"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Quälgeister und ihre Opfer. Mobbing unter Kindern – und wie man damit umgeht
Françoise D. Alsaker
Bern: Verlag Hans Huber 2004
Bullying, Bullying in primary school, Bernese prevention programme
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This book is the first one that deals with the phenomenon of bullying both at school as well in preschool. At the same time it provides specific actionable strategies for prevention.
The book is aimed at researchers and interested professionals who work together with children and young people and who want to prevent or take active action against bullying. This work also provides parents a good insight in this research field and its features, as it is formulated in a very understandable and non-scientific way. By contrast, assistance is given to analyze and assess properly the behaviors of their own child.
Extremely helpful are the short summaries with key information and main results at the end of each section.
At the beginning, the focus is on the main characteristics of the different forms and the coverage of bullying. To this end, results from international research are shown and also two new studies on Bulling among children and adolescents between five and sixteen years are presented.
The author succeeds in an elegant way to combine the results of research with practice. The Author devotes a section to the Bernese violence prevention program in kindergartens and at school (Be-Prox). The reader is given specific recommendations for implementation to a program that is proved in practice successfully for years.
This book is a novelty because it deals first with the phenomenon of bullying both at school as well in preschool. In addition a proven prevention program and specific implementation recommendations are provided very detailed and understandable for different target groups.
The author calls this book to educators, professionals and parents to raise their children for any form of violence and to clarify possible effects on aggressive behavior.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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