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Support characters to family and school: an immediate acknowledgment of the problem
Mele G.
Annali della Pubblica Istruzione
Family paediatrician – diagnosis - prevention program – abuse – guidelines -
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In this article it is stated that to be successful with young people the three main factors to consider are the following: school, family and their family pediatrician. These three institutions although having the same purpose follow different routes. All these institutions should work towards the same direction, above all schools and pediatricians in order to have common guidelines for prevention. In case of contrast and different opinions, these might be solved before the beginning of any campaign of social communication. An integration between school with its education program and the family pediatrician plays a fundamental role, because the pediatrician protects the child, treats him and makes a diagnosis and works out a prevention plan. The family pediatrician’s attitude and behaviour widely influence the family’s sanitary choices and consequently the children’s education. Therefore the family pediatrician can be entrusted with the execution of controls, recognizing possible abuses towards the child.
This article is very important because it stresses the importance of the role of family pediatricians, who should cooperate and work together with schools and families. As stated by Mr Giuseppe Mele, the pediatrician “plays a crucial role in the relationship with families and schools and he is able to recognize immediately the problem and eventual abuses suffered by children”. Every sanitary workers are subjected to a period of hard work that will include the attention to other main points such as meetings among the three main actors, the possibility to share the same formative strategies and periodic updating (an important aspect so that school and the family pediatrician can work together to avoid conflicts), the inspection of the requirements of hospitals, hospital equipment and emergency service aids as well as the creation of specific guidelines and the respect for principles and advice for the prevention of the phenomenon.
Don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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