"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Study regarding aggressive manifestation in the school environment in the county of Galați
Aggression in schools
Parents, teachers, young people
Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Galați
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
This research aims to identify the view of students, parents and teachers on the dimensions of violent events in schools.
Other aims are: identify the preferred means of conflict resolution and the main modes of action in case of aggressive behavior, identify frequency of prevention activities conducted in school and the identification of forms of aggressive behavior at school and their main causes.
As the level at which aggressive behaviors are manifested, most respondents feel that the pupil to pupil is the most common one. Share responses of teachers (51.9%) reveals that they think that the causes of aggression can be found in the family (strained family relationships). With a similar proportion of responses (40%) we find imitative behavior, poor communication, group of friends and low levels of education. From the perspective of parents, about 70% believe that heredity and alcohol and drugs are the main causes of aggressive behavior. There are parents (30%) who consider that an aggressive behavior manifests itself in the discrepancy between the demands - expectations - real needs and opportunities and lack of effective conflict resolution strategies. Parents prove that they do not have sufficient knowledge and skills of conflict resolution.
Information for parents, Peer support.
This good practice case is in fact a a research conducted at school level in the county of Galați. The main focus of this research is the phenomenon of school violence. The are many things highlighted in this research but the the main role remains an informative one. pages
Cezar Vrinceanu
EuroEd Foundation
Projects Department Coordinator
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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