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Methodology for extra-curricular informal education under project “Prevention of violence in schools – Civil partnership and control, stimulating democracy in society”
Trifon Pavlov – psychologist
Georgi Hristov
Andrey Bujnitskij
Tilko Tilev, doctor of juridical sciences
Krasimir Vasilev – martial arts instructor
Association “Lumena”
Methodology, self-defense, Internet, law, psychology
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The reviewed material includes several methodologies – methodology for training under module PSYCHOLOGY, methodology for training under module MULTICULTURAL TOLERANCE, methodology for training under module SAFE INTERNET, methodology for training under module BASIC LEGAL KNOWLEDGE and methodology for training under module SELF-DEFENSE.
In relation with the first methodology the presentation starts with the observation that a tendency for intensification of aggressive and violent acts in Bulgarian schools is obvious and that this tendency is in concert with the global changes in the behavior of the young. A number of factors, which play a role for it and determine it are considered – a part of them are elements of the social environment, another part has historical roots, others have their roots in human psychology. Aggressive behavior on behalf of the children are closely related to the proneness to entering conflicts and the conditions, which give rise to conflicts within the social environment.
The global reasons, arising from the principles of existence of the contemporary homo sapiens, are: conditions and factors for development of the biological and social human being; and conditions and factors of the social environment, in which lives the biological and social human being.
A greater interest according to the author goes to the specific reasons for the appearance and development of aggressive and violent youth behavioral forms, which are multiple: geographical, ethnic, social, urban, demographic, problems of the group/pack, family problems, seasonal problems, meteorological problems, historical problems and others.
This methodology goes through several steps – review of different sociological researches, presentation of the theoretical basis of the problem, aggression definitions, violence theories, types of aggression and ways for combating them, victimology, victimization, victim behavior, the practice in the sphere of prevention and combating the violence in Bulgarian schools.
As far as the second methodology is concerned the focus is maliciousness due to cultural differences. The methodology goes through a number of different topics, each of which is supported by several practical lessons.
The third methodology starts with an interesting made-up story depicting an electronic crisis in 2055 when the entire information is stored in the so called Network, which however becomes a victim of a hacker attack. The methodology as the previous one, goes through reviewing of different topics and proposing practical activities.
The fourth methodology summarizes and then discusses in details international and national legislative acts for child rights protection and specifying international standards for child protection.
The last methodology presents different ways, through which the child could protect itself from violence. Certain rules for safety and prevention are presented as well as techniques for self-defense.
The methodologies presented within this omnibus collection represent a wonderful package of theoretical and practical materials, which give both a basic general understanding of the problem “violence in school” as well as many practical suggestions for its prevention and resolution.
The first methodology considers the grounds of the problem violence and aggression, the search for its roots and reasons, and finding these reasons is a very important step towards their resolution or at least educated awareness. The methodology for multicultural tolerance takes into consideration a very important for the contemporary global society problem, which despite the multiple efforts for its overcoming and the special attention, which is paid to it, even on a common EU level, is still on the agenda. The second methodology focuses the attention to the virtual reality, which takes up a greater and more important position within the everyday life of the contemporary human being and which requires careful and informed using of the possibilities of this environment. The methodology, which provides basic legal skills and knowledge is useful because it presents the legal side of the issue and proper understanding of the legal points of view and the possibilities for protection and prevention. The last methodology gives an answer to one of the standard and most ancient methods for violence and aggression, namely the physical ones. Self-defense skills on behalf of the children are an important factor for increasing their safety and neutralizing a large number of acts of violence, in which a response reaction from the violated is not expected or foreseen.
N.B. The file is available in pdf format, however its size is greater than the maximum allowed for upload. Upon request it can be sent via email.
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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