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Legal and psychological education of school violence prevention as a paradigm
Rolandas Bulotas, Valentina Bereznaja-Demidenko
Jonava district Social service center
Education of the law, procedural therapy, violence prevention and intervention.
Parents, Young People.
1 - 20 pages
This practical article analyses the aspects of legal and psychological education at school as a violence prevention paradigm. While the violence issues have soared at Lithuania’s school, new, not just theoretical but practical methods are needed. The conference presents a new psychological and theoretical educational method, which is funded by the Ministry of Social Security, Jonava Social Services Centre and Youth School project in practice. The underlying data of the effectiveness of methods, violence prevention and intervention phases, the expected results are presented.
The article described Jonava Youth School for a complex program of violence and bullying problems and their solutions to issues. It is noted that the violence - a multi-faceted, psycho-social, educational and legal basis of a phenomenon. Jonava Youth School is applying complex of violence and bullying program. Key aspects of the program - procedural and psychological therapy and legal education. In many foreign countries in such a complex program of assistance has become an effective violence and bullying prevention and intervention approach.
10 Legal and psychological education of school violence prevention as a paradigm.pdf
Kaunas university of technology
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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