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Campaign “Let’s stop violence in school”
Parliament, students, violence, newspaper
school project
Students, teachers, experts
Students’ parliament at 2 English language school “Thomas Jefferson”, Sofia
Teachers, Young People.
During 2008 the students’ parliament declares combating school violence as a priority in its work. Its members decide to apply the principle “The drowning people’s problem is in the hands of the drowning people”. School campaign against aggression has been declared. The idea is for the students to be motivated to be intolerant towards and active in all cases of violence at school. This would mean that the bullies would be placed into the spot-light and lose anonymity, which would put an end to their feeling of impunity. Representatives of the different classes share different cases during the weekly gatherings of the parliament. Most often the participants in the conflicts are listened to and the members of the parliament enter the role of mediators. Consensus is reached at all times. Tens of cases are solved by the students’ parliament. Individual work with the more problematic students is conducted by the school pedagogic advisor – Mrs. Milanova.
As a result most of these students become interested to joint the self-government activities and the different campaigns. At the end of the school year as a part of the anti-violence campaign the students’ parliament together with the pedagogic advisor conducted an anonymous survey on the emotional background in the school, which covers the students from 8th till 11th class. The general indicator on average for the education system, on the topic “School violence”, is 74%. The results of the survey demonstrate a much lower value for the school – only 15%.
The school campaign was closed with a „round table”, to which are invited students from the two sides of the barricade – both those who have allowed themselves to bring justice to others and the victims. During the discussion all attendees offer solutions to the problem. The general opinion is that the violence prevention campaign should be continued until 2 ELS becomes a calm, safe and desirable place for both teachers and students.
An entire issue of the regular newspaper issued by the students’ parliament at 2 ELS “Thomas Jefferson”, Sofia, is dedicated on the topic of school violence and the measures for combating it.
Among the most important articles are:
- Good must be educated and defended (K. Milanova – pedagogic advisor)
- Round table on topic “Violence at school” (Ema Ruseva – 10е)
In addition to that as a result of the campaign most of the problematic students become interested in joining the self-government activities and the different campaigns organized by the students’ parliament.
Intervention protocol, Help-line/counseling, Cooperative group work.
A very useful practice – from youths to youths but with the support of the experts. The initiative for bringing the acts of violence and the bullies themselves into the light leads to curbing the demonstrations of violence at school, as well as to re-orientation of the so called problematic children towards positive activities and manifestations. pages
Information on all activities at the 2nd English language school “Thomas Jefferson” can be found at http://2els.com/.
Evaluations of the practice could be found among the news and comments published at the school web-site. The practice has not been evaluated by other external sources.
Miglena Molhova
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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