"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Jugendforschung: Forschung über Gewalt an Schulen. Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen, Konzepte und Prävention
Heinz Günter Holtappels, Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Wolfgang Melzer, Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann
Weinheim: Juventa 2009
Violence in schools, Bullying, Survey methods, Prevention, Intervention
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
Since the subject of school violence in recent years has moved in the focus of attention to the public, this research group has joined to share their experiences and created a structured description of the current situation according to themes and authors.
This collection takes stock of the current state of research in the field of school violence. It's about giving an overview of the findings to the various manifestations, conditions and prevention and intervention approaches and discussing issues of theory and survey methodology.
This edition presented in individual articles is giving an outline of the current research activities. Therefore in some places repetitions and overlaps are occurring. The articles are varying in quality. Some provide valuable insights into studies and others provide their own results and interpretations.
This book is helpful especially for more precise information on specific areas on the subject of violence in schools, but is suitable both as a first constitution of knowledge due to the large range of content-specific aspects to research. For example, this collection includes a consideration of the different perceptions of violence of the individual school groups, such as teachers, pupils, school heads. In addition to an East-West comparison, the authors of this book deal with an analysis of violence by German and foreign students. Furthermore, there will be a detailed discussion of offender-victim problems.
A major strength of this book is the detailed examination of the areas of prevention and intervention, which is especially of relevance for all interested parties with a practical orientation.
Through a wealth of public debates and reports in the recent years, the general public perception of violence among children and young emerged that violent actions are an everyday problem at German schools. By dramatising media reports of sensational cases arose the suspicion of violence would have risen in recent years and the brutality of violent acts in schools had increased. This book is addicted to such common sense psychological theories and tries to contrast with a detailed analysis of the causal factors, symptoms and prevention and intervention strategies and thus present the public a serious research situation.
This book shows the efforts of educational research to tackle on school violence. The authors represent different empirical research designs and critically deal with methodological differences and conceptual differences.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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