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Racist Bullying
Department for Education
Department for Education
Racist bullying,
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
This advice for schools is the first in a suite of specialist guidance on countering prejudice-driven bullying in schools.The advice is designed for schools to dip in and out of as appropriate, and offers discussion topics and activities to stimulate debate and spark activity involving everyone in the school community. There are five sections:
1.'Introduction' includes a statement by the Minister for Schools Jacqui Smith, messages from young people, definitions of key terms, and acknowledgements to all who contributed.
2.'Responding to bullying' includes frequently asked questions and advice on dealing with incidents.
3.'Preventing bullying' includes starting points for whole-school evaluation, and notes on curriculum planning.
4.'Training' includes materials for in-service sessions and continuing professional development.
5.'Resources for teaching' includes links to many useful websites.
A good site/article with useful information and resources about racist bullying. In particular we liked the 'Preventing bullying' section where you will find a series of self-evaluation questions for your school, which make an ideal starting point to access the resource. The results of this evaluation, alongside those from behaviour audits and pupil surveys, can then be used to identify key strengths and areas of priority for development. The advice supports work in those areas, offering training materials, case studies and practical ideas.
Our main criticism of the site is that it is quite slow navigating around the pages but maybe this could be oversome by printing off the article - see the facility on page 1.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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