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Bullying Involving Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Department for Children Schools and Families
Department for Children Schools and Families
Bullying, Special Educational Needs, Disabilities,
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
Defines Bullying, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The document is aimed at maintained schools(including maintained nursery schools), maintained special schools and Pupil Referral Units, although it is relevant to all types of school in England. Explains the legal duties relating to learners with SEN and Disabilities and what this means for Governors, Headteachers, Teachers, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and Support staff.
Advises on strategies for prevention e.g developing a whole school approach
This guidance was produced jointly by the Council for Disabled Children and Young Voice working in partnership with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, with input from a very wide group of contributors, such as schools, teachers, unions, specialist organisations (e.g. National Autistic Society) etc. It provides very comprehensive guidance to help deal with bullying of people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, who can quite often be bullying victims. There are sections on Prevention: Developing a whole-school approach to anti-bullying; Where and when does bullying occur?; Addressing a culture of discrimination; Planning and reviewing the policy – including learners with SEN and disabilities; Rewarding Positive behaviour; and Responding to Bullying - actions and afterward e.g sanctions; Different methods used in schools; Actions after bullying. There are also some useful resources such as journal articles and an appendix on 'Legal Duties and Guidance - what this means for your school'.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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