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Homophobic bullying
Stonewall and Educational Action Challenging Homophobia(EACH)
Department for children, schools and families
Homophobic bullying, resources, advice,
Web Article
Teachers, School Directors, Governors.
21 - 100 pages
This guidance is split into three specific sections each of which provides school governors, headteachers, teachers and other school staff with information about how to prevent and respond to homophobic bullying. It is intended to be read in conjunction with
the Department for Children, Schools and Families’(DCSF) resources on bullying and behaviour, particularly Safe to Learn, and is to be used against the backdrop of a school's existing policies.
Each section is divided into 'Legal Framework; Recognition; Prevention; Responding and Monitoring.
The guidance is aimed at maintained schools (including maintained nursery schools), maintained special schools and Pupil Referral Units, though much of the good practice advice is relevant to all types of schools.
A well written article, which gives lots of good advice for the target readers of school governors, heads, teachers and other school staff. There is a good 'Executive summary' which clearly sets out the basics of the article and includes a useful list of 10 steps which can be taken to address homophobic bullying:-
Acknowledge and identify the problem of bullying; Develop policies which recognise the existence of homophobic bullying; Promote a positive social environment; Address staff training needs; Provide information and support for pupils; Include addressing bullying, including homophobic bullying, in curriculum planning; feel able to use outside expertise; Encourgage role models; Do not make assumptions; Celebrate achievements. There is also a useful section of seventeen 'frequently aaked questions' - complete with answers! e.g. 'I think a pupil may be gay. What should I do?' Finally the list of further resources and supporting organisations is very comprehensive.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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