"I Am Not Scared" Project
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A National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland's Children and Young People
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government
Children's rights, policy, definition, approaches & resources, recording and monitoring,
Web Site
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Not relevant
This site is the national approach to anti-bullying developed by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Anti-Bullying Steering Group to communicate and promote a common vision and aims; and to make sure that work across all agencies and communities is consistently and coherently contributing to a holistic approach to anti-bullying in Scotland.
The Scottish Government's vision, as set out in the site is: "Every child and young person in Scotland will grow up free from bullying and will develop respectful, responsible and confident relationships with other children, young people and adults. Children and young people, and their parents or carers, will have the skills and resilience to prevent or respond to bullying. All children will expect help and know who can help them; while those adults working with them will follow a consistent and effective approach in dealing with and preventing bullying from early years onwards."
This approach includes:
1) a definition of bullying
2) vision for anti-bullying in Scotland;
3) aims
4) children's rights and legal framework
5) national policy framework
6) principles
7) policy development and implementation
8) strategies to prevent and tackle bullying - roles and
responsibilities of statutory organisations
9) further guidance and information on roles, contributions,
training, support and resources
This is an excellent site, which we found easy to use. There are many useful sections: What do we mean by bullying behaviour; Vision & Aims; Children's Rights and legal framework; National and local government policy framework; Policy Development and Impementation - this section includes a Policy statement, Definition, Expectations and communication, Approaches to preventing and dealing with bullying, Recording and monitoring, Implementation - responsibility for all; Statutory Roles and responsibilities; Annex A gives a very clear diagram showing the key sectors and their roles and contributions to anti-bullying in Scotland and we thought this could be used as a model for roles and contributions in a school. Annex B, the last section gives an excellent list of organisations and resources which can help. The document is also available in PDF format and there is a link on the web site.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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