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Swearing as a demonstration of rudeness at school and on the street
Krassen Ferdinandov, child and family psychologist - consultant
Region “Oborishte” – Sofia Municipality
Swearing, school, rudeness, beating
psychoanalytical essay
Parents, Teachers, Researchers, Young People.
1 - 20 pages
The reviewed material is an interpretation of two very different cases of violence presented in an interesting manner. The first case happens in school, between two fellow students and the problem is a swearing including the object of the “mother” directed towards a boy whose mother has passed away recently a couple of months ago. This swearing is followed by an outburst of a strong negative reaction on behalf of the insulted one, which ends up with a strong beating of the insulting one. The boy who tried to protect the memory of his dead parent and to neutralize the insult is facing expulsion from the school on demand of the parents of the beaten student.
The second case is very different and mainly depicts oral violence – by means of swearing and dirty words – which happens within a family setting. As a result of won custody legal suit a mother has managed to take away two boys from their father, who lives and works in France, and returns them to live with her in Bulgaria with her parents (their grandparents). The mother is an alcoholic, who regularly torments her children and parents and against whom the grandmother has filed numerous claims. The older brother (16 years of age) also starts drinking because of his disappointment from his return to Bulgaria and as a reaction to the regular drinking outbursts and insults of his mother. The two children have the habit of locking themselves up in one of the rooms when their mother is in “that” state and tend to insult her with some songs and rhymes which they make up together.
The material is interesting with the fact that it presents the view point of a practitioner – a psychologist, who has put his effort into depicting quite thoroughly, in an almost engrossing manner, but also with surprisingly many spelling mistakes, two very different cases. The first case has seen a positive ending and solution, which actually worked out. The boy whose negativism breaks loose because of his grief due to the loss of his mother learns to suppress his reactions and to control himself, and he has even managed to achieve a relationship of friendship with the boy he has beaten up. The latter has understood how insulting and hurtful his words have been.
In connection with the second case though the psychologist has reached a dead end in his work with the bigger brother, because he strongly refuses to stop drinking while he lives in Bulgaria with his mother. The only solution for him would be to go back to France and to all the friends he has left there. The continuation of his life with the alcoholic mother urges him to continue drinking hard liquor despite his tender age.
Like we said before this material is almost engrossing and would probably be most useful and interesting for some of the author’s colleagues.
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