"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Constance Training Model (KTM)
Teacher training
National Project
Teachers and educators
For example:
-Institut für Friedenspädagogik Tübingen e.V.
- Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Abt. 7 Schule und Bildung
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
The aim of the KTM is a better handling of aggression in the classroom by teachers by extending their scope of action and encouraging their social skills. Cooperative manners and school well-being should be achieved both for students and teachers. Existing subjective theories of the teacher about the aggression and interference problems are a starting point for dealing with problematic situations in the classroom. Classroom disruptions, aggression and violence are interaction problems. Therefore, the communication ability of teachers should be improved to prevent aggression in the classroom.
A special feature of the KTM is the collaboration of two teachers of the same school within the meaning of a tandem design. The team partners take each other on some lessons and reflect critical situations in order to then develop appropriate strategies and alternatives by using a KTM folder. These are directly tested and evaluated for effects in the classroom in collaboration with the team partners.
The model does not provide instructions on how to proceed be specific incidents. There are methods to evaluate their own behavior set, giving rise to opportunities for action in conflict situations. Various approaches are available to the teachers:
- Encounter undesired behavior (directly intervene in aggressive situations)
- Reduce negative incentives (offering aggressive starting points)
- Provide positive incentives (to encourage learning, mutual empathy)
- Change your own attitude and personal reviews
- Desired (cooperate, communicate appropriate) to promote behavior
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Classroom management, Teacher training, Classroom rules, Cooperative group work.
The KTM has been methodically evaluated appropriately using a pretest-posttest comparison group plan with interview and observation methods (Tennstädt and Then, 1987). In contrast to the control group that had gone through an alternative course, in the class with the KTM teachers a significant reduction of disturbance and aggression level could be reached.
KTM teachers felt competent in dealing with aggression and violence, and had more confidence. Therefore, they intervened in conflict situations more often and spent less on punitive measures. Overall, there was an improvement of the climate and the climate in the teaching staff. A review of long-term impact of the program is still pending.
This summary was created by the Technical University of Dresden in collaboration with the BGAG - Institute for Work and Health of the German accident insurance, Dresden.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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