"I Am Not Scared" Project
Homepage > Database > Good Practies List > Good Practice Form
Zero abuse
Bullying, counselling, intervention, convivencia
Informative Campaign
Students, teachers and families
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
This program presents a series of guidelines to clarify what is bullying and how it can be approached from an educational perspective, providing assistance to identify bullying situations and to manage these behaviors from different levels of action: specific prevention (broadly assumed by the school community within the general framework of coexistence on the center), specific attention (to intervene directly with students and families involved on bullying situations) or specialized technical counseling and support more specific rehabilitative treatment.
Not provided
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Detection protocol, Intervention protocol, Help-line/counseling, Disciplinary methods, Classroom management.
Not provided pages
Va acompañado de tres guías resumen para alumnado, profesorado y alumnado.
Presenta un amplio listado de recursos sobre puntos de ayuda, programas específicos y páginas Web
No presenta
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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