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Bullying unter Schülern: Erscheinungsformen, Risikobedingungen und Interventionskonzepte
Herbert Scheithauer, Tobias Hayer, Franz Petermann
Göttingen: Hogrefe 2003
Bullying, Typology of victims and perpetrators, Prevention, Intervention
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The authors Scheithauer, Hayer and Petermann deal extensively and in detail with the phenomenon of “mobbing” in school. The authors did pass aware on the concept of "mobbing" and order it instead to social processes in the working world.
The term "bullying" emphasizes the unique character of the school context and the social processes taking place in it in contrast to the world of work.
The book is structured excellent and gives the reader a quick overview of and different perspectives on the bullying issue. Extremely helpful are the brief summaries of the main results at the end of each chapter.
Initially, the authors explain the necessary concepts and define bullying from other aggressive phenomena. Next are the various forms of bullying.
There are in addition to detailed national also international studies on frequency of occurrence of bullying. Furthermore gender-specific and age differences were worked out and presented in detail. This is followed by a discussion of possible effects of bullying. A highly differentiated display is given about personal, family and school-structural risks that can cause bullying.
The authors also name expertly the respective advantages and disadvantages of different survey methods and their age-specific fields of application. Attention is drawn to important issues that should be considered in future studies.
In Chapter 10 the most comprehensive of the entire book, several actions against bullying are classified. A range of national and international prevention programs and intervention strategies at various levels is given (bullies, victims, students, classes, and school-related). These programs and strategies are exemplified and its effectiveness and implementation are discussed. This chapter is particularly informative and helpful for teachers and school staff.
In summary, the book offers a well-structured and comprehensive description
and commentary on national and international study findings. At the same time it offers teachers a wealth of information and approaches to solution about bullying.
This volume is devoted exclusively to the bullying issue. All relevant issues are summarizes and discussed. The detailed definition of the term bullying to other aggressive acts in section 2 and the detailed explanations and classifications of various preventive measures and intervening in Chapter 10 must be highlighted. With this book the authors provide a fundamental work relevant for both research and practice.
I Am Not Scared Project
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