"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Let's expel violence
Violence in schools
Informative Campaign
Pupils, teachers
The County Police Inspectorate of Iasi
Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
Teachers and police representatives from Iasi have launched a campaign to try and reduce violence in the school environment. Under the motto "Let's expel violence" the campaign will be promoted in 69 schools in Iasi, carrying anti violence messages. The project has been launched Friday, the 6th of May, at Gheorghe Asachi school.
Not known.
Intensity children (20 h or more).
Existing data shows that school violence has a constant tendency to increase, reaching it's highest in the secondary and upper secondary education. In terms of distribution by sex, violence is most common for boys, reaching a maximum frequency around the age of 15 years. That is why police carry out prevention campaigns among adolescents. During the campaign, May-June, 69 schools will benefit from this campaign. pages
Bogdan Irimia
EuroEd Foundation
Project Assistant
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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