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Stonewall - The School Report - The experiences of young gay people in Britain's Schools
Ruth Hunt and Johan Jensen
Homophobic bullying, statistics,
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
Stonewall is a lesbian, gay and bisexual charity. The charity has undertaken research and this report is the result of their 2007 research. 'The School Report' found that almost two thirds of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people experience homophobic bullying in Britain's schools and 98 per cent hear phrases like 'That's so gay' or 'You're so gay'. The content of the report, as well as 'Key Statistical Findings' includes sections on 'What does homophobic bullying look like?; Who's doing the bullying?; Responses to homophobic bullying; The consequences for lesbian and gay pupils; What works well;
A copy of 'The School Report' is available to download through the Stonewall site but see also the PDF attached.
The report includes some interesting statistics and in particular we were disappointed to read that in almost 50% of the incidents where staff hear homophobic language, they fail to respond. Similarly over 60% of pupils never intervene when they hear homophobic language and in over 60% of incidents, nothing happens to the bully. The section on 'What works well' is interesting and clearly emphasises that schools which give a strong anti-discrimination message are the ones where lesbian and gay pupils are the most likely to feel safe.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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