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Bullying at school
Nicole Catheline, psychiatrist for children
Albin Michel
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
" One has insulted me, I am null, all is of my fault " : Lucas, 10 years, multiplies the appeals to rescue since he is victim of bullying at school. This banal story, thousands children daily live it under anxious eye of their parents, divided between guiltiness and helplessness. These violences touch also the "good students ". Through all these children, it is the school itself which is aimed. There is no harcelor side or victim side. A story, a context is hidden behind each fact which put in presence an attacker and attacked, but also there are some spectators more or less active. Strong of her experiment of pédopsychiatre, Nicole Catheline analyzes these complex processes and underlines the regulating part which the adults should play - parents or teachers. To live its schooling in safety is a basic right of the child: that supposes to supervise and punish, certainly, but also to listen the students, to help the parents and to set up suitable educational policies. We must work together to have a healthy school .
Interview of the author :
There is no identifying sign of a bullying situation, any abrupt change of attitude must wake up the attention of the parents.
I Am Not Scared Project
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