"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Help, support and guidance for victims, counselling,
Web Site
Parents, Young People.
Not relevant
Childline is the UK's free, confidential helpline/counselling service for children and young people (Adults who are worried about a child should contact the NSPCC Helpline):
Childline has bases around the UK, where trained volunteers are on hand to provide advice and support 24 hours a day. Children can get in touch in any of the following ways – whichever makes them feel most comfortable and in control - by phone or online.
The ChildLine site also features advice, creative tools, videos and games to help children express how they feel and give them the confidence to speak out. Information and support is also available by text on range of issues.
We have included this site because Childline is one of the relatively few resources aimed directly at young people who are bullying victims and which offers free, 24-hour, confidential counselling.
The site includes sections on cyber bullying - what is it; staying safe on line; how can I make it stop, what can I do if someone is bullying me through my mobile etc. There are also useful sections on general 'bullying' and 'bullying outside of school' with clear guidance on what can be done to help with these problems.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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