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Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung
Wilhelm Heitmeyer, John Hagan (Editors)
Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag 2002
Violence in schools, Bullying, International research
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers.
Over 100 pages
This book gives an overview about the most important research results of the research on violence at international level. Overall, the manual consists of 62 components related to different aspects of violence research. These articles are mostly written from a sociological or social psychological perspective.
In addition to summaries of the German research on violence the reader gets a well-funded understanding of theories, perspectives and findings of research on violence in North America and Great Britain. Overall, authors from 10 different countries are represented in this paper. Most of the contributions provide authors from the U.S. and Germany together with authors from the UK and Canada. In addition there are articles from Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Norway and Israel. This volume provides all people who are interested in the subject a detailed summary of the international state of research.
The individual contributions follow a uniform structure, which the individual authors follow more or less. Except for concepts, theoretical principles and positions, all articles present empirical findings, and preventive approaches and programs. The sections on prevention and intervention strategies are due to lack of research and evaluation in some countries often kept shorter and less literature is provided as in the broader detailed theoretical and empirical sections.
All in all, this manual is a successful presentation of international research on violence and provides an excellent basis for international discussions and comparisons.
In addition to an English edition, the manual is also available in German.
This book not only provides a comprehensive overview of the German research on violence, but also an overview of a number of international findings. This offers the possibility of cross-national analysis of individual research traditions and current research situations. The most theoretically and empirically oriented articles allow international comparisons of different data collection and analysis methods.
I Am Not Scared Project
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