Di Lorenzo O. |
Italian |
English |
Bullying. Judicial protection according to the Rule n. 16/2007 issued by the Ministry of Public Education. |
Ascione M. |
Italian |
English |
Bystanders and bullying - A Summary of Research for Anti-bullying Week |
Anti Bullying Alliance |
English |
English |
Caractéristiques relationnelles et émotionnelles des auteurs et des victimes de violences entre élèves |
Galand, B., Dernoncourt, O. & Mirzabekiantz, G. (2009). Revue suisse des sciences de l'éducation, numéro thématique sur le violence à l’école, 31, 33-56. |
French |
French |
Chatten ohne Risiko |
German |
German |
Chatten ohne Risiko |
German |
English |
Child is experiencing humiliation in school |
Maria G. R. Robichaud |
Lithuanian |
English |
Child suffers humiliation. What can parents do? |
Stefa Grigalevičienė |
English |
English |
Childline |
Childline |
English |
English |
Children's Bullying Experiences Expressed Through Drawings and Self-Reports |
Eleni Andreou, Fotini Bonoti |
English |
English |
Childrens spiritual health – in cinderellas position |
M.Zinkuvienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Ciberbullying, un problema de acoso escolar. |
Mª A. Hernández Prados y I. Mª Solano Fernández. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Ciberbullying. Diferencias entre el alumnado de secundaria. |
J. M. Avilés Martinez. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Classroom as affective and moral life-time. |
R. Ortega y J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
Spanish |
English |
Clima y violencia escolar. Un estudio comparativo entre España y Francia. |
C. Blaya, E. Debarbieux, R. Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Collective Efficacy in the School Context: Does It Help Explain Victimization and Bullying Among Greek Primary and Secondary School Students? |
Sapouna Maria |
English |
English |
Combaterea violenței în școli |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Combaterea violenței în școli |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
English |
Combaterea violentei in scoli: Butoane de panica, camera video si patrule in scolile Sectorului 1 |
Mireille Astrid Popa |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Combaterea violentei in scoli: Butoane de panica, camera video si patrule in scolile Sectorului 1 |
Mireille Astrid Popa |
Romanian |
English |
Comment lutter contre le harcèlement entre élèves ? |
UFAPEC : Union des Fédérations d’Associations de Parents de l’Enseignement Catholique |
French |
French |
Conception of bullying at comprehensive school discourse on reasons, forms and consequences |
Vilija Targamadzė, Džiuginta Valeckienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Construct coexistence. |
R. Ortega y R. del Rey. |
Spanish |
English |
Construir la convivencia. |
R. Ortega y R. del Rey. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Contre la violence à l’école |
Théo Mertens |
French |
French |
Convivencia: A model of prevention of violence. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
Cooperative learning and violence prevention. |
MªJ. Díaz-Aguado. |
Spanish |
English |
Copiii și violența în școli și mass-media |
www.nomismed.ro |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Copiii și violența în școli și mass-media |
www.nomismed.ro |
Romanian |
English |
Coping strategies, mediators of the long-term effects of victims of bullying?. |
J. A. Mora-Merchan |
Spanish |
English |
Correlation of deliberate self-harm and stressful life events in adolescence in Lithuania |
Agnė Laskytė, Nida Žemaitienė, Raimundas Vaitkevičius |
Lithuanian |
English |
Counseling of children who have a tendency to commit the violence: Practical advises |
Vega Dikčienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Creating a Positive School Ethos of Non-Violence and Respect through ‘Linkedness’ |
Gie Deboutte, Johan Deklerck, Astrid Mona O’Moore and Stephen James Minton |
Bulgarian |
English |
Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania |
English |
English |
Crozza and son against bullying in a short film |
Orlando Mastrillo
Italian |
English |
Crozza e figlio contro il bullismo in un cortometraggio |
Orlando Mastrillo |
Italian |
Italian |
Crying for Help - a No Blame Approach |
George Robinson & Barbara Maines |
English |
English |
Cum poate fi stopata violenta in scoli? |
Vasilica Dumitrasi |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Cum poate fi stopata violenta in scoli? |
Vasilica Dumitrasi |
Romanian |
English |
Cyber bullying |
Metodi Koralov, Ivan Igov |
Bulgarian |
English |
Cyber Bullying UK |
Bullying UK |
English |
English |
Cyber Training |
Centre for Educational Research (zepf), University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany);Infoart, Plovdiv (Bulgaria);Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. University of Seville (Spain); Anti-Bullying Centre, School of Education, Trinity College Du |
English |
English |
Cyber-Mobbing - Informationen, Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit Mobbing via Internet, E-Mail und Mobiltelefon |
Marianne Demmer |
German |
German |
Cyber-Mobbing - Informationen, Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit Mobbing via Internet, E-Mail und Mobiltelefon |
Marianne Demmer |
German |
English |
Cyber-Mobbing in Schulen. Online-Befragung 2007 für GEW Hauptvorstand /Max-Traeger-Stiftung |
Dr. Michael Gedatus |
German |
German |
Cyber-Mobbing in Schulen. Online-Befragung 2007 für GEW Hauptvorstand /Max-Traeger-Stiftung |
Dr. Michael Gedatus |
German |
English |
Cyber-Mobbing: Tod eines Teenagers |
Frank Patalong |
German |
German |
Cyber-Mobbing: Tod eines Teenagers |
Frank Patalong |
German |
English |
Cyberbullying |
R. Ortega, J. Calmaestra y J. A. Mora-Merchán |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Cyberbullying - Approaches in Europe |
Helen Cowie and Pat Colliety |
English |
English |
Cyberbullying and E-Safety - What Educators and Other Professionals Need to Know |
Adrienne Katz |
English |
English |
Cyberbullying, a problem of school violence. |
Mª Á. Hernández Prados y I. Mª Solano Fernández. |
Spanish |
English |
Cyberbullying: Jeder fünfte Schüler wird gemobbt |
German |
German |
Cyberbullying: Jeder fünfte Schüler wird gemobbt |
German |
English |
Cyberbullying. |
R. Ortega, J. Calmaestra and J. Mora-Merchán. |
Spanish |
English |
Cyberbullying. Differences between secondary school students. |
J. M. Avilés Martínez. |
Spanish |
English |
Dal bullismo al baby killing |
Bramante A. |
Italian |
Italian |
Das Anti-Mobbing-Buch: Gewalt an der Schule - vorbeugen, erkennen, handeln |
Mustafa Jannan |
German |
German |
Das Anti-Mobbing-Buch: Gewalt an der Schule - vorbeugen, erkennen, handeln |
Mustafa Jannan |
German |
English |
De ce apare violenta in scoala? |
Echipa Intuitext |
Romanian |
Romanian |
De ce apare violenta in scoala? |
Echipa Intuitext |
Romanian |
English |
Dealing With Bullying |
TeensHealth |
English |
English |
Decálogo para una víctima de ciberbullying. |
J. Flores Fernández. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Decalogue for a victim of cyberbullying. |
J. Flores Fernández |
Spanish |
English |
Definition, context and knowledge of school violence - Definition, Context and Knowledge of School Violence
Rosario Ortega, Virginia Sanchez, Luc Van Wassenhoven, Gie Deboutte and Johan Deklerck |
Bulgarian |
English |
Definition, context and knowledge of school violence - What We Know About School Violence: Findings From Research and Practice
Sigrun K. Ertesvåg and Anne Sofie Samuelsen |
Bulgarian |
English |
Dentro il bullismo |
Gallina M.A. |
Italian |
Italian |
Derbyshire Anti-bullying Committment (ABC) |
Derbyshire County Council |
English |
English |
Des écoles pour les adolescents. Un projet humaniste contre la violence. |
Patrick Hullebroeck et Valérie Silberberg –
20 décembre 2007
French |
French |
Des violences à l’école |
Chargée d’études et de recherche à la Veille scientifique et technologique
French |
French |
Despre educaţia preventivă desfăşurată de către structurile specializate ale jandarmeriei române în diferite medii sociale |
Inspectoratul de Jandarmi Județean Argeș |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Despre educaţia preventivă desfăşurată de către structurile specializate ale jandarmeriei române în diferite medii sociale |
Inspectoratul de Jandarmi Județean Argeș |
Romanian |
English |
Determining violence |
Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior |
Bulgarian |
English |
Difendere i figli dal bullismo |
Evelyn F. |
Italian |
Italian |
Different perspectives of students and teachers on school violence. |
C. del Barrio, Á. Barrios, K. Van der Meulen y H. Gutiérrez |
Spanish |
English |
Dimensiuni psihologice și sociale și tipologii ale violenței umane. Violența în spațiul școlar. Înțelegeri, forme, cause. |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Dimensiuni psihologice și sociale și tipologii ale violenței umane. Violența în spațiul școlar. Înțelegeri, forme, cause. |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
English |
Distinctions of bipolar disorder symptoms in adolescence |
Devika Gudienė, Darius Leskauskas, Aurelija Markevičiūtė,
Dalius Klimavičius, Virginija Adomaitienė |
English |
English |
Dossier pédagogique – Stop au Cyber-harcèlement |
Nel Broothaerts |
French |
French |
Работа на учителя с проблемни ученици. |
Доц. Д-р Иван Петков Иванов |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Изследване на с |
Авторски колектив: Д-р Ива Пушкарова, Д-р Георги Петрунов, Георги Кирилов
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Статия във в. „Училище без насилие” |
Компютърен дизайн и редактор - Йорданка Димитрова, Репортер - Жасмина Хад |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Тормоз от връстниците в училище. Нагласи към жертвите. |
Не се споменава |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Управление и оценяване на промяната: Управлението на промяната на ниво у |
Джули Шонеси |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Управление и оценяване на промяната: Управлението на промяната на ниво у |
Росарио Ортега, Вирджиния Санчес и Франциско Кордоба |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Кибертормозът |
Методи Коралов, Иван Игов |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Дисциплиниращата камера като отговор на кризата в българското училище |
Здравка Георгиева |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Определение на насилието |
Министерство на вътрешните работи |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Взаимовръзка на видовете агресия и типовете темперамент |
Павлина Лазарова, Даниела Крумова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Извършване анализ на потребностите: Подготoвka за промяна |
Доун Дженифър и Хелън Кауи |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Извършване анализ на потребностите: Консултация и преценка |
Доун Дженифър и Хелън Кауи |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Изграждане на положителен училищен етос на не-насилие и уважение чрез ме |
Ги Дeбут, Йохан Деклерк, Астрид Мона О’Мур и Стивън Джеймс Минтън |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Как да приложим общоучилищния подход (ОУП): предизвикателства на приложе |
Ан Софи Самюелсън и Сигрун K. Eртесваг |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Как да възпитаваме дете с висок емоционален коефициент |
Лорънс Шапиро |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Как разбираме общоучилищния подход (ОУП) и какво стои зад това понятие?
Йохан Деклерк и Ги Дебут |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Какво знаем за насилието в училище: изводи от научните изследвания и от п |
Сигрун К. Ертесваг и Ан Софи Самюелсън |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Какво е насилие и как се стига до него |
Министерство на вътрешните работи |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Насилието при децата - причини и последствия |
Ирина Христова Цветанова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Насилието в българските училища |
Интервюиращ - проф. Стефка Сукманджиева
Интервюиран – д-р Игов, психолог
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Насилието в училище - проблеми, свързани с жестокостта и агресията |
Валентина Василева |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общинска стратегия за закрила на детето – Община Пловдив (2009 – 2011г.) |
Фондация «За Нашите Деца» |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общоучилищен подход (ОУП): Работа с учители
Астрид Moнa O’Mур и Стивън Джеймс Mинтън |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общоучилищен подход (ОУП): Справяне с недисциплинираността и деструктив |
Росарио Ортега, Росарио дел Рей, Хавиер Ортега - Ривера и Клер Монкс |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общоучилищeн подход (ОУП): Работа с родители
Астрид Moнa O’Mур и Стивън Джеймс Mинтън |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Дом, семейство, училище: за отчуждението на учениците от училището |
З. Петева, В. Филипова, Б. В. Тошев |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Агресията като явление и проблем |
Валя Бочева |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Агресията е все почестият модел на поведение сред учениците в училище |
Referati.org |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Център за изследване на демокрацията |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Методи Коралов, училищен психолог и доктор на психологическите науки |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Регионалната инспекция за опазване и контрол на общественото здраве |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общинска администрация Кубрат |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Общинска администрация Исперих |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Експерти към правителството на Р България |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Александър Станков |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
МЕТОДИКА За извънкласно неформално обучение по проект “Превенция на на |
Трифон Павлов – психолог
Георги Христов
Андрей Буйницкий
Тилко Тилев |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Др Даниела Коларова, Матилда Бахнева, Александър Ранев, Вероника Козарев |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Държавна агенция за закрила на детето |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Дефиниция, контекст и разбиране на насилието в училище - Разбиране на деф |
Росарио Ортега, Вирджиния Санчес, Лук Ван Васенховен, Ги Дебут и Йохан Дек |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Причини и последици от насилието в училище |
Даниела Йорданова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Въпроси на етиката и правата на децата |
Добринка Чанкова, Таня Пощова, Ги Дебут
и Стивън Минтън
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Отговорности и права; Младите хора и престъпността. |
Добринка Чанкова, Таня Пощова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Преподаватели по социални и здравни грижи срещу насилието |
Мери Алън, Хилде Хелбернд, Силке Хушка, Сабине Дженер, Сирка Перту, Тиина С |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Презентации от конференция “Агресия и медии”, 18.06.2009г., НБУ |
ст. ас д-р Десислава Бошнакова – Интернет и децата
Иво Йотов, Анита Кирков |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Превантивна и интегративна практика; Изграждане на общо разбиране зa учи |
Сигрун Ертесваг |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Превантивна и интегративна практика; Емоционална грамотност в училища |
Алън Грукок |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Превантивна и интегративна практика; Възстановителните подходи в учил |
Добринка Чанкова и Таня Пощова |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Превантивна и интегративна практика: Деца помагат на деца
Хелън Кауи и Доун Дженифър |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Псуването като проява на грубиянство в училище и на улицата |
Красен Фердинандов, детски и семеен психолог‐консултант |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
E’ possibile prevenire il bullismo: da bullo a leader positivo |
Di Mauro G. |
Italian |
Italian |
Early learning prevents youth violence |
Tremblay RE, Gervais J, Petitclerc A |
French |
English |
Ecole sans harcèlement |
Ecole sans Harcèlement
Leopoldstraat 39
2800 Mechelen
French |
French |
Educare le life skills |
Marmocchi P., Dell’Aglio C., Zannini M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Educational file – Stop to Cyber-bullying |
Nel Broothaerts |
French |
English |
Eduquer la violence par la construction de la loi |
La Cellule éducation de Pax Christi Wallonie-Bruxelles |
French |
French |
Efektyvaus bendravimo su vaikais ir paaugliais vadovas |
Birutė Baranauskienė, Jūratė daškevičienė,
Irena Jusienė, Rasa Kazlauskienė, Darius Leskauskas
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Effective communication with children and adolescents. Guidebook |
Birutė Baranauskienė, Jūratė daškevičienė,
Irena Jusienė, Rasa Kazlauskienė, Darius Leskauskas |
Lithuanian |
English |
Effectiveness of Programmes to Reduce School Bullying |
Maria M. Ttofi, David P. Farrington and Anna C. Baldry |
English |
English |
El “bullying” y otras formas de violencia adolescente. |
A. Gómez, F.J. Gala, M. Lupiani, A. Beralte, M.T. Miret, S. Lupiani y M.C. Barreto. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
El aula como escenario de la vida afectiva y moral. |
R. Ortega y J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
El impacto emocional de las víctimas de intimidación y acoso cibernético tradicionales. Un estudio sobre adolescentes españoles. |
R. Ortega, P. Elipe, J. A. Mora-Merchán, J. Calmaestra y E. Vega. |
English |
English |
El modelo SAVE: una intervención anti-bullying en España. |
R. Ortega, R. Del Rey y J.A.Mora-Merchán. |
English |
Spanish |
El Proyecto Sevilla anti-violencia escolar. Un modelo de intervención preventiva contra los malos tratos entre iguales. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
El recuerdo de experiencias de agresión en la escuela: consecuencias y diferencias de género. |
K.M. Ranf, M. J. Báguena, M. P. Toldos y M. A. Beleña. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Elèves à problèmes ? écoles à solution ? |
Cécile Delannoy |
French |
French |
Elevii de bani gata atrag violența în școli |
Iuliana Gatej |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Elevii de bani gata atrag violența în școli |
Iuliana Gatej |
Romanian |
English |
Emma |
Ironcalimero - surnom |
French |
French |
Emma |
Ironcalimero - nickname |
French |
English |
Emociones de agresores y víctimas de cybebullying: un estudio preliminar en estudiantes de secundaria. |
R. Ortega, P. Elipe y J. Calmaestra. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Emotions of agressors and victims of cyberbullying: a preliminary study of Secondary students. |
R. Ortega, P. Elipe and J. Calmaestra. |
Spanish |
English |
Enchancing the life skills |
Marmocchi P., Dell’Aglio C., Zannini M. |
Italian |
English |
Epidemic in School - BULLYING |
Milda Astrauskaitė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Equipes mobiles susceptibles d’intervenir au sein des établissements scolaires concernés par un phénomène de violence ou de décrochage scolaire |
Ministre DUPONT |
French |
French |
Equipos de ayuda, Maltrato entre Iguales y Convivencia Escolar. |
J.Mª. Avilés Martínez, N. Torres Vicente, Mª V. Vian Barón. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Estudio de incidencia de la intimidación y el maltrato entre iguales en la educación secundaria obligatoria mediante el cuestionario CIMEI (Avilés, 1999)–Cuestionario sobre Intimidación y Maltra... |
J. M. Avilés Martínez e I. Monjas Casares. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Știi ce este bullying-ul? |
Echipa Intuitext |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Știi ce este bullying-ul? |
Echipa Intuitext |
Romanian |
English |
Europe vote for a safe and tolerant school |
Karoki Eug., Karoni D., Kozakis St., Pappos Xr., Ralli F. |
Greek |
English |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Curriculum-based Anti-bullying
Intervention Program in Greek Primary Schools
Eleni Andreou, Eleni Didaskalou, Anastasia Vlachou |
English |
English |
Everything is ok. Bullies, victims and bystanders |
Buccoliero E. |
Italian |
English |
Explorando el cyberbullying en España. |
J. Calmaestra, R. Ortega, A. Maldonado y J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
English |
Spanish |
Exploring cyberbullying in Spain. |
J. Calmaestra, R. Ortega, A. Maldonado and J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
English |
English |
Expression of jeering experienced by adolescents who go in for sports, who do not and who belong to risk group and of their jeering at coevals |
I. Tilindienė, L. Žalys, G. Rastauskienė, I. Valantinienė, O. Liesionienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Family factors affecting school aggression of students: research data |
Ioannis Dimakos |
Greek |
English |
Family relations, peer rejection and school violence. |
E. Estévez, B. Martínez, D. Moreno y G. Musitu. |
Spanish |
English |
Figure di supporto alla famiglia e alla scuola: un riconoscimento immediato del problema. |
Mele G.(a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
Focus Gewalt in der Schule |
Helmut M. Artus |
German |
English |
Focus Gewalt in der Schule. |
Helmut M. Artus |
German |
German |
Formación en convivencia y mediación, una propuesta desde la educación emocional. |
C. Caurín Alonso, N. Marco Chalet y Mª J. Martínez Penella. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
From bullying to baby killing |
Bramante A. |
Italian |
English |
Gal mano vaikas mokykloje užgauliojamas, skriaudžiamas? |
Juozas Vyšniauskas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Galiu padėti savo vaikui |
Žydrė Arlauskaitė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Gegen Mobbing und Gewalt: ein Arbeitsbuch für Lehrer, Schüler und Peergruppen |
Wolfgang Kindler |
German |
German |
Gegen Mobbing und Gewalt: ein Arbeitsbuch für Lehrer, Schüler und Peergruppen |
Wolfgang Kindler |
German |
English |
Geschlechtsunterschiede im Bullying: Indirekt-/relational- und offen-aggressives Verhalten unter Jugendlichen |
Gert Jugert
Herbert Scheithauer
Peter Notz
Franz Petermann
German |
German |
Geschlechtsunterschiede im Bullying: Indirekt-/relational- und offen-aggressives Verhalten unter Jugendlichen |
Gert Jugert
Herbert Scheithauer
Peter Notz
Franz Petermann
German |
English |
Gewalt an Schulen. 1994 – 1999 – 2004 |
Marek Fuchs, Siegfried Lamnek, Jens Luedtke |
German |
German |
Gewalt an Schulen. 1994 – 1999 – 2004 |
Marek Fuchs, Siegfried Lamnek, Jens Luedtke |
German |
English |
Gewalt an Schulen. Analyse und Prävention |
Wolfgang Melzer |
German |
German |
Gewalt an Schulen. Analyse und Prävention |
Wolfgang Melzer |
German |
English |
Gewalt im Web 2.0: Der Umgang Jugendlicher mit gewalthaltigen Inhalten und Cyber-Mobbing sowie die rechtliche Einordnung der Problematik |
Petra Grimm, Stefanie Rhein, Elisabeth Clausen-Muradian, Elisabeth Koch |
German |
German |
Gewalt im Web 2.0: Der Umgang Jugendlicher mit gewalthaltigen Inhalten und Cyber-Mobbing sowie die rechtliche Einordnung der Problematik |
Petra Grimm, Stefanie Rhein, Elisabeth Clausen-Muradian, Elisabeth Koch |
German |
English |
Gewalt in der Schule - Bestandsaufnahme im Jahr 2006 |
Christian Kolle |
German |
German |
Gewalt in der Schule - Bestandsaufnahme im Jahr 2006 |
Christian Kolle |
German |
English |
Gewalt in der Schule. Was Lehrer und Eltern wissen sollten – und tun können |
Dan Olweus |
German |
German |
Gewalt in der Schule. Was Lehrer und Eltern wissen sollten – und tun können |
Dan Olweus |
German |
English |
Gewalt und Mobbing an Schulen. Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Intervention |
Wilfried Schubarth |
German |
German |
Gewalt und Mobbing an Schulen. Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Intervention |
Wilfried Schubarth |
German |
English |
Gewaltprävention bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung und Praxis |
Mario Gollwitzer, Jan Pfetsch, Vera Schneider, Andre Schulz, Tabea Steffke, Christiane Ulrich
German |
German |
Gewaltprävention bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung und Praxis |
Mario Gollwitzer, Jan Pfetsch, Vera Schneider, Andre Schulz, Tabea Steffke, Christiane Ulrich
German |
English |
Gewaltprävention in der Schule |
Wolfgang Melzer
Hans-Dieter Schwind
German |
German |
Gewaltprävention in der Schule |
Wolfgang Melzer
Hans-Dieter Schwind
German |
English |
Gewaltprävention und Schulentwicklung: Analysen und Handlungskonzepte |
Melzer, Wolfgang
Schubarth, Wilfried
Ehninger, Frank
German |
German |
Gewaltprävention und Schulentwicklung: Analysen und Handlungskonzepte |
Melzer, Wolfgang
Schubarth, Wilfried
Ehninger, Frank
German |
English |
Giovani a rischio. Interventi possibili in realtà impossibili. |
Valerio P., Bacchini D. |
Italian |
Italian |
Giovani e bullismo, vittime e carnefici |
Osservatorio delle politiche sul bullismo |
Italian |
Italian |
Girasoli e aquiloni. Adolescenti. Ripartire dall’educazione |
D’Alonzo L., De Natale M.L., Mariani V. |
Italian |
Italian |
Good practices of secondary education school units regarding prevention and tackling of bulling among students. |
Michalis Kontogiannis |
Greek |
English |
Greek Students’ Perception of School Bullying: The Profiles of Victims and Perpetrators |
Vassiliki Kalati, Anastasia Psalti & Vassiliki Deliyianni-Kouimtzi |
English |
English |
Großbritannien: Erneut Selbstmord wegen Cyber-Mobbing |
Frank Patalong |
German |
German |
Großbritannien: Erneut Selbstmord wegen Cyber-Mobbing |
Frank Patalong |
German |
English |
Group Violence and Aggressiveness in Schools |
Giotopoulou – Marangopoulou, A. |
Greek |
English |
Harassment from the peers at school. Attitude towards the victims. |
Not mentioned |
Bulgarian |
English |
Harcèlement à l’école - La cécité des adultes |
Nicole Catheline, pédopsychiatre |
French |
French |
Harcèlement et brimades entre élèves |
A.P.H.E.E. (Association pour la Prévention des Phénomènes de Harcèlement entre Elèves) |
French |
French |
Harcèlement et brimades entre élèves - La face cachée de la violence scolaire |
Jean-Pierre Bellon et Bertrand Gardette |
French |
French |
Harcèlements à l'école |
Nicole Catheline, pédopsychiatre |
French |
French |
Helping teams, bullying and convivencia. |
J.Mª. Avilés Martínez, N. Torres Vicente, MªV. Vian Barón. |
Spanish |
English |
Herramientas para combatir el bullying homofóbico. |
R. Platero Méndez y E. Gómez Ceto. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Home, family, school: on the pupils' aloofness from their school |
Z. Peteva, V. Filipova, B. W. Toshev |
Bulgarian |
English |
Homophobic bullying |
Stonewall and Educational Action Challenging Homophobia(EACH) |
English |
English |
How can schools best support pupils showing bullying behaviours |
Anti-bullying Alliance |
English |
English |
How do they do it - anti-bullying in Norway |
Teachers TV |
English |
English |
How to defend children from bullying |
Evelyn F. |
Italian |
English |
How to Embed the Whole School Approach (WSA): The Challenge of Implementation |
Anne Sofie Samuelsen and Sigrun K. Ertesvåg |
Bulgarian |
English |
How to fight bullying between students ? |
UFAPEC : Union of Federations of Associations of Parents of the Catholic Education. |
French |
English |
How to prevent cyber bullying and risky web surfing. Guidelines for teachers, students and parents |
Pinna N., Pisano L., Saturno M.E. |
Italian |
English |
How to Raise a Child with a High EQ : A Parents' Guide to Emotional Intelligence |
Laurence Shapiro |
Bulgarian |
English |
Human trafficking, and prevention activities at school |
Rasa Erentaitė and others |
English |
English |
I am able to communicate without bullying |
R. Povilaitis, J.S. Jasiulionė |
Lithuanian |
English |
I am able to help my child ("Galiu padėti savo vaikui") |
Žydrė Arlauskaitė |
English |
English |
Η θυματοποίηση των μαθητών στο σχολείο σε συνάρτηση με την προσωπικότητ |
Δέσποινα Κορακίδη, Στυλιανή Κοτρώτσιου, Γλυκερία Μήτσιου, Ηλίας Κουρκού |
English |
Greek |
Η Συλλογική Αποτελεσματικότητα στο Σχολικό Πλαίσιο: Βοηθά στην Ερμηνεί |
Σαπουνά Μαρία |
English |
Greek |
Η βία δεν είναι μαγκιά |
Βικτωρία Πρεκατέ, Άννα Μακρίδου, Μαρία Τσιλιάκου, Ορέστης Γιωτάκος |
Greek |
Greek |
Η Ευρώπη ψηφίζει για ένα ασφαλές και ανεκτικό σχολείο |
Καρόκη Ευγ. Καρόνη Δ., Κοζάκης Στ., Πάππος Χρ., Ράλλη Φ. |
Greek |
Greek |
Προληψη & αντιμετωπιση του εκφοβισμου στο σχολειο:
Προτάσεις εκπαιδευτ |
Κ. Κωνσταντίνου & Α. Ψάλτη |
Greek |
Greek |
Η σχέση ανάμεσα στο σχολικό κλίμα και την επικράτηση συμπεριφορών σχολι |
Θ. Γιοβαζολιάς, Η. Κουρκούτας, Ευ. Μητσοπούλου,
Μ. Γεωργιάδη
English |
Greek |
Η σχέση μεταξύ εκφοβισμού και πρώιμου σταδίου αυτοκτονικού ιδεασμού σε |
Πέτρος Σκαπινάκης, Στέφανος Μπέλλος, Τατιάνα Γκάτσα, Κωνσταντίνα Μαγκλά |
English |
Greek |
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός από την οπτική των μαθητών: Το προφίλ των θυμάτων κ |
Βασιλική Καλάτη, Αναστασία Ψάλτη, Βασιλική Δεληγιάννη - Κουϊμτζή |
English |
Greek |
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός στο δημοτικό και στο γυμνάσιο |
Σαπουνά Μαρία |
English |
Greek |
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός στην Ελλάδα |
Τσικρικά Όλγα |
Greek |
Greek |
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός στα δημοτικά σχολεία της Αθήνας |
Λένα Πατεράκη, Αναστασία Χουντουμάδη |
Greek |
Greek |
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός σε δημοτικά σχολεία: πρόληψη μέσω της εφαρμογής τω |
Ειρήνη Κατσαμά |
English |
Greek |
Πρόληψη της βίας στα σχολεία: Σύγκριση σε χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης κα |
Κρητικός Αλοΐσιος |
Greek |
Greek |
Η πρόληψη της επιθετικότητας στο σχολείο |
Κυριακίδου Μαρία |
Greek |
Greek |
Η κατασκευή του προβλήματος. Έννοια, μορφές και χαρακτηριστικά. Απόσπασμ |
Αρτινοπούλου Βάσω |
Greek |
Greek |
Η εμπειρία του σχολικού εκφοβισμού στα σχολεία δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδε |
Χριστίνα Αθανασιάδη & Βασιλική Δεληγιάννη - Κουϊμτζή |
English |
Greek |
I problemi emotivi e comportamentali dell’alunno |
Di Pietro M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Greek |
Greek |
ΤΟ ΕΚΦΟΒΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑ: Ένα αντιεκφοβιστικό παραμύθι της Ε’ τάξης |
Μαθητές Ε’ τάξης του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Δρομολαξιάς |
Greek |
Greek |
Το Φαινόμενο του Σχολικού Εκφοβισμού |
Νεστορίδου Αικ., Καρακάση Α., Ζάγκαλης Θ., Δασκαλάκη Α., |
Greek |
Greek |
Το φαινόμενο ''bullying'' στο χώρο του σχολείου και η άσκηση σωματικής και ψυχολ |
Ανδρέου Ε., Smith P. K. |
Greek |
Greek |
Το φαινόμενο του εκφοβισμού στο δημοτικό σχολείο: απόψεις μαθητών, απόψε |
Ασημακόπουλος Χ., Χατζηπέμος Θ., Σουμάκη Ε., Διαρέμε Σ., Γιαννακοπούλου Δ., Τσ |
Greek |
Greek |
Τα σχολεία χωρίς ειδικούς να χειριστούν το θέμα |
Χάρης Ασημόπουλος |
Greek |
Greek |
Συμπεριφορές βίας του παιδιού και εφήβου: Παράγοντες κινδύνου |
Κωτσόπουλος Σωτήριος |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολική βία |
Ευστράτιος Παπάνης |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολική βία και ετερότητα στην Ελλάδα. Η αναγκαιότητα της διαπολιτισμικ |
Παναγιώτης Μανιάτης |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός Εκφοβισμός |
Πρεκατέ Β. |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός Εκφοβισμός: Πόσο αποτελεσματικές είναι οι παρεμβασεις; |
Γαλανάκη Ευαγγελία |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός εκφοβισμός (“ bullying”) θυματοποίηση (“victimization”) στα πλαίσια της συνερ |
Αποστολίδου Χρυσούλα, Μαρκετάκη Άννα, Παναγιωτίδου Αλεξάνδρα |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός εκφοβισμός και θυματοποίηση |
Γιοβαζολιάς Άκης |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός εκφοβισμός: Φαινόμενο θυματοποίησης ή μαγκιά; |
Μαρίνα Κωνσταντινίδου |
Greek |
Greek |
Σχολικός εκφοβισμός(bullying):εκπαιδευτικοί και γονείς |
Μαρία Χιόνη |
Greek |
Greek |
I’m not scared. Stories of victims and bullies. |
Battaglia A. (a cura di) |
Italian |
English |
Βία στο σχολικό περιβάλλον. Ορισμός και αίτια του φαινομένου. Η σημασία τ |
Κωνσταντίνου Ευάγγελος |
Greek |
Greek |
Βία στο σχολείο μεταξύ μαθητών: Το φαινόμενο «bullying» |
Ιωάννης Τσιάντης (συνέντευξη στον Λεωνίδα Καλλιδώνη) |
Greek |
Greek |
Βία και σχολεία |
June Kane |
Greek |
Greek |
Κλειστά στόματα για τη σχολική βία |
Βογιατζάκης Σ., Καραγιώργος Δ. |
Greek |
Greek |
Καταγραφή αναγκών και ευαισθητοποίηση για το φαινόμενο του εκφοβισμού |
Γιαννακοπούλου Δ., Διαρέμε Σ., Σουμάκη Ε., Χατζηπέμου Θ., Ασημόπουλος Χ., Τσια |
Greek |
Greek |
Ενδοσχολική βία: χωρίς όρια και χωρίς ορίζοντα |
Πανούσης Γιάννης |
Greek |
Greek |
Αντιμετωπίζοντας τη βία στα σχολεία: Μια αναφορά από την Ελλάδα |
Αν. Χουντουμάδη, Λ. Πατεράκη, Μ. Δοανίδου |
English |
Greek |
Ομαδική Βία και Επιθετικότητα στα Σχολεία |
Α. Γιωτοπούλου - Μαραγκοπούλου |
Greek |
Greek |
Εμπειρίες παιδιών αναφορικά με σχολικό εκφοβισμό εκφρασμένες μέσα από |
Ανδρέου Ε., Μπονώτη Φ. |
English |
Greek |
Οικογενειακοί παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη σχολική επιθετικότητα των |
Ιωάννης Δημάκος |
Greek |
Greek |
Αξιολογώντας την Αποτελεσματικότητα ενός ενδοσχολικού προγράμματος κ |
Ανδρέου Ελένη, Διδασκάλου Ελένη, Βλάχου Αναστασία |
English |
Greek |
Επιτυχημένες στρατηγικές στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση σχετικά με την |
Μιχάλης Κοντογιάννης |
Greek |
Greek |
Ερωτο-απαντήσεις σχετικά με το φαινόμενο του Cyber bullying |
Φισούν Β., Φλώρος Γ. |
Greek |
Greek |
Θύτες και θύματα: Ερευνητικά δεδομένα και τρόποι αντιμετώπισης της θυμα |
Κυριακίδης Σταύρος |
Greek |
Greek |
Εκφοβισμός και βία στα σχολεία: μια νέα πραγματικότητα; |
Ζαβράκα Μ. |
Greek |
Greek |
Il bulli non sanno litigare! L’intervento sui conflitti e lo sviluppo di comunità |
Novara D., Regogliosi L. |
Italian |
Italian |
Il bullismo a scuola. Analisi del problema e metodologie pratiche di intervento. |
Olla I. |
Italian |
Italian |
Il bullismo nella scuola primaria. Manuale teorico-pratico per insegnanti e operatori |
Buccoliero E., Maggi M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Il Bullismo.Devianza o moda giovanile? |
Di Lorenzo O. |
Italian |
Italian |
Il bullo nel villaggio globale |
Zanaboni M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Il contrasto e la prevenzione del bullismo nella scuola media superiore: linee guida e strumenti operativi. |
Darbo M. (a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
Il fenomeno bullismo: conoscerlo per prevenirlo |
Amministrazione Comunale di Reggio Calabria |
Italian |
Italian |
Il gioco della mediazione |
Grassi A. |
Italian |
Italian |
Importanța inteligenței emoționale în combaterea violenței școlare |
Sorin Mihai Roman |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Importanța inteligenței emoționale în combaterea violenței școlare |
Sorin Mihai Roman |
Romanian |
English |
In-school violence: without borders and without horizon |
Panousis Giannis |
Greek |
English |
Indicatori și strategii de monitorizare a violenței școlare |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Indicatori și strategii de monitorizare a violenței școlare |
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului în colaborare cu Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Agenţia OSC şi Organizaţia „Salvaţi Copiii” |
Romanian |
English |
Initiative der Landesregierung - Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg: Vorbeugung hat Vorrang: Netzwerk gegen Gewalt an Schulen |
Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg
German |
English |
Initiative der Landesregierung - Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg: Vorbeugung hat Vorrang: Netzwerk gegen Gewalt an Schulen. |
Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg
German |
German |
Inside bullying |
Gallina M.A. |
Italian |
English |
International Observatory of Violence at School |
International Observatory of Violence at School |
English |
English |
Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung |
Wilhelm Heitmeyer, John Hagan (Herausgeber) |
German |
German |
Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung |
Wilhelm Heitmeyer, John Hagan (Editors) |
German |
English |
Internet aggression |
Alexander Stankov |
Bulgarian |
English |
Interview in the criminal department of the jail “S.Vittore” in Milan |
Ludovico D. |
Italian |
English |
Intervista nella sezione penale del carcere di S.Vittore a Milano |
Ludovico D.
Italian |
Italian |
Cavalli V., Intropido C. |
Italian |
Italian |
Io non ho paura. Storie di vittime e di bulli. |
Battaglia A.(a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
It is possible to prevent bullying: from bully to positive leader |
Di Mauro G. |
Italian |
English |
JIM 2010. Jugend, Information, (Multi-)Media. Basisstudie zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-Jähriger in Deutschland |
Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest |
German |
German |
JIM 2010. Jugend, Information, (Multi-)Media. Basisstudie zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-Jähriger in Deutschland |
Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest |
German |
English |
Jugendforschung: Forschung über Gewalt an Schulen. Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen, Konzepte und Prävention |
Heinz Günter Holtappels, Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Wolfgang Melzer, Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann |
German |
German |
Jugendforschung: Forschung über Gewalt an Schulen. Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen, Konzepte und Prävention |
Heinz Günter Holtappels, Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Wolfgang Melzer, Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann |
German |
English |
Jugendliche in Deutschland als Opfer und Täter von Gewalt. Erster Forschungsbericht zum gemeinsamen Forschungsproject des Bundesinnenministeriums des Innern und des KFN |
Dirk Baier, Christian Pfeiffer, Julia Simonson, Susann Rabold |
German |
German |
Jugendliche in Deutschland als Opfer und Täter von Gewalt. Erster Forschungsbericht zum gemeinsamen Forschungsproject des Bundesinnenministeriums des Innern und des KFN |
Dirk Baier, Christian Pfeiffer, Julia Simonson, Susann Rabold |
German |
English |
Ką kiekvienas vaikas turi žinoti apie smurtą ir kaip išlikti saugiam |
Aušra Kurienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Kai vaikas netinkamai elgiasi |
Stefa Grigalevičienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
KIM-Studie 2008. Kinder und Medien Computer und Internet. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger in Deutschland |
Albrecht Kutteroff (LFK), Peter Behrens (LMK), Tina König (LFK), Thomas Schmid (LMK)
German |
German |
KIM-Studie 2008. Kinder und Medien Computer und Internet. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger in Deutschland |
Albrecht Kutteroff (LFK), Peter Behrens (LMK), Tina König (LFK), Thomas Schmid (LMK)
German |
English |
Konfliktmanagement an Schulen -
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Schulmediation
Simsa, Christiane
Schubarth, Wilfried
German |
German |
Konfliktmanagement an Schulen -
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Schulmediation
Simsa, Christiane
Schubarth, Wilfried
German |
English |
Kur kreiptis, kai vaikas mokykloje terorizuojamas? |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Kuriame mokyklą be patyčių |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita-Smiltė Jasiulionė, Aųšra Kurienė, Dainius Pūras, Žydrė Arlauskaitė, Erna Petkutė, Jūratė Čižauskaitė, Vytis Valantinas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
L'impact de la discrimination perçue et de l'intégration scolaire sur l'adoption de croyances favorables à l'usage de la violence physique |
Galand, B. & Dupont, E. (2002). Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 55, 64-72. |
French |
French |
L'ospite inquietante |
Galimberti U. |
Italian |
Italian |
La calitatea educației codași, dar la violența în școli fruntași |
Mirela Dalais |
Romanian |
Romanian |
La calitatea educației codași, dar la violența în școli fruntași |
Mirela Dalais |
Romanian |
English |
La convivencia escolar: Qué es y cómo abordarla.
R. Ortega y colaboradores.
Spanish |
Spanish |
La convivencia: un modelo de prevención de la violencia. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
La formación del profesorado como respuesta a la violencia escolar. La propuesta del modelo Sevilla anti-violencia escolar (SAVE). |
R. Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
La loi du préau |
Jérôme Vermeulen, psychologue pour la publication
Zep pour la bande dessinée : Titeuf
French |
French |
La mediación escolar en el marco de la construcción de la convivencia y la prevención de la violencia. |
R. Ortega y R. del Rey. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
La Ministre Simonet : « Surprise de voir le harcèlement en tête de liste » |
Belga |
French |
French |
La realidad del maltrato entre iguales en los Centros de Secundaria españoles. |
C. del Barrio, E. Martín, I. Montero, H. Gutiérrez, I. Fernández. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
La violencia escolar. Estrategias de prevención. |
R. Ortega y R. del Rey |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Lügen, Lästern, Leiden lassen: aggressives Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen |
Angela Ittel , Maria Von Salisch
German |
German |
Lügen, Lästern, Leiden lassen: aggressives Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen |
Angela Ittel , Maria Von Salisch
German |
English |
L’alfabeto dei bulli. Prevenire relazioni aggressive nella scuola |
Zanetti M.A. (a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
L’educazione socio affettiva nelle scuole |
Maggi M. |
Italian |
Italian |
L’effetto Lucifero. Cattivi si diventa? |
Zimbardo P. |
Italian |
Italian |
Las distintas perspectivas de estudiantes y docentes acerca de la violencia escolar. |
C. del Barrio, Á. Barrios, K. Van der Meulen y H. Gutiérrez |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Las estrategias de afrontamiento, ¿mediadoras de los efectos a largo plazo de las víctimas de bullying?. |
J. A. Mora-Merchan. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Las nuevas tecnologías al servicio del acoso escolar. |
R.D. Pérez Murillo. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Le conseguenze del bullismo |
Redazione sociale di Informagiovani- Varese |
Italian |
Italian |
Le harcèlement : le souci n°1 des profs |
site web : enseignons.be |
French |
French |
Le harcèlement en milieu scolaire : comprendre et réagir |
Couples et familles (Organisation d’éducation permanente reconnue par le Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique) |
French |
French |
Le Harcèlement moral : la violence perverse au quotidien. |
Marie-France Hirigoyen |
French |
French |
Le Psychologue |
Jérôme Vermeulen, psychologue |
French |
French |
Le strategie antibullismo |
Fedeli D. |
Italian |
Italian |
Legal and psychological education of school violence prevention as a paradigm |
Rolandas Bulotas, Valentina Bereznaja-Demidenko |
Lithuanian |
English |
Les 10 commandements contre la violence à l’école |
Eric Debarbieux |
French |
French |
Les brimades entre élèves |
Florence MOTTOT |
French |
French |
Lettre ouverte sur le Harcèlement entre pairs à l’école |
Ecole changer de cap |
French |
French |
Lideri mondiali la violenta scolara |
Ioana Georgescu |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Lideri mondiali la violenta scolara |
Ioana Georgescu |
Romanian |
English |
Lietuvos paauglių sąmoningo savęs žalojimo ir stresą keliančios gyvenimo patirties sąsajos |
Agnė Laskytė, Nida Žemaitienė, Raimundas Vaitkevičius |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lietuvos Respublikos administracinių teisės pažeidimų kodeksas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamasis kodeksas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lietuvos respublikos socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymas.
Dėl nacionalinės smurto prieš vaikus prevencijos ir pagalbos vaikams 2011–2015 metų progra... |
Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministras Donatas Jankauskas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lietuvos respublikos vyriausybės nutarimas dėl nacionalinės smurto prieš vaikus prevencijos ir pagalbos vaikams 2008-2010 metų programos patvirtinimo.
Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lilija amžinai |
Lukas Moodysson |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Lilja 4-ever |
Lukas Moodysson |
English |
English |
Lithuania: youth mental health – from research to policies, practice and partnerships |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Nida Žemaitienė, Vilius Jonas Grabauskas, Dainius Pūras, Robertas Povilaitis |
English |
English |
Lithuania: youth mental health – from research to policies, practice and partnerships |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Nida Žemaitienė, Vilius Jonas Grabauskas, Dainius Pūras, Robertas Povilaitis |
English |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian Republic Ministry of Social Security and Labour Order.
Concerning national child abuse prevention and child support program for the year 2011-2015 approval |
The Minister of Social Security and Labour Donatas Jankauskas |
English |
English |
Lo spot “contro il bullismo facciamo gruppo” |
Buccoliero E., Maggi M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Los efectos a largo plazo del uso de estrategias de afrontamiento de las víctimas del acoso escolar. |
S. C. Hunter, J. A. Mora-Merchan y R. Ortega. |
English |
Spanish |
Los problemas de convivencia en las aulas. Análisis del bullying.
C. Orte |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Love yourself, change life
(Working Paper) |
Louise L. Hay |
Lithuanian |
English |
Maltrato entre iguales: una propuesta de intervención en un centro de educación secundaria. |
R. García Ros, J.M. García Valls y I. Talaya González. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Managing and Evaluating Change; Conducting a Needs Analysis: Consultation and evaluation |
Dawn Jennifer and Helen Cowie |
Bulgarian |
English |
Managing and Evaluating Change; Conducting a Needs Analysis: Preparing for Change |
Dawn Jennifer and Helen Cowie |
Bulgarian |
English |
Managing and Evaluating Change; The Management of Change at Policy Level |
Julie Shaughnessy |
Bulgarian |
English |
Manual of Best Practices for Combating and Preventing Bullying at Educational Centres |
Visionary |
English |
English |
Maybe my child is bullied at school or offended? |
Juozas Vyšniauskas |
Lithuanian |
English |
Medieninfo Bayern: Cyber-Mobbing - Kennzeichen, Maßnahmen, Empfehlungen |
Dr. Vera Haldenwang |
German |
German |
Medieninfo Bayern: Cyber-Mobbing - Kennzeichen, Maßnahmen, Empfehlungen |
Dr. Vera Haldenwang |
German |
English |
Memory of agression experience at school: consequences and gender differences. |
K.M. Ranf, M. J. Báguena, M. P. Toldos and M. A.Beleña. |
Spanish |
English |
Methodology for extra-curricular informal education under project “Prevention of violence in schools – Civil partnership and control, stimulating democracy in society” |
Trifon Pavlov – psychologist
Georgi Hristov
Andrey Bujnitskij
Tilko Tilev, doctor of juridical sciences
Krasimir Vasilev – martial arts instructor |
Bulgarian |
English |
Metode de combatere a violentei in scoala |
Maravela Teodora |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Metode de combatere a violentei in scoala |
Maravela Teodora |
Romanian |
English |
Mieux vivre ensemble à l’école |
Mieux vivre ensemble à l’école |
French |
French |
Mijloace de combatere a violentei scolare cauzate de televiziune |
Famouswhy.ro |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Mijloace de combatere a violentei scolare cauzate de televiziune |
Famouswhy.ro |
Romanian |
English |
Minister Simonet : « Surprised to see bullying at the top of the list » |
Belga |
French |
English |
Mobbing bei Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Grundlage einer Online-Befragung |
Reinhold Jäger
Uwe Fischer
Julia Riebel
Lisa Fluck
German |
German |
Mobbing bei Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Grundlage einer Online-Befragung |
Reinhold Jäger
Uwe Fischer
Julia Riebel
Lisa Fluck
German |
English |
Mobbing in der Schule |
Karl Gebauer |
German |
German |
Mobbing in der Schule |
Karl Gebauer |
German |
English |
Mobbing unter Schülern |
Mechthild Schäfer |
German |
German |
Mobbing unter Schülern |
Mechthild Schäfer |
German |
English |
Mobbing, Hazings, Stalking, Bullismo |
Del Debbio A., Di Fiorino E., Fontana M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Mobbing, Hazings, Stalking, Bullying |
Del Debbio A., Di Fiorino E., Fontana M. |
Italian |
English |
Mobbing: Eine Fragebogenstudie zum Ausmaß von Aggression und Gewalt an Schulen |
Reiner Hanewinkel, Reimer Knaack
German |
German |
Mobbing: Eine Fragebogenstudie zum Ausmaß von Aggression und Gewalt an Schulen |
Reiner Hanewinkel, Reimer Knaack
German |
English |
Mobile teams intervening within the schools affected by school violence or by early school leaving |
Minister DUPONT |
French |
English |
Modern approaches towards bullying and violence prevention in schools |
Articles presented by public bodies of Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
English |
Modernūs požiūriai į patyčių ir smurto prevenciją mokyklose |
Valstybės pareigūnų (Prezidento, Vaikų apsaugos kontrolierės ir kt.) straipsniai |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Moksleivių patyčios Lietuvos mokyklose 1994–2002 m. |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Lina Cirtautienė, Nida Žemaitienė. |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Moku bendrauti be patyčių |
R. Povilaitis, J.S. Jasiulionė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Mokykla gali įveikti patyčias
Rekomendacijos mokytojams |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita Smiltė Jasiulionienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Mokyklų epidemija- PATYČIOS |
Milda Astrauskaitė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Moral bullying : daily perverse violencE. |
Marie-France Hirigoyen |
French |
English |
More violence at school |
Le Ligueur |
French |
English |
Municipal program for child protection - 2010 |
Administration staff |
Bulgarian |
English |
Municipal strategy for child protection 2008-2018 |
Administration staff |
Bulgarian |
English |
Municipal strategy for child protection – Municipality of Plovdiv 2008-2011 |
Foundation “For our children” |
Bulgarian |
English |
Mylėk save, pakeisk gyvenimą
(Darbo knyga)
Louise L. Hay |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Nè vittime nè prepotenti. Una proposta didattica di contrasto al bullismo |
Iannacone N. |
Italian |
Italian |
Nacionalinė smurto prieš vaikus prevencijos ir pagalbos vaikams 2011-2015 metų programa |
LR socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos darbuotojai |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
National Anti-bullying Week |
Anti-bullying Alliance |
English |
English |
National child abuse prevention and child support program in 2011-2015 |
Personel of the ministry of social security and labour |
Lithuanian |
English |
National program for child protection 2010 |
Experts with the government of the Republic of Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
English |
Naturaleza del bullying escolar. Una perspectiva transnaconal. |
P.k.Smith, Y.Morita, J.Junger-Tas, D.Olweus, R.Catalano y P.Slee. |
English |
Spanish |
Naujos galimybės prevencijos programų plėtrai |
Algimantas Šimaitis |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Needs reporting and sensitization regarding school bullying phenomenon in primary schools in Athens.
Giannakopoulou D., Diareme S., Soumaki E., Chatzipemou Th., Asimopoulos Ch., Tsiantis I.
Greek |
English |
Neither victims nor offenders. An educational approach against bullying |
Iannacone N. |
Italian |
English |
New possibilities for the development of prevention programmes |
Algimantas Šimaitis |
Lithuanian |
English |
New technologies at server of school bullying. |
R. D. Pérez Murillo. |
Spanish |
English |
Nusikalsti linkusių vaikų konsultavimas: praktiniai patarimai |
Vega Dikčienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Observatoire International de la Violence à l'Ecole |
Observatoire International de la Violence à l'Ecole |
French |
French |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Programms |
Hazeldon Foundation |
English |
English |
Open letter on bullying between peers at school |
Ecole changer de cap |
French |
English |
Pédagogie contre violence. Entretien avec Éric Debarbieux |
Martine Fournier |
French |
French |
Patyčių bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje samprata: priežasčių, formų ir pasekmių diskursas |
Vilija Targamadzė, Džiuginta Valeckienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčių masto įvertinimas Alytaus miesto mokyklose |
Irma Geraltauskaitė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčių prevencija mokyklose |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita Valiukevičiūtė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčių problema ir jos prevencijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje analizė |
Giedrius Girdvainis, Rasa Pocevičienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčios gali liautis |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčios mokykloje ir jų sąsajos su moksleivių sveikata bei gyvensena |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Inga Vareikienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Patyčios: situacija Lietuvos mokyklose |
Projekto „Saugi mokykla“ darbo grupė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Pedagogy against violence. Interview with Éric Debarbieux |
Martine Fournier |
French |
English |
Peer support programs to improve convivencia. |
I. Fernández García |
Spanish |
English |
Peer victimization in multicultural schools in Spain and England. |
Cl. P. Monks, R. Ortega-Ruiz y A. J. Rodríguez-Hidalgo |
English |
English |
Peer victimization in Spanish Secondary Schools: The state of the art. |
C. Del Barrio, E. Martín, I. Montero, H. Gutiérrez, I. Fernández. |
Spanish |
English |
Peer violence at school. |
Á. Serrano e I. Iborra |
Spanish |
English |
Personality variables associated with bullying in the dynamics (aggressors versus victims) in children 10 to 15 years. |
F. Cerezo. |
Spanish |
English |
Perspective de interpretare a conduitelor agresive I |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Perspective de interpretare a conduitelor agresive I |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
English |
Perspective de interpretare a conduitelor agresive II |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Perspective de interpretare a conduitelor agresive II |
Constantin Nechifor |
Romanian |
English |
Plus de violence à l'école |
Le Ligueur |
French |
French |
Por qué se produce la violencia escolar y cómo prevenirla. |
MªJ. Díaz Aguado. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Prévenir la violence dès la petite enfance |
Richard E. Tremblay - Professeur de pédiatrie de psychiatrie et de psychologie de Montréal |
French |
French |
Prévenir la violence par l’apprentissage à la petite enfance |
Tremblay RE, Gervais J, Petitclerc A |
French |
French |
Prévenir les violences à l'école : Quelle place pour les pratiques
d'enseignement ?
Benoît Galand |
French |
French |
Prévention et lutte contre le cyber-harcèlement :
un nouveau défi pour l’école !
Nathalie Dasnoy
Service juridique Segec
French |
French |
Prekybos žmonėmis pavojai ir prevencinė veikla mokykloje |
Rasa Erentaitė ir kt. |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Presentations from conference “Aggression and media”, 18.06.2009, NBU |
Chief assistant Desislava Boshnakova – Internet and the children
Ivo Yotov, Anita Kirkova – Aggression and media
Elena Mihaylova, Nevena Trifonovska – Aggression and media
Yana Angelova, Sofia Koserkova – Aggression and media – |
Bulgarian |
English |
Prevención de la violencia y resolución de conflictos. |
I. Fernández. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Prevenire il cyberbullismo e la navigazione on line a rischio. Linee guida per docenti, studenti, genitori |
Pinna N., Pisano L., Saturno M.E. |
Italian |
Italian |
Prevenirea și combaterea violenței în școală |
Magdalena Balica, Ciprian Fartușnic, Aurora Liiceanu, Andreea Măruțescu, Doina Săucan, Lucian Voinea |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Prevenirea și combaterea violenței în școală |
Magdalena Balica, Ciprian Fartușnic, Aurora Liiceanu, Andreea Măruțescu, Doina Săucan, Lucian Voinea |
Romanian |
English |
Prevenirea si combaterea violentei scolare |
Integrarea copiilor cu deviatii comportamentale |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Prevenirea si combaterea violentei scolare |
Integrarea copiilor cu deviatii comportamentale |
Romanian |
English |
Prevenirea violenței în școli, preocupare actuală |
Citynews.ro |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Prevenirea violenței în școli, preocupare actuală |
Citynews.ro |
Romanian |
English |
Preventative and Integrative Practice; Co-operative Group Work |
Rosario Ortega, Virginia Sanchez and Francisco Cordoba |
Bulgarian |
English |
Preventative and Integrative Practice; Creating a Shared Understanding of School Bullying and Violence. |
Sigrun K. Ertesvåg |
Bulgarian |
English |
Preventative and Integrative Practice; Emotional Literacy in Schools |
Alan Groocock |
Bulgarian |
English |
Preventative and Integrative Practice; Restorative Approaches in School: Towards a Restorative School |
Dobrinka Chankova and Tanya Poshtova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Preventative and Integrative Practice: Children Helping Children
Helen Cowie and Dawn Jennifer |
Bulgarian |
English |
Prevention and Facing of Bullying in School:
Suggestions of Greek school teachers & international intervention programs
K. Konstantinou & A. Psalti |
Greek |
English |
Prevention and fight against cyber-bullying : un new challenge for the school ! |
Nathalie Dasnoy
Legal Service Segec
French |
English |
Prevention and fight against school bullying towards teachers, disaffection in interpersonal relationship and bullying among children, attitudes to self-injuries among adolescents. Suggestions. Letter... |
Roffia L., Benetti G., Brigenti S., Capezzuto T., Esposito P., Iovinella M.C., Rota A.(a cura di) |
Italian |
English |
Prevention and response to identity-based bullying among local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales |
Neil Tippett, Catherine Houlston, Peter K. Smith
Unit for School and Family Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London |
English |
English |
Prevention of violence in schools: comparison between European countries and Greece |
Kritikos Aloisios |
Greek |
English |
Prevenzione e contrasto a prepotenze in classe contro i docenti, disagi comportamentali e bullismo tra i bambini, condotte autolesive fra gli adolescenti. Proposte. Lettera a docenti e studenti sulla ... |
Roffia L., Benetti G., Brigenti S., Capezzuto T., Esposito P., Iovinella M.C., Rota A. (a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
Problems of convivencia in schools. Analysis of bullying. |
C. Orte |
Spanish |
English |
Proceduri de intervenție și gestionare a situațiilor de violență în mediul școlar |
Veronica Bogorin, Ruxandra Vasilescu, Alb Lucia, Maria Baumgarten, Gabriela Căian, Raluca Crișan, Laura Ionescu, Eleonora Marcov, Cornelia Mureșan, Ioana Pascaru, Popa Diana, Ioana Pop, Miahela Rusu, Lorena Sava, |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Proceduri de intervenție și gestionare a situațiilor de violență în mediul școlar |
Veronica Bogorin, Ruxandra Vasilescu, Alb Lucia, Maria Baumgarten, Gabriela Căian, Raluca Crișan, Laura Ionescu, Eleonora Marcov, Cornelia Mureșan, Ioana Pascaru, Popa Diana, Ioana Pop, Miahela Rusu, Lorena Sava, |
Romanian |
English |
Programas de ayuda para la mejora de la convivencia. |
I. Fernández García |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Protocollo di intesa Gruppo Interistituzionale Bullismo: protocollo di intesa per la realizzazione di azioni comuni per la prevenzione di comportamenti a rischio e la lotta al bullismo. |
ASL”VC” S.C. Psicologia
Istituti Comprensivi di Arborio,Asigliano,Vercelli
Nucleo Operativo e Radiomobile Carabinieri di Vercelli
Pastorale Giovanile Diocesana
Questura di Vercelli – Ufficio Minori
Scuole Cristiane paritarie di Ver |
Italian |
Italian |
Psychological adjustment in aggressors, pure victims and aggressive victims al school.
E. Estévez, S. Murgui and G. Musitu. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Pykšt, pokšt – tu negyvas |
Guy Ferland |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Quälgeister und ihre Opfer. Mobbing unter Kindern – und wie man damit umgeht |
Françoise D. Alsaker |
German |
German |
Quälgeister und ihre Opfer. Mobbing unter Kindern – und wie man damit umgeht |
Françoise D. Alsaker |
German |
English |
Quand la violence s’invite à l’école |
Julie Gillet |
French |
French |
Quando un disturbo fisico può diventare un richiamo per il bullo |
Duse M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Quelle violence ? Pourquoi ? Et pourquoi l’école y fait-elle difficilement face ? |
Philippe SCHMETZ – 9 novembre 2007
French |
French |
Questions and answers regarding cyber bullying |
Fisoun B., Floros G.
Greek |
English |
Racist Bullying |
Department for Education |
English |
English |
Racket and bullying between young people – school violences |
Jacques Gennen |
French |
English |
Racket et harcèlement entre jeunes - Violences scolaires |
Jacques Gennen |
French |
French |
Raus aus Gewaltkreisläufen! Präventions- und Interventionskonzepte |
Elisabeth Gropper
Hans-Michael Zimmermann (Herausgeber)
German |
German |
Raus aus Gewaltkreisläufen! Präventions- und Interventionskonzepte |
Elisabeth Gropper
Hans-Michael Zimmermann (Editors)
German |
English |
Reasons and consequences of school violence |
Daniela Yordanova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Recommendations for schools |
„Child line“ employees |
Lithuanian |
English |
Reducerea violenței în școală – Un ghid al schimbării |
Chris Gittins |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Reducerea violenței în școală – Un ghid al schimbării |
Chris Gittins |
Romanian |
English |
Reference book for prevention of violence for the school network |
State agency for child protection |
Bulgarian |
English |
Refuzul elevilor de a comunica la ore |
Cîmpean Cristina Mihaela |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Refuzul elevilor de a comunica la ore |
Cîmpean Cristina Mihaela |
Romanian |
English |
Regulamentele școlare nu pot preveni violența |
Simona Soare |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Regulamentele școlare nu pot preveni violența |
Simona Soare |
Romanian |
English |
Rekomendacijos mokyklai |
Viešosios įstaigos "Vaikų linija" darbuotojai |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Relaciones familiares, rechazo entre iguales y violencia escolar. |
E. Estévez, B. Martínez, D. Moreno y G. Musitu. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Relation between types of aggression and types of temperament. |
Pavlina Lazarova; Daniela Krumova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Relationship between the suicidal attempts of adolescent girls and risk factors in the family |
Darius Leskauskas |
Lithuanian |
English |
Relazione sull’attività del numero verde antibullismo del Ministero Dell’istruzione dell’Universita’ e della Ricerca |
Volpini L. |
Italian |
Italian |
Republic of Lithuania Code of Administrative Violations |
English |
English |
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Concerning national child abuse prevention and child support program approval for the year 2008-2010.
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania |
English |
English |
Respecting Others: Anti-bullying Guidance |
National Assembly for Wales |
English |
English |
Respectme |
The Scottish Government |
English |
English |
Responsibilities and Rights, Ethical Issues and Children’s Rights |
Dobrinka Chankova, Tanya Poshtova, Gie Deboutte
and Stephen Minton
Bulgarian |
English |
Responsibilities and Rights; Young People and Crime |
Dobrinka Chankova, Tanya Poshtova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Restorative Approaches and Practices |
The National Centre for Restorative Approaches in Youth Settings |
English |
English |
Review on the effects of an antibullying free number issued by the ministry of education, university and research |
Volpini L. |
Italian |
English |
Risk criminogenous and victimogenous factors for children
A research on the sociological, criminological and psychological characteristics of risks
A research of the court practice on recognition, ... |
Authors: D-r Iva Pushkarova, D-r Georgi Petrunov, Georgi Kirilov
External supervisors: Doc. Pavlina Petkova, Elena Yoncheva,
Research team: D-r Iva Pushkarova, D-r Georgi Petrunov, Georgi Kirilov, Deana Dimova, Ivan Ivanov, Dean Paskalev, Adriana Stoic |
Bulgarian |
English |
Ryšys tarp paauglių mergaičių bandymų žudytis ir rizikos veiksnių šeimoje |
Darius Leskauskas |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Safe from Bullying - Guidance for local authorities and other strategic leaders on reducing bullying in the community |
Department for Children, Schools and Families |
English |
English |
Safe Internet – Teacher book |
Dr. Daniela Kolarova, Matilda Bahneva, Alexander Ranev, Veronika Kozareva, Evgenia Markova, Cicelia Rangelova, Grozdanka Stamatova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Safe to Learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools |
Teachernet |
English |
English |
SAVE model: an anti-bullying intervention in Spain. |
R.Ortega, R.Del Rey y J.A. Mora-Merchán. |
English |
English |
Schnelles Eingreifen bei Mobbing. Strategien für die Praxis |
Wolfgang Kindler |
German |
German |
Schnelles Eingreifen bei Mobbing. Strategien für die Praxis |
Wolfgang Kindler |
German |
English |
School Bullying |
Alana James |
English |
English |
School Bullying |
Prekate B., |
German |
English |
School bullying and its association with health and lifestyle among schoolchildren |
Apolinaras Zaborskis, Inga Vareikienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
School Bullying and victimization |
Giovazolias Akis |
Greek |
English |
School Bullying and Violence |
Visionary |
English |
English |
School Bullying in Greece |
Tsikrika Olga |
Greek |
English |
School bullying in Lithuania: problems and solutions |
Mindaugas Damijonaitis |
Lithuanian |
English |
School Bullying in primary school: students' and teachers' opinions
Asimakopoulos Ch., Chatzipemos Th., Soumaki E., Diareme S., Giannakopoulou D., Tsiantis G.
Greek |
English |
School bullying, victimization in the frame of school and family cooperation |
Apostolidou Xr. Marketaki A., Panagiotidou A. |
Greek |
English |
School bullying: a proposal of intervention in a secondary school. |
R. García Ros, J. M. García Valls and I. Talaya González. |
Spanish |
English |
School Bullying: How effective are the interventions?
Galanaki Evangelia |
Greek |
English |
School Bullying: Phenomenon of victimization or coolness? |
Marina Konstantinidou |
Greek |
English |
School can cope with bullying
Recommendations for teachers |
Robertas Povilaitis, Jurgita Smiltė Jasiulionienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
School Characteristics as Predictors of Bullying and Victimization Among Greek Middle School Students |
Kapari Konstantina, Stavrou Pilios-Dimitris |
English |
English |
School Characteristics as Predictors of Bullying and Victimization Among Greek Middle School Students |
Κάπαρη Κωνσταντίνα, Σταύρου Δημήτριος |
English |
Greek |
School climate and school violence. A comparative study between Spain and France. |
C.Blaya, E.Debarbieux, R.Del Rey, and, R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
School coexistence: What it is and how to address it. |
R. Ortega y colaboradores. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
School mediation under the construction of the coexistence and violence prevention. |
R.Ortega y R. del Rey. |
Spanish |
English |
School violence |
Papanis Efstratios |
Greek |
English |
School violence – problems with aggression and brutality |
Valentina Vassileva |
Bulgarian |
English |
School violence among students: The Bullying phenomenon |
Ioannis Tsiantis (interviewed by Leonidas Kalidonis) |
Greek |
English |
School Violence: Bullying in Secondary Schools (1999-2006). |
Spanish Ombudsman |
Spanish |
English |
School violence: clues for understanding and dealing with. |
R. Del Rey & R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
School violence: Myth or Fact. |
R. Ortega and J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
Spanish |
English |
School violence: prevention and support
Methodological recommendations |
Evaldas Karmaza, Neringa Grigutytė, Elena Gauda Karmazė |
Lithuanian |
English |
School violence. At what level do we have to act? |
Christophe Desagher, Johanna de Villers, with the participation of Julie Martine |
French |
English |
School violence. Its presence in High Schools in Andalusia. |
R. Ortega y J. C. Angulo |
Spanish |
English |
School violence. Prevention strategies. |
R. Ortega y R. Del Rey |
Spanish |
English |
School violence. Verbal concepts and labels that define the phenomenon of bullying. |
R. Ortega, R. Del Rey, J. A. Mora-Merchán. |
Spanish |
English |
School without bullying |
Ecole sans Harcèlement
Leopoldstraat 39
2800 Mechelen
French |
English |
School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization |
David P.Farrington, Maria M. Ttofi |
English |
English |
Schools for teenagers - A humanistic project against violence |
Patrick Hullebroeck and Valérie Silberberg –
20th December 2007
French |
English |
Schools without experts to handle the issue |
Haris Asimopoulos |
Greek |
English |
Schulgewalt, Bullying und Internet. Das Internet als Hilfsmedium für die Schulgewalt- und Bullyingproblematik |
Christian Weber, Björn Bedey
German |
German |
Schulgewalt, Bullying und Internet. Das Internet als Hilfsmedium für die Schulgewalt- und Bullyingproblematik |
Christian Weber, Björn Bedey
German |
English |
Schulische Mobbing-Fälle. Analysen und Strategien |
Rüdiger Gollnick |
German |
German |
Schulische Mobbing-Fälle. Analysen und Strategien |
Rüdiger Gollnick |
German |
English |
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for secondary schools |
Department for Education |
English |
English |
Silence regarding school violence
Vogiatzakis S., Karagiorgos D.
Greek |
English |
Site à propos de la violence scolaire |
Collège de Vevey (SUISSE) |
French |
French |
Smurtas mokykloje: prevencija ir pagalba
Metodinės rekomendacijos |
Evaldas Karmaza, Neringa Grigutytė, Elena Gauda Karmazė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Social skills training manual(to develope skills of primary school students) |
Sigita Kemerienė, Renata Mazūrienė, Algirdas Petronis, Agnė Sadauskienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo vadovas (Pradinių klasių moksleivių įgūdžiams lavinti) |
Sigita Kemerienė, Renata Mazūrienė, Algirdas Petronis, Agnė Sadauskienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Socio emotional education at school |
Maggi M. |
Italian |
English |
Sportuojančių, nesportuojančių ir rizikos grupės paauglių patiriamų patyčių ir jų pačių tyčiojimosi iš bendraamžiu raiška |
I. Tilindienė, L. Žalys, G. Rastauskienė, I. Valantinienė, O. Liesionienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Spotten, Schimpfen, Schlagen… Gewalt unter Schülern - Bullying und Cyberbullying |
Julia Riebel |
German |
English |
Spotten, Schimpfen, Schlagen… Gewalt unter Schülern - Bullying und Cyberbullying. |
Julia Riebel |
German |
German |
Stonewall - The School Report - The experiences of young gay people in Britain's Schools |
Ruth Hunt and Johan Jensen |
English |
English |
Stop – Violența intrafamilială |
Popa Jana |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Stop – Violența intrafamilială |
Popa Jana |
Romanian |
English |
Stop al Bullismo |
Pasquali S.(a cura di) |
Italian |
Italian |
Stop bullying |
Pasquali S. |
Italian |
English |
Strategia Ministerului Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului cu privire la reducerea fenomenului de violență în unitățile de învățământ preuniversitar |
Direcția Generală Management Învățământ Preuniversitar |
Romanian |
English |
Strategia Ministerului Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului cu privire la reducerea fenomenului de violență în unitățile de învățământ preuniversitar |
Direcția Generală Management Învățământ Preuniversitar |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Strategien der Gewaltprävention im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Eine Zwischenbilanz in sechs Handlungsfeldern |
Martina Heitkötte, Bernd Holthusen, Viola Laux, Christian Lüders, Heiner Schäfer |
German |
German |
Strategien der Gewaltprävention im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Eine Zwischenbilanz in sechs Handlungsfeldern |
Martina Heitkötte, Bernd Holthusen, Viola Laux, Christian Lüders, Heiner Schäfer |
German |
English |
Student’s code of conduct of Vilnius Simonas Daukantas elementary school |
The administration of Vilnius Simonas Daukantas elementary school |
English |
English |
Students with problem ? school with solution ? |
Cécile Delannoy |
French |
English |
Students' Victimization at School in Relation to their Personality |
Despina Korakidi, Styliani Kotrotsiou, Mitsiou G., Elias Kourkoutas, Theodosios Paralikas, Georgia Georgitziki, Andreas Rizoulis |
English |
English |
Students’ emotional and behavioural problems |
Di Pietro M. |
Italian |
English |
Studiu privind violența în școli |
Siveco |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Studiu privind violența în școli |
Siveco |
Romanian |
English |
Study of incidence of intimidation and bullying in secondary education compulsory by the questionnaire CIMEI (Avilés, 1999)-Survey on Bullying and Intimidation ". |
J. M. Avilés Martínez & I. Monjas Casares. |
Spanish |
English |
Sunflowers and kites. Adolescents. Starting again from the upbringing process |
D’Alonzo L., De Natale M.L., Mariani V. |
Italian |
English |
Support characters to family and school: an immediate acknowledgment of the problem |
Mele G. |
Italian |
English |
Swearing as a demonstration of rudeness at school and on the street |
Krassen Ferdinandov, child and family psychologist - consultant |
Bulgarian |
English |
Tackling bullying, using evidence, learning lessons |
Research by Mark Rickinson, Lisa Batch, Laura Bell, Viv Blinco, Debbie Brundrett, Bev Chapman, Susie Edwards, Teresa Johnson, Alison Perkins, Debbie Russell-Dudley, Pat Scott, Janet Waters, |
English |
English |
Tackling violence in schools: A report from Greece |
Anastasia Houndoumadi, Lena Pateraki and Maria Doanidou |
English |
English |
Teacher training in response to school violence. The proposed model anti-school violence sevilla (SAVE). |
R. Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
Teachers in social and health services against violence |
Mary Allen, Hilde Hellbernd, Silke Huschka, Sabine Jenner, Sirkka Perttu, Tiina Savola |
Bulgarian |
English |
Teenagers bullying prevalence study, 2010 |
Evelina Narkevičiūtė-Petravičienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Teenie-Prozess: Recht auf schlechtes Benehmen |
Frank Patalong |
German |
German |
Teenie-Prozess: Recht auf schlechtes Benehmen |
Frank Patalong |
German |
English |
Teisinė ir psichologinė edukacija mokykloje kaip smurto prevencijos paradigma |
Rolandas Bulotas, Valentina Bereznaja-Demidenko |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Test Doc |
Test author |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
The ABC of bullies. How to prevent aggressive behaviour at school. |
Zanetti M.A.(a cura di) |
Italian |
English |
The “Bullying” phenomenon and how to tackle it |
Vasiliki Gkountsidou |
Greek |
English |
The “bullying” phenomenon in school and the exercise of physical and psychological violence by peers. |
Andreou E., Smith P. K. |
Greek |
English |
The anti-violence project school Seville. A model form action against abuse prevention peer. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
The association between bullying and early stages of suicidal ideation in late adolescents in Greece |
Petros Skapinakis, Stefanos Bellos, Tatiana Gkatsa, Konstantina Magklara, Glyn Lewis, Ricardo Araya, Stelios Stylianidis, Venetsanos Mavreas |
English |
English |
The bully in the global village |
Zanaboni M. |
Italian |
English |
The bullying problem: an anti-bullying fairy-tale of 5th grade |
Students of 5th grade of the primary school of Dromolaksias |
Greek |
English |
The consequences of bullying |
Social report in Informagiovani, Varese |
Italian |
English |
The contrast and the prevention of bullying in lower secondary schools: guidelines and strategies |
Darbo M. |
Italian |
English |
The disciplining video camera as a response to the crisis in Bulgarian school |
Zdravka Georgieva |
Bulgarian |
English |
The emotional impact on victims of traditional bullying and cyberbullying. A study of Spanish adolescents. |
R. Ortega, P. Elipe, J.A. Mora-Merchán, J. Calmaestra, and E. Vega. |
English |
Spanish |
The Essex Cybersurvey |
Youthworks Consulting Ltd - Adrienne Katz & Catherine Dillon |
English |
English |
The evaluation of bullying extent in Alytus schools |
Irma Geraltauskaitė |
Lithuanian |
English |
The Experience of Bullying Among Secondary School Students |
Christina Athanasiades and Vassiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzis |
English |
English |
The health, risk behavior and bullying roles of children involved in school bullying behaviors in Kaunas |
Giedrė Širvinskienė, Nida Žemaitienė, Alina Didžiokienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
The impact of the discrimination perceived and the school integration on the adoption of beliefs that favour the use of physical violence |
Galand, B. & Dupont, E. (2002). Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 55, 64-72. |
French |
English |
The law in the playground |
Jérôme Vermeulen, psychologue pour la publication
Zep pour la bande dessinée : Titeuf
French |
English |
The Long-Term Effects of Coping Strategy. Use in Victims of Bullying. |
S. C. Hunter, J. A. Mora-Merchan, and R. Ortega. |
English |
English |
The Lucifer effect. Can you become mad? |
Zimbardo P. |
Italian |
English |
The nature of school bullying. A cross-national perspective. |
P.k.Smith, Y.Morita, J.Junger-Tas, d.Olweus, R.Catalano and P.Slee. |
English |
English |
The prevention of aggressiveness in school |
Kyriakidou Maria |
Greek |
English |
The psychologist |
Jérôme Vermeulen, psychologist |
French |
English |
The relationship between perceived school climate and the
prevalence of bullying behavior in Greek schools: implications for
preventive inclusive strategies
Theodoros Giovazolias, Elias Kourkoutas, Effrosyni Mitsopoulou, Maria Georgiadi |
English |
English |
The role of mediation |
Grassi A. |
Italian |
English |
The school bullying phenomenon |
Nestoridou Aik. Karakasi A., Zagalis Th., Daskalaki A.
Greek |
English |
The spot "Join the group, don't run with the herd" |
Buccoliero E., Maggi M. |
Italian |
English |
The Teacher's Report - Homophobic bullying in Britain's schools |
April Guasp |
English |
English |
The Use and Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Strategies in Schools |
Fran Thompson and Peter K Smith |
English |
English |
The Whole School Approach (WSA): Working with Parents
Astrid Mona O’Moore and Stephen James Minton |
Bulgarian |
English |
The worrying guest |
Galimberti U. |
Italian |
English |
They wanted to kill my soul |
Cappelletti M. |
Italian |
English |
Thinkuknow |
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre |
English |
English |
Tineri violenți, categorii violente de școlari sau școli violente? Studiu multinivel al fenomenelor de victimizare la adolescenții școlari |
Adrian Hatos |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Tineri violenți, categorii violente de școlari sau școli violente? Studiu multinivel al fenomenelor de victimizare la adolescenții școlari |
Adrian Hatos |
Romanian |
English |
To educate violence thanks to the law establishment |
The educative Cell of Pax Christi Wallonie-Bruxelles |
French |
English |
To live better together at school |
Mieux vivre ensemble à l’école |
French |
English |
To prevent the violence since the childhood |
Richard E. Tremblay – Professor of pediatrics and of psychology of Montréal |
French |
English |
To prevent the violences at school : which place for the educative practices ? |
Benoît Galand |
French |
English |
To transform the students violence. |
Daniel Favre |
French |
English |
Tools for Schools |
Anti-bullying Alliance |
English |
English |
Tools to fight homophobic bullying. |
R. Platero Méndez y E. Gómez Ceto. |
Spanish |
English |
Traduceri – Ce înseamnă „bullying”? |
Boeru Alice, Vîrlan Georgiana, Niță Claudia, Găitănaru Alexandra, Dragomir Alina, Lazăr Ionuț |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Traduceri – Ce înseamnă „bullying”? |
Boeru Alice, Vîrlan Georgiana, Niță Claudia, Găitănaru Alexandra, Dragomir Alina, Lazăr Ionuț |
Romanian |
English |
Training in convivencia and mediation: A proposal from the emotional education. |
C. Caurín Alonso, N. Marco Chalet, and Mª J. Martínez Penella |
Spanish |
English |
Transformer la violence des élèves |
Daniel Favre |
French |
French |
Tutto normale. Bulli, vittime, spettatori. |
Buccoliero E. |
Italian |
Italian |
Un portail informatique pour signaler la violence scolaire |
Belga |
French |
French |
Una gara per contrastare abbandono scolastico e bullismo |
Ministero dell’Interno, Febbraio 10, 2010 |
Italian |
Italian |
Understanding Bullying and Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence: A Mixed Methods Study |
Nancy G. Guerra, Kirk R. Williams, and Shelly Sadek |
English |
English |
Unjustified aggression, bullying and school violence. |
R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
English |
Using T.A. to understand and to cure bullying effects on children |
Nathalie Goursolas Bogren |
French |
English |
Utiliser l’A.T. pour comprendre et guérir les effets du harcèlement chez les enfants |
Nathalie Goursolas Bogren |
French |
French |
Vaikų dvasinė sveikata – pelenės vietoje |
M.Zinkuvienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Vaikas kenčia pažeminimus mokykloje |
Maria G. R. Robichaud |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Vaikas kenčia pažeminimus. Ką gali tėvai? |
Stefa Grigalevičienė |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Variables de personalidad asociadas en la dinámica bullying
(agresores versus víctimas) en niños y niñas de 10 a 15 años.
F. Cerezo |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Vexations amongst pupils |
Florence MOTTOT |
French |
English |
Victimización entre iguales en escuelas multiculturales en España e Inglaterra. |
Cl. P. Monks, R. Ortega-Ruiz y A. J. Rodríguez-Hidalgo. |
English |
Spanish |
Vilniaus Simono Daukanto pagrindinės mokyklos elgesio taisyklės |
Vilniaus Simono Daukanto pagrindinės mokyklos administracija |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
Violence à l'école et genre : Les filles, victimes ou agresseurs ? |
Catherine Blaya, Eric Debarbieux, Stéphanie Rubi
French |
French |
Violence à l’école |
E.c.j.s de première L |
French |
French |
Violence à l’école : un défi mondial ? |
Eric Debarbieux |
French |
French |
Violence à l’école en Communauté française : le regard du chercheur |
UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain), GIRSEF (Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Socialisation, l’Education, et la Formation) |
French |
French |
Violence among children: what should we know about that |
Metodi Koralov, school psychologist and doctor of psychological sciences |
Bulgarian |
English |
Violence and schools |
June Kane |
Greek |
Greek |
Violence at school |
E.c.j.s of the 1st L |
French |
English |
Violence at school |
French |
English |
Violence at school : a global challenge |
Eric Debarbieux |
French |
English |
Violence at school : international tendencies of research in sociology |
Cécile Carra and Daniel Faggianelli |
French |
English |
Violence at school and gender :girls, victims or aggressor ? |
Catherine Blaya, Eric Debarbieux,Stéphanie Rubi
French |
English |
Violence at school in French Community : the researcher’s look |
UCL (Catholic University of Louvain), GIRSEF (Interdisciplinary Group for the Research on Education and Training Socialisation) |
French |
English |
Violence in Bulgarian schools |
Interviewer – prof. Stefka Sukmandjieva
Interviewee – d-r Igov, psychologist
Bulgarian |
English |
Violence in school. Definition and causes of the phenomenon. The importance of prevention. |
Konstantinou Evangelos |
Greek |
English |
Violence is not coolness |
Victoria Prekate, Anna Makridou, Maria Tsiliakou, Orestis Giotakos |
Greek |
English |
Violence prevention and conflict resolution. |
I. Fernández. |
Spanish |
English |
Violence scolaire. A quels niveaux agir ? |
Christophe Desagher, Johanna de Villers, avec la participation de Julie Martine |
French |
French |
Violence with children – reasons and consequences |
Irina Hristova Tsvetanova |
Bulgarian |
English |
Violences à l’école : tendances internationales de la recherche en sociologie |
Cécile Carra et Daniel Faggianelli
French |
French |
Violences entre élèves, harcèlement et brutalités, les faits, les solutions
Dan Olweus
Ouvrage traduit en 1999 par Marie-Hélène Hamen sous le titre : « Violences entre élèves, harcèlement et brutalités, les faits, les solutions »
ESF éditeur
French |
French |
Violencia entre compañeros en la escuela. |
Á. Serrano e I. Iborra |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violencia entre escolares. Conceptos y etiquetas verbales que definen el fenómeno del maltrato entre iguales. |
R. Ortega, R. Del Rey y J. A. Mora-Merchán.
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violencia escolar: Claves para comprenderla y afrontarla. |
R. Del Rey y R. Ortega. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violencia escolar: El maltrato entre iguales en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (1999-2006). |
Defensor del pueblo |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violencia escolar: Mito o realidad. |
R. Ortega y J. A. Mora-Merchán |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violencia escolar. Su presencia en institutos de Educación Secundaria de Andalucía. |
R. Ortega y J. C. Angulo. |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Violența în școală |
Debarbieux Eric, tradusă de Antoniu Irinel |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală |
Debarbieux Eric, translated by Antoniu Irinel |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școală |
Florentina Anghel, Magdalena Balica, Ciprian Fartușnic, Irina Horga, Mihaela Ionescu, Mihaela Jigău, Aurora Liiceanu, Andreea Măruțescu, Doina Săucan, Lucian Voinea |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală |
Florentina Anghel, Magdalena Balica, Ciprian Fartușnic, Irina Horga, Mihaela Ionescu, Mihaela Jigău, Aurora Liiceanu, Andreea Măruțescu, Doina Săucan, Lucian Voinea |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școală |
Mihaela-Theodora Popescu |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală – Metode de prevenire |
Aurelia Nae |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală – Metode de prevenire |
Aurelia Nae |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școală. Agresivitate în rândul elevilor |
Daniela Chira, Marinela Predoi, Laura Purcărea, Ana-Irina Saftiu, Marian Ilie |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală. Agresivitate în rândul elevilor |
Daniela Chira, Marinela Predoi, Laura Purcărea, Ana-Irina Saftiu, Marian Ilie |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școală. Măsuri de combatere |
Zota Maria Magdalena |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școală. Măsuri de combatere |
Zota Maria Magdalena |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școli, greu de stopat |
Roxana Neagu, Sinziana Filimon |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școli, greu de stopat |
Roxana Neagu, Sinziana Filimon |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școli, negată de factorii responsabili |
Laura Petruț |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școli, negată de factorii responsabili |
Laura Petruț |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în școli, o formă de violență modernă! |
Thomas Csinta |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în școli, o formă de violență modernă! |
Thomas Csinta |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în mediul școlar |
Mihai Bolintiniș, Alina Isac |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în mediul școlar |
Mihai Bolintiniș, Alina Isac |
Romanian |
English |
Violența în mediul școlar |
Colegiul Național „Titu Maiorescu” Aiud |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența în mediul școlar |
Colegiul Național „Titu Maiorescu” Aiud |
Romanian |
English |
Violența școlară |
Iuliana Rădoi |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența școlară |
Iuliana Rădoi |
Romanian |
English |
Violența școlară. Factori de risc în adolescență |
Ilie - Bologa Lia |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența școlară. Factori de risc în adolescență |
Ilie - Bologa Lia |
Romanian |
English |
Violența naște violență |
Ana Muntean |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violența naște violență |
Ana Muntean |
Romanian |
English |
Violent behavior in children and adolescents : Risk factors |
S. Kotsopoulos |
Greek |
English |
Violenta in scoala |
Mihaela-Theodora Popescu |
Romanian |
English |
Violenta in scoli |
Revista22 |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Violenta in scoli |
Revista22 |
Romanian |
English |
Volevano uccidere la mia anima |
Cappelletti M. |
Italian |
Italian |
Watch out! There is aggressiveness and bullying among teenagers |
Lazzarin M.G. |
Italian |
English |
Website about school violence |
Collège de Vevey (Switzerland) |
French |
English |
What a violence? Why? And why does the school face it with difficulty? |
Philippe SCHMETZ – 9th November 2007
French |
English |
What does the whole school approach (WSA) stand for? |
Johan Deklerck and Gie Deboutte |
Bulgarian |
English |
What is violence and how is it formed |
Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior |
Bulgarian |
English |
When a child does not behave properly |
Stefa Grigalevičienė |
English |
English |
When a physical uneasiness is the cause for bullying around |
Duse M. |
Italian |
English |
When violence invites itself at school |
Julie Gillet |
French |
English |
Where to go when the child is bullied at school? |
Lithuanian |
English |
Which Way Now? - A Progress Report on Action Against Bullying in Scottish Schools |
Andrew Mellor |
English |
English |
Why are teenagers violent? |
Regional Inspectorate for Protection and Control of Public Health |
Bulgarian |
English |
Why do children bully? |
Svajūnė Marcinkevičienė |
Lithuanian |
English |
Why does school violence occurs and how to prevent it?. |
MªJ. Díaz Aguado. |
Spanish |
English |
Work with problematic children in the class room |
Doc. D-r Ivan Petkov Ivanov |
Bulgarian |
English |
Young people and bullying, victims and offenders |
Report issued in the website of the observatory on the policy about bullying |
Italian |
English |
Zickenkrieg im Internet. Geh dich aufhängen!
Carola Padtberg |
German |
English |
Zickenkrieg im Internet. Geh dich aufhängen! |
Carola Padtberg |
German |
German |
Zoff in der Schule. Tipps gegen Mobbing und Gewalt |
Kristin Holighaus |
German |
German |
Zoff in der Schule. Tipps gegen Mobbing und Gewalt |
Kristin Holighaus |
German |
English |
Zum Umgang mit Bullying und Cyberbullying in der Schule. Eine Handreichung für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer im Bundesland Bremen |
Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Herbert Scheithauer, Detlef Braun
German |
German |
Zum Umgang mit Bullying und Cyberbullying in der Schule. Eine Handreichung für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer im Bundesland Bremen |
Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Herbert Scheithauer, Detlef Braun
German |
English |
Zwischen „Bullying“ und „Rough and Tumble Play“ |
Hans Oswald |
German |
German |
Zwischen „Bullying“ und „Rough and Tumble Play“ |
Hans Oswald |
German |
English |