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Be-Prox – Berne Programme against violence in kindergarten and schools
Violence and bullying in kindergarten, Violence and bullying in schools
National Project
Teachers of kindergarten and schools (elementary level)
Alsaker Group for Prevention, University of Berne
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
Basis of the program are the definition of bullying, types and frequency of bullying, bullying roles (bystanders, victims, bullies, crossover) and characteristics of group dynamics. Among other things, the following issues are addressed and implemented:
- Learn to look = early recognition
- Bullying as a central theme in the class
- Discuss/introduce/establish agreements and contracts with the children
- Practice civil courage
- Learn to say stop and go for help
- Introduction of positive and interesting activities for all
- Maintain contact with parents
The aim is to strengthen the capacity and confidence in the bullying issue with the teachers.
The transmission of knowledge about bullying and the development and discussion of concrete strategies against bullying are at Be-Prox in the foreground. The central issues and principles are:
- Respect and acceptance
- Clear and open communication
- Civil courage and physical awareness
In eight meetings with the teachers following topics developed:
- Session 1: awareness of the issue of bullying
- Session 2: The importance of boundaries and rules for children
- Session 3: myths and stereotypes in relation to perpetrators and victims
- Session 4: Role and responsibilities of the audience
- Sessions 5 to 8: significance of motoric activity, promoting empathy, reflection
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Help-line/counseling, Disciplinary methods, Classroom management, Teacher training, Classroom rules, Whole-school anti-bullying policy, Information for parents, Peer support.
In the study "Bullying in kindergarten: Formation and Prevention" the effect of the "Be-Prox" checked in kindergarten. A comprehensive survey of the children, kindergarteners and the parents was conducted using questionnaires and interviews. A total of about 1,000 children from 60 kindergartens were involved in the study. Approximately half of the kindergartens the prevention program was conducted, the other half served as a comparison group. The surveys found within one year before and after the intervention take place. A third survey was followed by a year or two later.
The results show that the acceptance was high for the prevention program among the teachers. The teachers in the intervention group reported more confidence in dealing with bullying situations. Compared to children in the comparison group, the children gave of the prevention kindergartens showed more appropriate reactions to bullying at the end of the school year. Most children were aware that bullying is hurtful and unfair. The findings of the evaluation of Be-Prox in kindergarten indicate a positive impact of the program. Further evaluation studies (especially in schools) would be desirable to confirm the results.
This summary was created by the Technical University of Dresden in collaboration with the BGAG - Institute for Work and Health of the German accident insurance, Dresden.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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