"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Inside bullying
Gallina M.A.
Franco Angeli
Faulty socialization process - mediator between society and family – comic therapy – media education – life skills
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
In the book there are activities that involve students attending the lower secondary school, such as the “social circus” and the comic therapy, strategies that can be successful for the development of a series of individual, social and school competences and skills. A media-education project addressed to a class concerning a new process of education and new media is also described. There is also a list of projects that stimulate specific life-skills and a series of other projects about cognitive, emotional and social situations and problem solving.
Thanks to this survey the writer wants to emphasize that bullying doesn’t consist only in a series of aberrant behaviours that reflect a lack in organization at school and in a threat of the quality of life of individuals and groups. It is above all the consequence of a faulty socialization process, which indicates the failure of an upbringing model deprived from responsibilities and that doesn’t enhance responsible attitudes. In the book, the relationship between inappropriate parental upbringing examples which are indifferent, aloof, either authoritarian or loose, and the feed-forward of bullying acts is evident. It is underlined that each teacher should at work overcome the role of teaching experts (in order to be considered a key element in the larger reality of the group, as mediator/intermediary between society and family, in the field of media media-education and in the critical analysis of the media-system, of mass communication and of the new-media. This book is particularly useful for teachers, educationalists and social operators.
Don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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