"I Am Not Scared" Project
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I’m not scared. Stories of victims and bullies.
Battaglia A. (a cura di)
Franco Angeli
Adolescence rules – baby gang – neurosciences – juvenile crimes – equal responsibilities
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The book “I’m not scared. Stories of victims and of bullies” vol. I written by Adriana Battaglia and edited by Franco De Angeli, offers a complete analysis of the bullying phenomenon starting from the analysis of adolescence and the problems which happen in our society. The chapter titled “Adolescence and Identity” is very substantial and after the analysis of the Personal Construct Theory stated by Kelly, it focuses on the analysis of risks and of the group of peers. Mass-media events and the related influences on youth are stated there and the writer stresses the importance of those Institutions that constantly deal with adolescence rules, such as the ONU Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Europe de l’Enfance, Child on Europe together with the National Observatory for the Rights of Children and Adolescents. The chapter “Adolescent of the global village between technology and objects of worship” represents a good anthropological analysis that focuses on the relationship between adolescents and addictions. The group, the gang and the baby gang introduce the analysis of the bullying phenomenon to find out the social, familiar, psychological and medical causes. Thanks to the cooperation with the Juvenile Court in Milan in the book we can find tables and diagrams related to juvenile crimes with a proper analysis. The chapter dedicated to the neurosciences plays a crucial role because it focuses on the relationship between mind and brain, between adaptive skills and the influence of the environment. A medical research and experiment gave the writer the opportunity to speak about the importance of neurotransmitters and their relationship with aggressiveness. In the book we can find the final judgment about Francesco’s death, a student attending the first year of a Liceo who was killed by a classmate. It is the most serious event ever occurred in Italy. Besides the tips and strategies to defeat bullying, the writer stresses the importance of the Equal Responsibilities between school and families and of the need to have shared values because it is important to speak about the Community Benefits Agreement. A comment on the intervention strategies against bullying stated by the Italian Minister of Public Education is also included.
This book is destined to educators and social operators and it is important because it aims at facing the problem of aggressive behaviours using multidimensional approaches (educational, psychological and legal). This book stimulates the work on higher levels, on micro and macro levels that combine the socialization process with shared values. The preface of the book was written by Mr Gianfranco Rotondi, the Italian Minister of Platform Accomplishment. The book was presented during the International Book Fair in Turin and in 2009 it was celebrated for the great value in the psychological, social and educational contexts thanks to the valuable principles of social coexistence it contains.
Don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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