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Good practices of secondary education school units regarding prevention and tackling of bulling among students.
Michalis Kontogiannis
Ministry of Education
Ministry, bullying, policy
Legislative document
Teachers, School Directors, all levels of education supervisors.
1 - 20 pages
What this article proposes is some good practices to deal with bullying. Those practices are proposed by the independent authority “Children’s Ombudsman” and adopted by the Ministry of Education. They have been sent to all levels of education supervisors and summarize to the following: 1) Dialogue and communication promoted by the director and school teachers, 2)Student Council used to let the students express their opinions, 3)Teachers’ and student’s shall encouragement to bring up bullying incidents against him, 4)Discussions held on what bullying is and how it can be prevented, 5)Meetings of specialists and those involved to any incidents following each bullying incident, 6) Punishment when it is pedagogically recommended, 7) Students encouragement to participate via groups of friendship as mediators to the resolving of bullying issues, 8) Promotion of voluntary groups which create bonds among the students (such as newspaper, magazine, sport groups, etc.), 9) Close Communication with the parents so they can be aware of their children’s evolution and support them, 10) Events which involve the school unit as a whole and promote the idea of peace as a way of solving problems.
This direction of the ministry of education towards all levels of education supervisors is valuable as it is current and has not resulted from the initiative of the ministry itself. The independent authority “Children’s Ombudsman” during visiting several secondary education school units has recorded bullying as an existent problem and has diagnosed that school units may resolve this issue themselves. What the independent authority has resumed and the ministry of education adopts to form a policy against bullying summarizes to basic principles met in several other reports. The importance of this direction is that it is an official recognition of the problem and a first attempt to form a central policy against bullying. Thus, it is an official statement that the problem exists and was so far underestimated. What it further implies is that a lot of work is to be done to form a more concrete policy against bullying, one that is not restricted to generalities, even if that first direction was a step of great importance to be taken.
I Am Not Scared Project
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