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The strategy of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports on reducing the phenomenon of violence in schools
Strategy of preventing school violence
Policy makers, teachers, researchers, school directors
The General Management Direction of Secondary Education
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
This document is the appendix to the MO no. 1409/29.06.2007 on approval of the Ministry of Education and Research on reducing the phenomenon of violence in schools.
The material is taken and adapted based on the study “Violence in schools” developed by the Institute of Education, work done and published with financial support of UNICEF in Romania.
The document has two main parts. The first part refers to the phenomenon of school violence following two main issues: the main forms and causes of violence in schools and arguments for the need to develop a national strategy for reducing violence in schools. The second part is structured in four parts, namely: Principles, actions and general recommendations to prevent and combat violence in schools; Role and functions of institutions within the educational system, related to reducing violence; The minimal operational plan that schools need to implement in order to reduce violence and finally the Annexes.
The most important thing is that this document defines the legislative framework in Romania regarding this phenomenon.
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Intervention protocol, Whole-school anti-bullying policy.
This document shows that there is a Ministry level alarm on the situation of violence in schools, and furthermore, that the first steps have been taken. The first steps refer to the degree of awareness relating this problem and the attempts to resolve the issues through the implementation of the desired actions.
The document itself has great value, especially in light of the fact that it can produce a notable change. pages
Andreea Cleminte
EuroEd Foundation
Project Assistant
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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