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The Teacher's Report - Homophobic bullying in Britain's schools
April Guasp
Homophobic bullying, teacher's perspective, statistics
Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
This report gives the findings of a YouGov survey of 2043 teachers and non-teaching staff from primary and secondary schools across Great Britain. The survey asked staff about their experiences of homophobic bullying of pupils in their schools and the inclusion of sexual orientation issues in their classrooms. Eighty per cent of the respondents were teachers. Half of the respondents work in primary schools and half in secondary schools. Ninety per cent work in state schools and eight per cent work in independent or privateschools. Twenty three per cent of the respondents work in faith schools. Data has been weighted by school type and teaching / non-teaching staff.
As would be expected, the report contains large amounts of statistical information, summarised in the Key Findings section, from the teacher's perspective.
A good report with some very interesting findings, some of which, especially considering the report was written in 2009, were rather disappointing e.g. more than 94% of teachers have never received any training on how to tackle homophobic bullying. Clearly there needs to be much more work done before homophobia is treated the same way as racism is treated in schools.
The content of the report is well written, hard hitting and set out clearly for the reader in a relatively small number of pages (about 26 pages).
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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