"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Cyberbullying, parents, what is it, what to do, resources
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
Not relevant
This is a web site which is part of the 'Directgov (Public Services all in one place) site and the link is direct to the area on bullying. Useful sections give an introduction to Cyberbullying; Internet and e-mail bullying; Bullying on Social Networks; Bullying on mobile phones; Bullying at School; What to do about bullying; and, interestingly, a section on what to do if you are bullying someone and want to stop.
We thought this site, although a little 'lightweight', would be useful for the current generation of parents in particular to have some initial understanding of what is meant by Cyberbullying in all it's different forms. Although today's teenagers understand the technology, their parents often only have limited knowledge, particularly about how cyberbullying can occur and we feel this site could help to remedy that problem and help parents to give advice on how to keep safe and not be cyberbullied. The section on Internet and email bullying gives some interesting examples of how people can be bullied on line. Bullying isn't something that just happens in the real world and more and more teenagers are being bullied on line through social networking sites and the site gives examples of social networks and how to keep safe whilst using them. We felt the small section on 'If you are bullying someone' interesting but again a little lightweight.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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