"I Am Not Scared" Project
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The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government
Resources, information and advice, policies, cyberbullying,
Web Site
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
Respectme, is Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service and was launched in March 2007. They are funded by the Scottish Government and managed in partnership with SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health), and LGBT Youth Scotland.
Respectme is a useful site for all adults who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people to give them the practical skills and confidence to deal with bullying behaviour, wherever it occurs. There is also information and guidance for children and young people.
The site has a wide range of useful, practical information, advice and resources, covering everything from policies, advice to professionals and parents, cyberbullying, practical examples etc.
This is a site well worth visiting with a large amount of practical help and guidance. We particularly liked the section on 'Practice' which covers the need for an anti-bullying culture; practice (It is important to ensure that the ethos of the anti-bullying policy is embedded into day to day practices); response (If a child approaches you and says ‘Excuse me I am being bullied' what do you?); implementation of policy into practice; peer mediation (an excellent technique); spotlight on good practice.
There are a number of useful publications and some translations, into Bengali, Cantonese, Polish and Urdu. Please note in particular the booklet in the 'Publications' section 'Policy through to Practice - getting it right - see attached PDF.
In the resources section the 'library and resources' has almost 30 helpful reports, booklets and factsheets.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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