"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Prevenirea și combaterea violenței în școală
Magdalena Balica, Ciprian Fartușnic, Aurora Liiceanu, Andreea Măruțescu, Doina Săucan, Lucian Voinea
Alpha MDN
Prevention of violence, combating violence
Teachers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The Institute of Education Sciences and The National Institute of Criminology, in partnership with The Ministry of Education and Research and with financial support from UNICEF, conducted in Romania in January 2004 – April 2005 the project Violence in schools.
This guide has emerged as a result of the experience in the field of documentation and research regarding violence in schools and it is designed to assist head teachers and teachers who are interested in developing in their schools a culture of non-violence, based on a strategy that prevents its causes and sources.
As a result, this guide is intended to provide school directors and teachers: summary information on school violence issues, suggestions for developing a strategy for preventing and combating violence at school, adapted to the specific context in which it operates, the tools to identify sources and causes of school violence, suggestions for activities that can be developed within a strategy to prevent and combat violence issues, exercises and controversial topics to stimulate an effective communication between all stakeholders on the issue of school violence.
Some of the issues presented are not specific to all schools, as could many of the readers may find here many of the problems they face. School violence is a complex phenomenon with multiple causes and various ways of expression. It is more efficient to prevent an act of violence, rather than to intervene when it has already occurred.
Nonetheless, this guide is intended as a tool for reflection on school practices, visions about education and its role, on what may prove to be beneficial in communicating with pupils, parents, teachers or other members of the community.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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